Ok... Just watched the last episode, ran off to the
torch_wood Institute and left my initial thought's there...
But I have to say I'm shocked.... I still find it strange they moved TW to BBC1, cut the season down to 5 episodes... then killed everyone off, then Jack ran away... it's just shocking and little disheartening >_< it's TO soon for TW to end... they could have at least milked it for another series >_< (so long as it's wasnt as childish and imature as season 2)
And sorry Ianto/Jack fans... but even I didnt expect that one... thought even I was getting a little sick of the mushy crap... if it was 10/Jack it would be a different story... but well... soon as that happened I thought, a) he isnt really dead [still think they could resurrect him]. b] they are gonna make Jack get it together with Gwen... or c) That's the beginning of the end... seems it was c...
Also.. I remember RTD saying even though he was stopping writing for DW, he was still gonna be writing TW... well that was a lie! there is no way back really from this ending... not without pulling something extremely shiny and unbelievable from the bag... though I would live to see it >_< I loved TW /cry
Also I read in some things. that everyone think Jack's a bastard for using his own grandkid... No way!... That was a HUGE Sacrifice he made for the sake of man kind... And after everything everyone did to him, he had to make the ultimate sacrifice to save all the other kids.
In my eye's Jack's still a sodding hero. I just wanted to give him a hug /cry
But I have MANY idea spinning in my head right now, so a reaction fict is on the way, so there would have been more to this rant... but I have to run off and wright before I explode!