Aug 11, 2004 14:07
fly me to the moon.
we can leave your headaches behind.
we can leave your mother behind.
we can sleep in late.
we can kiss without random girls saying 'ew gross' in new rochelle gas stations.
we can turn off all the noise so i can listen to your heartbeat.
-i'm worried for jose at the doctor. he's been getting bad headaches and i hope he's ok.
-i was thinking about my mother before. that's never good.
-ali's sleeping over tonight(!!). there will be mad dressing-up.
-i want to make stir fry but i don't feel like going to the grocery.
-salvation army tomorrow!! yay for new clothes.
i hide
in lists
under covers
from reality
too often
my tears
i love
doctor pepper.
waking up early
going to sleep late
getting exercize
my big sunglasses that becca took.
being immersed in the thought of him, in the scent of him, in his body, in his mind, in his arms, in his soul, in fucking love.