(no subject)

Sep 28, 2004 16:49

wow, it's me. i'm so excited. me right in the front row. yay, that's really exciting, thanks lauren for putting it in your journal. yeah, amanda and felicia and lauren are there too. yay...so much fun...
here's the questions lauren asked me:
1.if dr mccord was crying ...would you ask him what was the matter or just sit there and watch?
i would probably look at him weird because i don't see him as the type of person to cry, then ask him what was wrong.
2.what would you do if you saw dr mccord in walmart mackin on some chick?
i would be totally weirded out. if he had a chick that he had been mackin on, i don't think he'd have that flappy jack hair and that belly...lol
3.if you could play any other instrument what would it be?
that's a tough one...probably trumpet because they have lots of solos, or french horn, because that is a pimp instrument
4.do you still wanna be drummajor with james?
yes and no, i do because it'd be really cool and a great experience and stuff, but no because i will really miss playing and marching and you have to have so much authority and take part in a whole lot of stuff...
5.if your dad wouldnt have been a preacher fellow dude...and your family wasnt so involved in church...do you think yo uwould still be as innocent and sheltered ...would you still believe the same you do?
well number one...if my dad wasn't a pastor, we wouldn't be here in the first place, and if he wasn't a pastor, we probably wouldn't even be christians because when he went to the church he felt like god was calling him to the ministry. so yeah. and i probably wouldn't believe the same, having my dad as a pastor makes it a whole lot better.

1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions,
and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

well i decided to put more in a cut because it was getting pretty long in the first place. well the hurricane just has to come and screw with things doesn't it. i hate it. our house is fine, we have power, obviously and internet. but school is postponed till thursday which means 10 days which we get to make up. and when will that occur? nobody has any idea what so ever. but w/e...i'm really bored. my mom got fired from her temp job today, i was there. and it's all because the stupid hurricanes. the company hasn't made any sales, they are losing money so they had to let some people off. a little sad actually because that means only one salary now, major cuts in things. well guessing we won't be having much food. i'm really bored, i wish i could hang out with him, but of course, i can't. sucks living in merritt island sometimes. i can't just ask for a ride to someone's house a few minutes away, oh well. i have to go, things to do...later
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