FIC: Life From A New Perspective (PART TWO)

Apr 05, 2010 17:06


--==PART TWO==--

“So, I was right then.” A familiar voice to both Brendon and Shane said. “You do know what these creatures really are.”

“What are you talking about? How did you know?” Brendon asked, frowning at the figure in the doorway.

“When I saw them today, I knew exactly what they were. And I know what I need to do with them.”

“What are you talking about, Brent?” Shane asked.

“They’re tainting this world, just by existing. They need to be exterminated.” Brent pulled out a knife and everyone in the room took a breath in.

“Brent, put it down.” Brendon said slowly. His heart was starting to beat faster as the knife glinted in the light.

“No.” Brent snapped. “These creatures deserve to be put down like the dogs they are.” Brent took a step forward and Jon and Tom got to their feet, growling. “Don’t even start with me. I know 19 different ways to kill you both.”

“Why the fuck are you doing this?” Shane asked, keeping a hand near Tom’s back.

“Because it‘s in my blood. My whole family for generations have been hunters.” Brent snarled, twisting the knife in his hand. Brendon gulped, looking down at Jon and Tom. “You know that my mom died when I was 8? It was a werewolf that killed her. All werewolves are evil and I’ll fight until I’m dead to get rid of every stinking werewolf I can.”

“But why? That was just one werewolf, Jon and Tom have done nothing to you. They weren’t the ones who killed your mom.” Shane said angrily.

Brent snorted. “You would only say that because you’re fucking that thing. You‘re just as disgusting, Valdez.”

Tom growled loudly. ‘Shut the fuck up. You dare say anything about Shane and I’ll rip your throat out.’

“Well, if that doesn’t prove my point.” Brent sneered.

Jon and Tom walked forward, growling deeply in their throats. Brent held the knife in his hand tight.

“Don’t do this. If you hurt them, either of them, I’ll kill you.” Brendon stood in front of the wolves.

‘Bren, get back.’ Jon said. But the human shook his head.

“Just get out Brent. I’m serious.” Brendon said, holding the hunter’s glare.

Brent stared back before looking at the werewolves, glancing for a second at Spencer. “This isn’t over.” He hissed before leaving swiftly, slamming the back door. It was only then that Brendon let out the breath he was holding in.

Jon nudged his hand with his snout. ‘Brendon, you shouldn’t have done that.’ He said.

“I wasn’t having him threaten you both. I don’t care how well I know him or how long he was my friend, I wasn’t letting him hurt you.”

‘Thank you.’ Jon’s voice was grateful.


The next morning, Brendon woke up to the sounds of Jon and Tom groaning in pain. He opened his eyes and saw them in the middle of their transformation back to human. He had never seen Jon change back to human. The only time he had seen a transformation was the first night he had spent with the werewolf, vampire and ghost. It seemed years ago now, when in reality it was only months.

When it finished, Jon looked over at him, and the pain was still evident in his eyes. Brendon asked them if they wanted anything, but they told him they were fine. Brendon nodded, biting his lip, and looked over at Ryan, Shane and Spencer still sleeping. Shane was closest to Tom, having fallen asleep curled up with his werewolf boyfriend.

Shane woke up next, yawning loudly. He looked over at Brendon and nodded a good morning before Tom kissed him.

“Eww, dog breath.” Shane giggled. Tom pouted so Shane kissed him again.

“Morning PDAs not needed.” Ryan grumbled. He sat up and looked at the others, Spencer following a few moments later.

“You guys should get more sleep.” Spencer said.

“Nah, I’m used to not much sleep. I’m good.” Brendon stretched his arms up.

That day, they talked about what they were going to do about Brent. Tom and Shane decided they were going to head to somewhere that Brent wouldn’t find them. Tom had a place they could go to, so they weren’t worried about themselves. They were worried about the others though, but Jon told them they shouldn’t be. They were going to stay at the house, just lock the door and stay in. They would be fine.


After Jon had changed that night, the four of them made sure the door was locked and then went to the music room. Everything was fine for a few hours, before they heard a huge bang and they knew someone had got in. And they knew that someone was Brent.

“What the hell are you doing back here?” Brendon asked when the hunter walked in.

“I’m here to finish what you stopped me doing last night.” Brent’s eyes narrowed.

“Over my dead body.” Spencer stood up, baring his fangs.

