TORCHWOOD - Miracle Day (ep 10) review / angry rant

Sep 16, 2011 02:15


and I cant be ased doing a cut

PLEASE just tell me that the last 2 mins never fecking happened on this episode... PLEASE tell me it was some horrible fecking dream I had so I dont have to feel like I've just been cheated!!!

Please tell me Jack isnt a fecking vampire!!!

"Transfuse my bloood an lif forever!" nom nom nom


and here I was under the lovely impression that Jack was immortal by some lovely timey whiney type thing we could never hope to understand... No... it's just his blood that make him immortal... /yawns... dont to bloody death... is he gonna start 'sparkling' when he goes out during the day now?

Just when I got over all the fluff filers and pointless walks and talks, praying it was just an English 5 episode thing, (I actually liked one episode, but I guess we all know which that one was ^_^). just when I thought, ok it's FINALLY picking up pase and I'm iger to watch episode 10, was actually likening it up until 2 mins before the end then... WHAM... "wtf", I uttered softly... then I got mad... 10 bloody episodes on the same story arck, putting up with lots of boring filler crap... to end like that... NOT IMPRESSED... Russle T Davis what have you done! have you sold yourself out? did you give up your soul for a crappy exchange rate on the dollar... cos it wasnt worth it! /sobs bitterly

Not only do I have people telling me 'how good' the 'Amy Pond show' is (Thats the new Doctor Who, you remember, he's now a bit part in his own show)... I now had the last vestige of something good slaughtered... Torchwood went down hill with the 2nd series (when they made it  Kiddy friendly) and after that last 2 mins... totally lost all interest >_< thought it wasnt toooo bad up to the last but... but sod it... this fan is tired and done in >_<


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