What's becoming

Apr 28, 2006 22:03

♥ Send our men & women home, send them home please. Things aren't getting better, I truly believe they aren't. I don't want to be totally biased, but I can't help but feel a little bit of hatred and feel that there is true evil. We want to be the good guys but we can't be, we're up against something great and we're up against something that's not going to cease through violence, and I'm not sure if it can be ceased through negotiation either. It's hatred, but it's hatred from ignorance, it's hatred conceived through religious principles and through notions of power. And those...aren't easily defeated, I don't want to say they can't be defeated, because in humanity, the only way we can function amidst strife and conflict is to keep a shred of optimism to keep us hanging on. There's a group of people out there that have let hatred consume their being and dictate their ideologies and their actions and even their perceptions of death and undeath, and there are people like that not too far away. I have a hope for the American people, when I was a little more naive, actually just last year, I went around saying "I hate America, America is such an awful country, blah blah blah." But you know what, through history, yeah we've made mistakes, but there have been some really great things we've done and we have so much potential, so much opportunity to do good , we've gotten cocky and we haven't quite figured out how to do that yet without interior motives, PR purposes, or tactfully. See, the problem is, when we set out to help another country, we go into it with this "Big Brother syndrome" and we go in thinking we're better than everyone else. You can't successfully help someone if you regard them as lesser than you, you gotta see them on an equal standpoint. Our country's better than what's going on overseas now that we've quicksanded ourselves into, humanity's better than that. Are humans inherently selfish? We're inherently self-absorbed and self-reliant and I think that in the most basic, primal habitat, like Lord of the Flies climate, yeah you'd be wanting the extra resources for yourself, you'd want to be the last one to be eaten, you'd want the most space before the fire at night. And in business, people can be incredibly selfish, with material entities people are. But I think that part of what distinguishes us from animals (I'm sure someone will get pissed off at me here) is our extensive emotional capability and our minds, how much we can do with them. If only we weren't as corrupted, if only we all had the spirit and vigor of the youth, as well as the optimism.
So a hard goal, but maybe just maybe, try not to think worse of humanity as you age, but think better of humanity as you age.
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