“I knew what you were last night. I saw the change in your face.” Brent pulled out a thick stake and Brendon’s eyes widened. Stakes were deadly to a vampire, and obviously to a human it would have the same effect, but a vampire would go through an even more slow and painful death than a human. It paralysed them first, before it killed them.

“No, Brent, don’t do this.” Brendon pleaded.

“I’ve got to do this, to get rid of them.”

“What’s your opinion on ghosts then?” Ryan asked, glaring at the hunter who was threatening death. “Would you get rid of them too?”

“No. I’d use an exorcist to send them to hell.” Brent replied simply. “The supernatural don’t belong in this world.” He added before turning back to Spencer. “So, shall we, vampire?”

“Over my dead body.” Brendon growled.

“If you don’t get out of the way, that can be arranged.” Brent snapped. He moved and pushed Brendon out of the way to get to Spencer. Brendon slammed onto the floor on his shoulder. He cried out in pain and Ryan was at his side to help him while Jon butted Brent to the floor just before he made a lunge at Spencer with the stake.

“Brent, just stop it.” Brendon said, getting to his feet.

“No.” The hunter said. He reached for the stake that had flown out of his hand but Jon got to it first, picking it up in his mouth and throwing it out of the door and turning back to Brent, growling. “You, doggy, you are first, then I’m going for the vampire.” He got a knife out and ran towards Jon. He reached his hand up to slam it into the wolf’s body…

When it slammed into Ryan’s body instead. He screamed in pain and crumpled to the floor. Jon howled and threw himself at Brent, snarling more than he had been before. Brendon and Spencer ran to Ryan to get the knife out. Spencer pulled it out quickly and threw it across the room.

“Ry, you’ll be fine, you’re already dead, you’ll be fine.” Spencer said, stroking Ryan’s hair. Ryan nodded, despite shaking from the pain.
Spencer turned to see Jon getting cornered by Brent, who had found the knife again. Spencer roared and flung himself into the fight, who had pushed Jon out of the way and was now cornered himself.

Brendon didn’t even need to think. Brent was going to kill Spencer, and there was no way in fucking Goddamn hell he was letting that happen. He hurled himself over there to throw Brent across the room, but the hunter got him in a lock around the neck.

Brendon’s heart froze. He scrambled up to pull the knife from his previous friend’s hand, when he was stabbed himself. It was the most excruciating pain he had ever felt. It was right in his stomach. He fell back and touched the wound with uncontrollably shaky fingers and pulled them back up to see them stained red with blood, his blood.

He heard a scream, Brent’s scream, and a snap, then silence. A moment later, he felt someone (Spencer? Brent? He wasn‘t really sure right now) move to him and hold him in their arms.

He felt a sudden pain in his neck and wanted to scream, but he had no strength. When he thought he was finally going to pass out, he felt something warm and liquidly touch his lips. He was so cold, and the liquid was so, so warm, he drank deeply.

Then everything went black, and he welcomed it.


Spencer sat in the corner, hugging his knees to his chest, looking over at Ryan and Brendon. He did what he thought was for the best, but now he was starting to have doubts. He had stayed there for hours, just staring.

Jon walked in a few minutes after sunrise, wearing a t-shirt and jeans with flip flops, and looked at Ryan and Brendon, before looking over at the bed. “Spence, you did the right thing.” He told the vampire.

“Are you sure about that?” Spencer’s reply was so quiet, it was only for Jon’s werewolf hearing that he heard it.

“Yes I am.” Jon said firmly.

Spencer looked up at him before they were both alerted to a sound by their friends. They raced over to find Ryan’s eyes opening. “Ryan, how do you feel?” Spencer asked.

“I feel… good. I guess being a ghost even in corporeal form is good when you’re stabbed.” He gave a small grin.

“I’m not sure that’s why you feel good.” Jon said. “Last night, after we got rid of Brent, I got worried, I wasn’t sure if you’d make it through, despite being a ghost.”

Ryan’s brow furrowed, trying to think of what Jon was trying to say. Then he moved his leg and he realised. He sat up, pulling the trouser leg up. There, on his leg, was a healing bite. It had almost disappeared, but against Ryan’s pale skin it was still clear. His head shot up to look at the werewolf. “You bit me. To save my life.” Ryan said as it dawned on him.

Jon nodded. “I did.”

“This might mean that you aren’t a ghost anymore, Ry.” Spencer said. “The werewolf gene’s may have overpowered your ghost ones.”

“Here’s hoping. I pick werewolf over ghost any day.” Ryan looked over to his left and paled when he saw Brendon. “Oh my God, what happened to him?” Spencer explained what had happened and Ryan nodded. “You did the right thing.”

