Thanksgiving day wrapup!

Nov 23, 2007 23:36

Spent thanksgiving with family at one of my local aunt 'n uncles. It went very well - a nice portion of my family on my dad's side was there. The food was very traditional - and by that I mean delicious. Turkey, whipped potatoes, deviled eggs, cheese 'n crackers, peas (ick), home-made bread rolls, chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies, and more. It was all very good! (well except for the peas).

Got to catch up with the family members. They asked me how college was doing, and I let them know I was doing well though very very busy.

Family reunions can leave one in a state of inner peace

I learned that my uncle "big" John does woodcutting, and does a very damn good job of it if I must say so myself! He offered to make me a woodcut of something if I bring him a pattern. I'm thinking about taking some artwork of my fox alter ego and spicing it up as a pattern. Here's a couple examples of his work...

The Three Stooges and the Beatles... click on them for more detail - check out Curley's hair!

Color me impressed. It takes some fine work with a coping saw with a spiral blade. An average work takes 3-10 hours, which isn't so bad. Perhaps I could get him to do some wildlife pictures as well as my "fursona" picture done. Hmm... maybe he could turn his hobby into some side income...?

holiday, family

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