Sep 05, 2008 15:30
Glenn and I had some problems and were fighting every day last week. It was pretty much my fault. Then I got really sick with hawaii'n flu. Then I got some medical stuff done... all pretty spooky :(
When his flowers came for me for our anniversary I felt a little better....I was so happy to get his package in the mail, though! It's beautiful bounty opened up and revealed 'There Will Be Blood' (awesome film!), a handpainted box with a beautiful white necklace (just like in the lu'au we went to.), a handmade card, AND A MIXTAPE!!
Yes people, an actual TAPE. Too cool! I haven't had one made for me since I was like six years old and the boy next door had a crush on me and put muppets stuff on there. I stuck it in my Teddy Ruxpin for luck. There were some awesome songs on there, including Lou Reed's 'I'm Sticking With You,' and Vaselines 'Rory Ride Me Raw' plus Respighi's beautiful 'Pines of Rome,' David Bowie's 'Sweet Thing,' and of course Rolling Stones 'She's Like a Rainbow.' :) He even stuck on a really cool B-side of Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip's 'Beat That My Heart Skipped.'
Life isn't about getting stuff, its about giving... and Glenny's mix CD and flowers are in the mail as we speak. But I'm so glad that we remember each other and what each other loves. It's so hard to be without him, but with that awesome tape, its like he's in the room with me.
Grad school is also going pretty good, the courses are not so hard, but clinical work is a bitch... nearly all stats... and now I have to get back to my powerpoint presentation about the Stastics Package simple called 'R.'
Love you All!!
Aka Hunny Girl II