“I hope Brendon agrees with that.” Spencer said softly.


When Brendon woke later that day, he found himself seemingly alone in one of the bedrooms. He frowned, wondering how he had got up there. And… wait, wasn’t he dying last night? Brent had stabbed him. He should be dead right now.

God, was he a ghost? He wasn’t sure if he was ok with that, despite being friends with Ryan he didn’t fancy ghost very much.

His throat felt so dry, and he was so thirsty. He wondered if this was part of being a ghost, he’d have to ask Ryan.

He heard a noise to his right and he looked over. Spencer was sitting asleep in a chair next to the bed. Brendon didn’t know how he had missed him when he looked around the room. He clapped his hands loud to wake the vampire up and he jolted awake.

“Brendon, oh God, how are you feeling?” He asked, moving quickly to sit on the bed.

Brendon was about to answer, when something felt wrong. His teeth. He put a finger to feel them but hissed when he cut himself.

“Bren, do you remember anything from last night? After Brent stabbed you?” Brendon frowned but shook his head. “You’d already lost so much blood, and I couldn’t risk losing you.” Brendon knew instantly, without Spencer explaining any more, what had happened after he had been stabbed.

“You turned me.” Brendon said, his voice raspy. Spencer nodded. Then, to Spencer’s surprise, Brendon grinned. “I don’t mind. You saved my life, Spin. That’s like, awesome.” It was then he noticed the lisp he had got. It was stronger than Jon’s, but not by a lot.

“Hey, you saved me first.” Spencer gave a small smile. “You need to drink something.” He told him, pulling out a glass of blood. Brendon took it, his senses feeling strange, new, stronger. He decided that since he had to do it forever now, he might as well get it over with. He downed it quickly before realising it didn’t taste half bad. The sort of taste that, with time, one could get used to.

“Where are Ryan and Jon?” He asked, his voice sounding stronger.

“Jon‘s helping Ryan get ready for the change.” Spencer said. He explained to Brendon what had happened to Ryan and what might be happening tonight. Brendon nodded every so often. Brendon already knew that even if a human was bitten on the last night of the full moon, they would change the following night.

“I wanna see them.” Brendon said, then frowned slightly. “Is there anything I can do about the fangs?” He asked the older vampire. “I don’t like this lisp I’ve got right now.”

“It’s sorta cute.” Spencer smirked. “And they’ll go away if you will them away. I remember it took me a few days to figure that out when I was turned.”

Brendon did what Spencer said and a felt a shift in his teeth. He ran his tongue along his teeth and felt them back to normal. “Thanks Spence.” He said. “For everything I mean.” Brendon gave him a wide smile.

The younger vampire jumped out of bed and walked out of the room. He wanted to see Ryan and Jon before moonrise. He searched around and found them in one of the other bedrooms. They were both sitting cross legged on the bed and facing each other. Their heads turned when he opened the door and Ryan sucked in a breath, flying off the bed to hug Brendon.

“Hey Bren.” He said. “How you feeling?”

“Like a vamp.” Brendon laughed. “How about you?”

“Wolfish.” Came the reply.

“Moonrise is in 10 minutes B.” Jon told him. “We’ll come meet you after we’re done.”

Brendon nodded, ran over to Jon to hug him quickly, then went to find Spencer.

He found him downstairs in the music room, banging the shit out of the drum kit. Brendon watched in awe at the concentration on Spencer’s face. Then he realised that it was just like the first night he had met Spencer, Jon and Ryan. Spencer looked up and saw Brendon, making him stop drumming. Unlike last time, he wasn’t glaring, but was in fact smiling.

“You feeling thirsty still?” He asked.

Brendon thought about it, then nodded. The glass he had earlier did make him feel a little better but he was still thirsty, so very thirsty. Spencer pulled a bottle up from beside him and threw it over to Brendon. He down the bottle quickly and suddenly felt satiated. He walked over to the drum kit and stood in front of Spencer, tapping the crash cymbal. “Do you think Ryan with be ok?” He asked.

“I think as long as he has Jon with him, he’ll be alright.” Spencer said, tapping the snare in reply to Brendon’s tapping. “We don’t even know if he is going to change yet, he might still be a ghost.”

“I hope he’s not. He enjoys himself more when he’s corporeal.” Brendon said.

Spencer looked at him, then stood up and put his finger along Brendon’s lip. When he pulled it away, