I've broken the prompts up into two parts, so it's a little easier to look through. Claiming takes place over April 1st-8th. I'll be adding names and fic/art next to the claim, so people know what is taken. A full list will be posted after the 8th. Here are the rules again for claiming a prompt:
Prompt Claiming
1. Each prompt may be claimed twice for fiction and art.
2. You may claim more than one prompt over the course of the Fest, but one at a time. You must post your submission before claiming a second (or third or forth, etc.) prompt.
3. You can claim your own prompt.
4. You do not have to submit a prompt to claim a prompt.
5. To claim a prompt, comment in the appropriate post with:
Your Name:
Prompt: (Band, Character/Pairing, Word/Phrase/Scenario)
Fanfic or Fanart:
The Acadmey Is…
The Academy Is..., Adam Siska, 'Cliches and why they are bad'
The Academy Is..., William Beckett, 'Cliches and why they are good'
The Academy Is..., Andy Mrotek (Butcher), 'Cliches and why they aren't worth it'
. Hopefully to be written as three seperate parts of the same 'verse.
The Cab
The Cab, Gen (or pair whoever you want), boyband AU
The Cab, GSF, practice
The Cab, Ian/Cash, first kiss
casualyobsessed (fanfic)
The Cab, Singer/Cash, The Lady and The Tramp
The Cab, Singer/Ian, shopping!
The Cab, Ian/Singer, Aladdin
The Cab, Cash/Johnson, cars
Cobra Starship
CS, any pairing/gen, when Vicky-T joins the band
CS, GSF, "The Cobra has spoken"
CS, Gabe/Nate, Nate staying in Gabe's basement.
CS, Vicky T/Nate, piano
CS, Gabe/Vicky T/Nate, joke
CS, Alex/Ryland, torch
The Cab/FOB, Patrick/Singer, everyone loves Patrick
CS/GCH, Gabe/Travis, getting clean.
CS/FOB, Gabe/Pete, mpreg.
Fall Out Boy/The Hush Sound, Patrick Stump/Greta Salpeter, Let's make beautiful music together.
FOB/MCR, Andy/Frank, tattoos
vamplover82 (fanfic)
FOB/PATD, Pete/Brendon, paparazzi.
FOB/MCR, Pete/Mikey, High School Musical AU.
FOB/MCR, Pete/Gerard, 'Your breath smells like peaches.'
FOB/MCR, Pete/Frank, 'You have very large nostrils for such a small gentleman.'
FOB/PATD, Pete/Brendon, 'Elephants are not permitted in the bar after eight o'clock.'
FOB/PATD, Patrick/Brendon, riotous
FOB/PATD, Pete/Jon, cheeky
FOB/PATD, Patrick/Jon, 'Three in two people do not understand proportions in mathematics.'
Fall Out Boy/My Chemical Romance, Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Patrick, Warped '04, angst, crush
Fall Out Boy/My Chemical Romance, Pete/Patrick, Frank/Gerard, matchmaker
My Chemical Romance/The Cab, Ray/Ian, for the love of guitars
My Chemical Romance/Panic at the Disco, Bob/Spencer, Cuddly cats
mcluvin (fanfic)
MCR/FOB, Ray/Patrick, Summer of Like
Panic At The Disco/My Chemical Romance, Brendon/Frank, "One, Two, Three"
rawkenr0ll (fanfic)