Dec 09, 2014 19:59
Oh man, guys, I just had the Best Thing Ever. It was at the refreshment table at the town meeting and I just snagged one on the way out because I'm not supposed to be having goodies, but I just thought just one you know? And now? OMG, I wish I had grabbed the whole plate. It was like a ball of brownie doughnut batter cooked enough to be barely solid and dipped in white chocolate and it is the Best Thing Ever.
Maybe it's just because I've been mostly on a diet since summer time, but it was fantastically delicious beyond mortal reckoning. I'm probably immortal now, or at least impervious to iron, fire, and poison. And I want more.
So, if anybody knows what that was supposed to be, you must tell me so I can find a recipe. Please, oh please, because WOW.