May 15, 2009 15:06
Phase One is complete. The tickets are bought. It took me four hours, but I got plane tickets home for the summer. And I’m avoiding the dreaded Seattle hub! Going to Portland instead. Here’s hoping.
And the cost of traveling with pets on Northwest has tripled. I sought them out on purpose because they haven’t pulled any insane shenanigans on me. Yet. Only to learn that there’s a fee for no shenanigans and it’s three times what it was last time. For these prices, my kitties should get their own seat and complimentary drink in the cabin.
Tomorrow we enter Phase Two, in which I attempt to get traveling papers for the wee fuzzies. I sometimes wonder what it must be like to go years at a time without flying anywhere. Or! To have short trips. Y’know, where you don’t have to switch airlines and go get your luggage and drag it miles and stand in line to ride the shuttle to Concourse W, where you’ll stand in line until your next flight boards to check your luggage with the new airline, and then have to run through security, and since you’ve changed airlines, you automatically get put in the ‘search me with diligence and prejudice’ category, so it takes even longer than usual, and when you finally get to the gate, it’s been moved, so you have to go back, and you just barely make it (or not) and end up all crazed and out of breath, and wishing for destructive telepathic/kinetic powers, because there would be some sorry little souls in maroon vests then, boy howdy.
Some people don't fly all the time. They can just drive to everyone they know. They might even live in the same town! How cool would that be? To be in driving distance...
In case it isn't obvious, I don’t like the biannual trip back and forth. I love me some road trips. I love me some train trips. I even like boats. And planes, I can take in small doses. The 24+ hour gauntlet from Alaska to West Virginia and all the horrors that lie between though? It takes its toll.
Still, too soon yet to worry about that. One phase at a time.