WOW... thats about all I can really say.. WOW. Dragon-Con this year was even better then last year. And that is for Flippin Fraken Effin sure! Last year was year one and it was just a total "wander around like starry eye'd boy and the wonders" I felt like Jack Skelington singing when he found Christmas town!
This year was different. I had some idea what to expect, and it was there. This year I actually got to keep my head on my shoulders and talked to people instead of just gawk. I made alot of new friends (hence my vow to keep livejournal updated at least once a week).
For those of you that don't know I went as Prof. Snape, and I want to thank everyone that suggested I go as Snape since I already have the Death Eater tatoo on my arm. I have to say that the costume was a HIT!! Thank you Amanda and John for crafting the Jacket, and Rogena for doin my hair! Oh and to Tom for doing such great work on the TAT.
Now photo's, shit i've got alot of them, I just croped out those unworthy or non appropriate for uploading and i'm left with about 440. Thankfully I found a program that will do drag and click uploads to photobucket so that's meta sweet.
Man I have to say again dragon con was very awesome and I look forward to all the fun (and all the ladies next year.. ::grin:: )
Well it's about time to go to dinner.. I'll let you all know once the photos are all up!
well I've added them!!
here are my ... Snape Shots!! (yeah it's bad.. but its funny.. in a 'tarded kind of way)