Why...oh, why do we have to continue to do the buying things for people who aren't kids at Christmas thing??? Why can't we just plan nice little get-togethers full of food and Christmas good cheer and leave it at that? Life would be so much simpler...and enjoyable...all the way around during the Yuletide season if this were the case.
I mean, come on...there's so much stress involved. I don't know about everyone else, but I...: worry about whether or not I'm getting the right gifts for people... worry about how much money I'm spending... worry about if I'm going to manage to get everything bought in time...worry about getting it all wrapped in time...worry about how I already have too much stuff in my house already and how I'm trying to get RID of things, not accumulate more.
I mean, the spirit of giving is all well and good, but from everyone I talk to, it seems unanimous that it ends up being the Season of Giving Everyone a Big Huge Headache and Intensifying Phobias of Christmas. Maybe it's just me, but this seems fundamentally wrong somehow. You know, like kind of contrary to the whole point.
celticlion said to me other day on the phone, Christmas is for kids. I think our time would be better spent if we just limited the gift-giving to kids and perhaps to our significant others and spent the rest of the time focusing on things like baking and decorating and planning parties. But of course, then the economy would collapse.
Just can't win, no matter what you do.