Sep 18, 2008 01:22
Day 2 of the Earache.
Went to the hospital. As usual, as far as they can tell, there's nothing wrong with me. Some people want a cure. I just want an ailment that has discernible symptoms. As it is, it's my word against theirs and I get sent home to take Sudafed and drink a lot of water.
Maybe I'm on the 'Crazy List' at the hospital. I know they have one. I heard some employees talking about the list they have of patients who come in and either lie outright or imagine all kinds of hideous symptoms and demand random medication for them. Since they won't leave without getting something, the docs prescribe them harmless stuff. Kinda like the 'Pirin' tablets on The Birdcage, I'm thinking.
I did whine enough that they gave me some ear drops, so it wasn't a total waste. Unless it's just olive oil that they crammed into a drop bottle. It kinda feels like it.