Could a defence upon appeal claim

Oct 21, 2024 03:37

The conspiring of parties to the case pursuing subjectively, a targeted grouping as viewed through the appellants' lens, exclusive of any data sets so as to present an offset balancing Skewed perspectives this decision making body being fed data -sourced via subjectivity biases -misleading the decision maker with an unbalanced calculation towards balance of probabilities failing to account holisticly in order to present an overview of socio-economic transactionalities within groups of individuals within society.

Where within disclosures are the accounts generated in order to calculate probabilities that present in support using myopic evidence with glaring omission of evidence causing loss with intent to cause loss (<$,000) Crimes Act NZ seeking discharge without conviction including right to apply that punitive reparations be sought against executive management responsible for proceeds of crime act accumulation account.

Could above serve as levering the numbers based on data proffered from the lived experience perspective undermining the investigation from the outset on appeal. Type of use of the court system with a very real potential to undermine the administration of justice via unjust operations' cases using unjust investigation techniques with malfease.

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