Mar 17, 2005 11:14
So here we are again at one of this ol' ethnic holidays. Everyones pretends to be a potatoe eating Mic for a day, drinks guiness and eats ... ummm.... well whatever they usually eat. I mean honestly Irish food aint that great. But I don't know what I'm doing tonight. I'll probly clean up some and take back that game I rented last week to blockbuster. If anyones doing something I'll probly join in. Eh who knows.
Well dear Sarah is leaving again... of to the Beltway and her "Dreamy Ben".. lol. I'll miss her. I ran a game last night and it was fun to have her around. And it was a fun game, barely and dice rolled. Just some good'ol roleplaying and my army of accents and voices. Even though Manda and Adam became incoherent half way through the night it was still sweet.
Damn Im Tired, Im sitting here with this high pichted turbine whine comeing from the little electic fish tank (that sounds so wrong) that my boss got me as a reward for picking the winning name for a Fish mascot (Hot lips Hula Fish). Which no one here knows I stole from the old Fish mascot of a company I used to work for. But on the bright side I have the instrumental theme from Sin City in my head, so thats pretty sweet.
Ok.. I'm outta shit to say for now... ttyl