Feb 08, 2011 22:19
One of the K4s can do the Colbert eyebrow. And he did it to express his skepticism on the appropriateness of the color purple for boys. He wasn't pleased to have his tirade against another four year old who was using a purple marker interrupted, especially since I wasn't taking his side. it was an impressive little expression, but it still didn't top the scowl of another little boy in that class when someone mentioned Santa. He said that his Mom had told him there was no Santa, and when told by someone else that their Mom said Santa was real, this kid channeled Sam the Eagle to create the blackest unibrowed scowl (a uniscowl?) I have ever seen on a child.
"Your mom LIED," he growled to the believer. I had to laugh, which seemed to offend him deeply. Thankfully, the pro-Santa kids weren't rattled and I didn't have to take sides on the debate any more than to advise them not to argue about it because Christmas was over.