Apr 01, 2012 21:49
So the last week I've been reading GRRM's A storm of swords, and I've been watching a lot of MLP Friendship is magic. So here are some ideas for how which characters from the two works could work together.
Pinkie Pie and Tyrion Lannister - just imagine the party they would throw.
Fluttershy and Jaime Lannister - this might sound like a weird combination but I think Jaime needs someone to talk with, and somebody who cares. Jaime could probably learn Fluttershy how to stand being in people's attention
Rarity and Sansa - goes without saying really
Rainbow Dash and Arya - they would probably be totally annoying together, but they would enjoy each other's company
Applejack and Robb - a king needs someone grounded that doesn't let the kingship stand in the way for telling the truth.
Midnight Sparkle and Daenarys - they both go well with dragons and both are quite prodigal as well. I think they could help each other with the problems in their life.
Applebloom and Jon Snow - ok, I just think that it would be cute to see Jon with Applebloom, don't really know if they would work together though.