Geex0r post.

Sep 24, 2008 11:19

So my body went insane and I caught ANOTHER virus ( I think I'm allergic to Hawai'i Nei!) Glenn and I reconciled finally, which was wonderful since I love him dearly and am so impressed that he stuck by my side throughout an unbelievable amount of drama.
My illness allowed me to catch up on my geek prospects such as my 'R' presentation to the lab. 'R' is essentially a free stastical package that allows one to work on statistics for FREE. It does everything that SPSS does, but better.
I have been geeking out on a lot of music playing with NightMare Drum Song, and writing a lot.
In addition, I have been Adult Swimming (since our house has TV), and watching a lot of 'Boondocks' (freaking brilliant) and old 'Venture Bros,' which always makes me happy. I am kind of stoked for the new show, 'Superjail,' since it is completely handrawn. I stubbled across this Jackson Publick quote about it "It's like watching the doodles in Napoleon Dynamite's loose leaf binder get in a fight with a Marcel Dzama painting while Dr. Seuss referees. "

Come on, you've got to love lines like that!!
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