Peep Sushi! I still won't eat it, but
here's how to make it. eternal_chimera passed this on to me. I haven't been able to enjoy peeps since about the same time peach and blue creme Nehi got entirely too sweet to stomach.
In the meantime, I watch Alice in Wonderland. The old Disney one. There is no lull in this thing! It just hops from one bit of wackiness to another. The Good Advice song is the only break you get. Now that I work with preschoolers I keep an eye out for movies that would lose their interest. I always loved AiW, and I can really appreciate how awesomely spastic it really is now. I'm also starting to realize that Sterling Holloway's Cheshire Cat voice sounds like a spaced out yet eerily intense Winnie-the-Pooh that you might end up setting next to in some form of public transformation. Maybe that's just me.