Mar 30, 2010 17:38

It's been a 'just kidding!' kind of day...

First was the kid who was withdrawn on Friday was dropped off while I was meeting the buses. Kid in no longer enrolled! And even if she was, she couldn't be in school because she hasn't gotten any of the TB testing required by law. She's not supposed to be there. SO, I start calling around. Her mom and big sister are friggin' OUT of TOWN, Dad didn't answer, and neither did their emergency contact. What am I supposed to do?? Well, I spread the word to the higher ups and go on as usual. Until bus time. The bus won't take her because she's not in the system so she can't go home either. SO I have to leave the poor thing in the office while .

Second, the school nurse shows up to tell me that Mom IS in town and is furious because she didn't withdraw the girl and all is pandemonium.

Also, I got an email that said my online order had been cancelled. So I was planning on calling them to figure that out when I got home, BUT the order was at the mailbox when I stopped by after work.

Now I'm tired.


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