Dec 20, 2012 02:24
This rant is about 'Vampire Knight' anime....
MAGORE SPOILERS!!! you has been warned ^_^
Now I know it's been out for ages, and tbh. I put it off cos I thought it was just another crappy Shojo story that would be boring with a dull teen angsty girl who I would just want to kill, and for her two love rivals to console each other instead. (lets face it, that's why we look at Shojo, then turn around and read yaoi ^_^)
So I've been putting off this popular anime for a looong time, till I thought sod it, and watched series 1.
I watched the whole series in one bloody sitting, till 5am in the morning. why? cos it was sodding good that's why.
The main girl wasn’t annoying, the plot was actually interesting and the romance seemed to really take a back seat, cos really she had more things occupying her time and energy... Zero for one (/goes all dreamy eyed)
I loved the interaction between Yuuki and Zero at first, they actually acted like siblings would, vaguely hating each other. it's rare you actually see such touchy feely interactions in any anime, so I was happy on that respect.
So anyhow. left on such a cliff hanger I dug out my old subs and watched the whole 2nd series...
and again, I was thorourely engrossed in the plot (even though there were some plot manga holes the anime fell into now and then) and everything was coasting along at a fast exiting clip... till everyone got separated and the time line got a bit screwed, but that's besides the point.
Right until episode 12... where my screams of happiness "Yes! go after Zero you dumb bitch! he loves you!" turned to screams of outrage "OMG! you are a sick incestuous bitch! what about Zero? you uncaring cow!"...
And my love of this anime died instantly >_<
Well, mostly because I was totally on Zero's side.
He got turned into a vampire, told he's gonna loose it and start killing people, constantly threatened with being killed, then he get's used as a tool to kill some other insane vampire, had to eat his own twin to do it. and STILL he doesnt get the girl! I mean WTF!
And what's he gonna do for food now she's fooked off? is he all better now? is he still gonna go mad? I mean seriously, what the hell?
I'm guessing the manga might sort out some of these answers, but now I'm not sure I can be bothered to even find out if that is how it ends >_<
"Yes, Yuuki, you go off with the guy who helped totally screw over your sudo-brother for the past four years then used him, lied to you, used you, then turns you, oww and PS: he's your brother... oh and he wants to practice incest with you... good luck girl, you're insane!"
So yes... not happy... though... /evil-grin... those bits between Zero and Kaname were kinda nice /happy-face
ok, rant over ^_^
anime reviews/rants