(no subject)

Mar 14, 2005 19:13

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: Bright Eyes
Are you male or female:When a Curious Girl realizes shes under glass
                                                   Describe yourself: Racing Towards the New

How do some people feel about you: A Song to Pass the Time
                      How do you feel about yourself: Everything Must Belong Somewhere

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Drunk Catholic Kid

Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Dont Know When But a Day is Gunna Come.
Describe where you want to be: At the Bottom of Everything
                                                                        Describe what you want to be: Road To Joy
Describe how you live: An Atempt To Tip the Scales

Describe how you love: Lover I dont Have to Love
                                                                              Share a few words of wisdom: Nothing Gets Crossed Out

I dont know why but lately ive been feeling anti-social, and the thing is i like it.Im just scared im pissing people off. But i just need me time. I dont know if thats weird but i dont really care. Also shallow/skin deep people are gettin on my last nerve. News flash theres more to this world than how you look and how you compare physically to other people. Try studying or putting all that effort that you spend on your looks and put it towards a good cause. Have you ever watched CNN? theres more out there than you think. (im not saying im perfect at this but dang) And do you even have any clue how frustrating it is to try and carry a converstaion with someone whose only skin deep- well its impossible unless you discussing clothes and how fat you are. Also people shouldnt be judged on what they look like or who they hang out with but the person they are inside. And other people should learn to except that its okay to be friends with people who dont nessacrly look the smae on the outside as yourself. I dont understand why this si such a hard concept for Americans but it is. And i struggle with it to. But i dont understand it at all.

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