Vacation Part III

Dec 25, 2007 17:22

Summary: Yesterday was kayaking up the suwannee river, today was Christmas.

Yesterday we left our cousins and traveled to Suwannee River State Park to camp, but they were not open yet. We even picked out a camping site, and the campgrounds host golf-karted out to let us know that they were closed... sad fox...

But here's the good news. We were redirected to a campgrounds we've never tried before: Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, where they were having a Christmas Lights special. More on that in a sec. First we went kayaking up the Suwannee River, where we found a small waterfall, a half-foot wide bridge made of a wooden beam over a ravine (scary!), and the ruins of an old health spa that used a natural springs - the springs were still there, so I explored and climbed all over the ruins. Very Indiana Jones-ish - but that's just how I am, very much an explorer/adventurer/treasure hunter. Foxes are just MEANT to do this! It just comes naturally. *winks*

Ah, the light show...It's a bed redneck, perhaps, but it was rather neat: they had a drive-through light display. Tickets were $12 and free for registered campers. As you drive down the path, there were hundreds of lit-up display, like arches of light to drive through, lit up trees, animals made of christmas lights (wolves, frogs, camels, dinosaurs.. all sorts of wacky things!). It was rather relaxing.

Christmas day: opened presents. My bro got me this shirt, and mom got me some chocolate covered cherries. I already had my xmas gift (the new laptop) so I wanted nothing else (spoiled enough as it is). We wanted more kayaking but it started to rain. We got cabin fever, and dad threw a fit and drove off unexpectedly in the jeep, pissing everyone off. Later on he came back and we went back to visit with our cousins again for xmas dinner - and thus my continued internet access. And that's all for now!


holiday, family, nature, rivers, adventure, vacation, exploring

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