Ree's language development

Dec 08, 2008 16:19

I've explained to Ree a few times that our cat Tuck is a mooch, that he'll try anything to steal our food. I just had to boot him off my chair where he was patiently awaiting me to sit after reheating some stir-fry. Ree pointed at him and yelled, "Mooch! Mooch! Tuckie!" Which I think shows pretty good memory and reasoning skills.

A couple days ago she saw a pan of soup boiling on the stove, pointed and said "Steam! Steam!" She's known that word for several months now. The kicker was that she then yelled, "Hot! Hot! Careful! Careful!" Unfortunately, while we were in MS she tried to grab touch the opening where the steam was coming out of the vaporizer and got herself burned. Ever since then, she actually has been listening to us when we tell her to stove is hot and she needs to stay away because she can get burned. She also now seems to understand the difference between hot and warm, and will point at the vent when the furnace kicks on and say "Heat...warm."

She has been actively identifying all 11 basic colors when she sees them ever since before we went to Mississippi -- red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, pink, grey, white, and black.

She can count to ten when I hold my hands up and show her the fingers...and she'll throw twelve, thirteen, fourteen and twenty in for grins.

She was just showing me the fading pink scar from where she burned herself. She said, "Burn. Steam...touch...ow!"

And the other day she was playing the piano and yelling, "Play! Play!" and "Music." She also will point to the sheet music and say, "Notes, read!"

And when she wants something, she says, "Please, please, please!"

I was trying to show her the stem on a flower just now. The flowers are dried out, and when I tried to pull one out, the petals crumbled and fell off...and now I'm being chastised: "Oh no! Oh no! Broken! Broken! Broke apart!"

She knows a Dr. Pepper can on sight and will say, "Doc Pepper."

sea monkey business

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