TM Day 10

Feb 10, 2010 00:52

Achievements for Tuesday, February 9th. Begin log.
  • Cleaned the bathroom toilet
  • Put away dishes from dishwasher
  • Repaired the gift PC successfully
  • Researched legacy software/drivers for Windows 98
  • Downloaded and burned a CD of software/games
  • Installed a suite of productivity software and games on gift PC
  • Researched portable air compressors
  • Purchased a portable air compressor from
  • Commissioned a simple sharpie sketch of Bandrik from BooBooBunnyGirl
  • Learned about & purchased $200 worth of gift cards for only $16
  • Learned about & read several articles
  • Swapped out my parking permit for one closer to my apt entrance
  • Scheduled credit card bill payment
Fixed the gift PC. Not at all sure what the hell was wrong with it, but I zeroed it down to the graphics card. Swapped it for a spare nVidia AGP card I had and it booted just fine. For shits 'n giggles I put the "bad" card into another spare PC I had, and it booted fine with the "bad" GPU. Wait, what?

On a hunch, I re-inserted the "bad" GPU back into the gift PC... and lo and behold, it boots up just fine. After installing a suite of software (OpenOffice, WinAmp, 7zip, etc) and restarting several times, it's still working just fine. A real WTF for me, but I'm happy it's up and running again.

Also, bought a cute cigarette-lighter-powered mini air compressor and $200 worth of restaurant vouchers for stupidly cheap. I love internet deal sites. is a neat money-saver, and the Consumerist exposes many company blunders and scams.

Oh, and on an impulse buy, I picked up a quickie sharpie sketch of my character. Saw an offer from "BooBooBunnyGirl" on Twitter. Even though I don't know her at all I went for it just for fun. The results are quirky but I kind of like it. Stay tuned - I'll post it later.

If I'm feeling nice. =P

computers, artwork, time, furry

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