Mar 24, 2006 22:11

That song just cracks me up.

Anyway...reaaaally delayed update to that last post.

So we got there (the Director's Guild of America bulding on ghetto Sunset) a little late and waited in line. Eventually, the lady in charge told us we might be able to get tickets, but we wouldn't get to go in until they had finished screening the episode. And it was a new episode!! Well, that sucked royally, but what was the most frustrating was that they expected us to pay the full $25 for just the second half. Twenty-five bucks just to sit and watch actors talk/answer questions...uh...

At that point, Michelle and I were a little fed up with the whole thing. I noticed that there was a gaggle of cameras in the back of the lobby by a door and a logo backdrop (you know, those white cloths/papers that have some logo plastered all over it that the stars have their pictures taken against). I wanted to go check it out, and so we decided that if there was a big chance of us seeing/photographing any actors, we would give up on getting into the theater and would just get pictures and do something else. I ducked out of the line and went over behind the cameras. At that point, Lisa Edelstein had just come out and was having her picture taken. I waved Michelle over, excited practically out of my pants. Then the actress who plays Cameron came in, and the cameras went wild. It made us glad to not be movie stars. They were just like "Rachel, over here! RACHEL! Hey, Rachel, smile over here for me!" Actually, I don't know what her name is, Rachel just sounds right.

Theeeeeeen...JESSE SPENCER! I turned so red, according to Michelle. I was apparently starstruck. For real. Like flustered and all. And I didn't even come that close to him! I mean, I've been closer to George Lucas, for God's sake. So I got out my camera and the damn guard comes over; "No pictures. No, you can't do that." Because I'm totally going to blind them with my insignificant flash or something. Bitches and hos. ILLEGALITY! Michelle is taller than me and so I stood right to her side and turned off the flash and snapped off a few shots. Then, as I was trying to get another one, High Laurie walked in. I was standing behind Michelle at this point and I kind of whisper-screeched "House!" as I sort of wobbled. I basically ended up biting her shoulder. Oops.

And then I had the most beautiful shot with both Jesse Spencer and Hugh Laurie lined up between two cameramen's heads (all cameramen are freakishly tall, by the way). And the guard came walking our way and I put the camera down before it had properly taken the picture. AAAAAARGH! First, I'm pissed at my temerity. I mean, I could have taken a really good picture and then made a dash for the door and a bus stop or something. Second, I'm pissed at the guard for being an ass. Third, I'm pissed at my camera for sucking. But eh. I'm going to be in LA for three more years at least. I will see more famous people.

At that point we left and decided to go to the Grove, since the night was still young. That was fun. I bought books and it felt good. And had a delicious crêpe. Mmmmmm...

So that's that.


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