Title: Still Warm
do_come_inBand:Fall Out Boy
Pairing/Characters: GSF - Joe, Pete, Patrick, Andy
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash - Probably
Prompt: Van Days
Disclaimer: Just like Pride and Prejudice, Guys and Dolls and Doctor Who, this is fiction. Therefore not real.
Summary: The Morning After
Beta: Such a little star, Malory/
iwontbedeniedNotes/Warnings: Implied drug use (Minor), Van Sex, Drunkenness, Implied Planning, Swearing, An insight into teenage Patrick. The van in this has got two bench seats (which aren't involved), one of which can be folded down. The events take place in the back of the van which has no equipment in it as it is still in the venue (which I totally just made up).
Patrick sniffed and rolled over.