This is my little reviews for the Torchwood books, series 1 and 2...
I dont normaly read books about a series or film... but I guess I just couldnt resist in this case, specialy after reading some of the cute Doctor Who books :P
Series 1
Sereies Overview:
This series of books has a smaller font with more words per page than series 2. they were also written before the 1st series of TW, so some of the characterisation isn’t there.
Also, every wondered where the idea for the ‘Singularity scalpel’ came from? Well for some reason it’s mentioned in every book in this series :P just for you fact fans tehe.
Book 1: Another Life
By Peter Anghelides
This book was good, the only thing letting it down was the pointless pages of Owen playing in a reality online game that bored the pants off me and seemed more like filler than anything to do with plot line, just skip these pages if you’re not an Owen fan.
The rest of the story and characters is a nice little read, the 1st chapter is brilliant, and as they chase down the alien threat is just thrilling, lots of chases and suicides kept me reading this book, and it’s worth it at the end.
As I said, the Owen Online bits let the book down, but can be skipped for the sake of the rest of the story with Gwen, Ianto and Jack. Persevere, it’s worth it.
Book 2: Border Princes
By Dan Abnett
This story starts off a little strange and had me totally confused, why? Because they TW team were running around with a guy called James who is part of the team, but it all works it’s self out in the end :P
This isn’t my favourite book in the series, but again, it’s still worth reading.
Also, when I was watching season 2 of TW, the episode called ‘Adam’ had me remembering this book, the idea is the same, if not the plot.
Book 3: Slow Decay
By Andy Lane
Eek! This book sent shivers down my spine. Being a bit *cough* on the podgy side myself, I don’t think I will ever look at diet pills the same again!
The plot is practically the parent of ‘Reset - TW series 2’ & ‘Partners in Crime - DW series 4’. Only there aren’t any cute Adipose babies, just nasty aliens :P
This is the most accomplished book in series 1, and I really enjoyed it, after all, when something scares weevles you know it’s gotta be good ^_^
Series 2
Sereies Overview: The second series of Torchwood books are far better than the 1st, being written between series 1 and 2 of the TV series.
There are more words per page with a smaller front in the 1st series of books, making me feel like these books are more like the Dr Who one’s, and aimed more for kiddies. But the content isn’t, thankfully!
Book 1: Something in the Water
By Trevor Baxendale
Once you read this, you will never have a saw throat again without getting a chill down your spine ^_^
I was pleasantly surprised reading this book because it’s Owen heavy, and I’m not his greatest fan, but this was a great read.
There is one bit in the autopsy room that had me squealing as I read it, so wonderfully graphically chilling, along with something in an old fish farm that had me glued to the pages :P
Not the most exiting in the series of books, but still worth reading!
Book 2: Trace Memory
By David Llewellyn
Really loved this one! But if you have seen the whole of ‘TW Season 2’ then you have to put your tong in your cheek and read it like a really posh fanfiction, and an enjoyable one at that.
It start’s off a little confusing, and some of the character’s histories skip off the series cannon, but I couldn’t say I minded all that much because the story it’s self was so well written. It might take some perseverance to get into the story if you’re reading it casually, but just hang in for the part where Jack enters with his own story concerning the strange Michael.
This book actually made me cry at points and have such empathy for Michael as his story twists and turns though the whole thing pulling you in more.
My only complaint for this book is that it just isn’t long enough >_<
Book 3: The Twilight Streets
By Gary Russell
OMG! Totally fantastic, enjoyed ever second I read this book!
Of all the books, this is the one that made me feel like it could be a TW episode, infact it would be quite fun to see.
Jack / Ianto fans will also love this ^_~
This one has more subtle references to season 2 of the TV series, and lots from series 1 with Bilis Manger (from the last 2 episodes of season 1, ‘Captain Jack Harkness’ & ‘End of Days’). The author has really done his homework for this one, capturing all the character, setting and the general feel of a good TW plot line, also a little insight into season 2 makes it a blessing to read because they are all totally spot on.
It finally explains what Abaddon was and why Bilis did what he did.
The back blub of the book gives nothing away at to the true story hidden in these pages (unlike the others)…
As for recommendations… this is the best of all six. But I’m happy I read the other books fist, I like saving the best till last!
Go get, go read, go enjoy totally ^_^
Book 4: SkyPoint
By Phil Ford
Dont have this book yet! waiting for release!