Jan 19, 2007 01:42
yeah, you all know... i've been tagged a lot, maybe i'll go to 30, maybe not, i'll just do however many come to my head
11) as a defense to the original compulsive liar thing. I'm kinda like natalie portman's chracter from Garden State. I'm a compulsive liar, but I always feel really bad after i do it. And I'll usually apologize or tell you that I just lied to you, so don't feel like I'm too sketchy.
12) I'm probably the most self attacking person ever. I really hate almost everything about myself and I never think I'm good enough at anything. however, I don't like people knowing that because that obviously makes me not good enough? So I put on this mask of over confidence which sometimes comes out cocky, arrogant, egotistical, condescending, and whatnot. I overcompinsate for fear of seeming weak.
13) Although I'll never tell it to anyone's face when they ask or say something, probably one of things I hate the most is when people ask me if I'm gay. Because then people are basing who I am off of sterotypes and making accusations which aren't true at all. I don't like people "assuming" anything about me, because more than likely they are wrong. It is possible to be a nice, crazy, outgoing guy and not be gay, really. Plus, I don't feel like when I tell people I'm not that they actually believe me, which makes me even more angry that people can't trust my word.
14) I'm proud more than anything of my commitment to my religion, because it is something that makes me who I am. However, I'm finding more and more that I really don't think I belong in an organized church. I feel like my relationship with God is just that, MY relationship. Whenever I go to a church or religious service, I find myself paying attention to everything but God, noticing things that are hypocritical or seem ungenuine or what not... it's a bad mentality but I can't stop myself from doing it. I also don't like how church's force doctrines on you when a lot of the time they are not fully correct. I want my relationsihp with God and how I act to be solely based on the Bible. *shrugs*
15) I have this weird obsession with how I deal with musicals. Here is my method. When I get a CD (either I find it or someone recommends on eor whatever) I won't listen to the soundtrack unless I have time to listen to the whole thing. Then, I follow along with a synopsis of the story and go through the CD once. Then, I go through it again looking at all the song lyrics while listening and start to choose parts that I would like to have if I was in it/ look for possible audition material. Then I look up every single actor that i can find in the show and look at other stuff they have been in and try to make connections and such. For instance, I found out that Amy Spanger, who is the lead female in The Wedding Singer, was in the original cast of Tick Tick Boom and played Bianca in the revival cast of Kiss Me Kate. However, as much of a musical theatre conosseur (sp) I am, I still haven't seen West Side Story or Guys and Dolls all the way through ) but I recently bought them and will change that)
16) I have a tendency to rant for longer periods of time on certain things
17) I'm a lucid dreamer. I conciously act in my dreams and can tell you what all my dreams in one night were about. I'm also a weird dreamer, and I think I might start making a dream journal, cause I dream some pretty crazy stuff. Like last night, corey, Elana, Zach, and I were on some adventure with our teacher who was Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World and there were lots of ghosts around and we were lookign for some box in this really old house. yeah, won't go into mroe details, but it was crazy.
18) I have a superhero complex and believe that its my job to help everyone (except myself.) I'm happy when all of my friends are happy. But if one of them is having any problem, my day is bad and i think about what I can do for them all day.
19) When I like someone, I like them with my full capacity. This is why I like someone for a really long time, even if all hope of being with them is gone because it is just really hard for me to get over them.
20) I try really hard to impress authoritative figures (parents, teachers, directors, etc..) I feel as if I don't continuously impress them (this goes for friends too) they won't like me anymore. Except no matter how hard I try, I always think that deep down, none of them actually like me that much.
21) I'm very unphotogenic
22) With looks, on a scale on 1 to 10, 1 being really ugly and 10 being gorgeous, I place myself as a 3. low self esteem much?
23) I don't deal with rejection of any kind that well.
24) I want to cry at random parts of movies. usually, nothing that sad will happen, but I'll just get really depressed, even during some comedies. if the slightest unfortunate thing happens to a character I care about, I get a little teary eyed but will quickly stifle it.
25) actually a weird thing! I can make myself cry really easily. I think my record is about 25 seconds.
26) I'm huge on noticing patterns and will often make up patterns. For instance, on a box next to my bed, there is writing that says 01651. I've been sitting here going "ok, 0+1 is 1, +5 is 6, -1 is 5, -4 is 1, how can i make a pattern out of this (if you are wondering, i woould then do +1+3-1-2+1+1-1-0+1+(-1)-1-(-2), etc... yeah, i'm a dork)
27) I go out of my way to be original... this was actually number 26 but i made another one so it would end on 27 cause its a more original number