(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 11:45

"Please hold, your call is being transfered to an automated voice mail system.."

If i have to hear that one more time :(

Okay so, i've been walking around since i got outa the shower, in a frantic.. no need for details, but i decided to post some pictures and tell you about easter a bit..

because i'm probably not going to post pics for a while??
it's useless.. and not worth it.

Plus lj sucks.

My easter was great.
brent got me at five in the morning, we went back to his house and slept untill 10:30.. then i got ready and he lied in bed, and we started wrestling with his brother and sister, soo cute.
i had a blast. seriously.
their adorable.<3
then after FOREVER! we finally layed down and relaxed, help make deviled eggs, and then ATE! =D
Dinner was good :) :)
then we had desert.. and layed down to watch Alice in wonderland.. because i had never seen it.
but i saw most of it.
then I had to go.
it was tons more fun than it seems, i just don't like to post in this thing much.

Today we went thrifting for his court outfit.. i have a pic. it's hott.
Then we came back here... la de da.
I went tanning and he went to work.
I miss him to much.
But i sure do hope my tanning starts to work.


some pics are from the other day, saturday when I gave my cat a bath. aww.

so that was my whole rat cat's bath

he was having a real good hair day. the last ones my fav<33

His kitty

His sisterrrr


I love us.<33

His brotherr

us fighting/wrestling. aw

His court outfit. i love it <33 ipicked out the hat.
the last pic he started closing his eyes in the middle of the pic. aw <3

well g2g.

i have tons to do.. and a certain somone i HAVE to get a hold of.
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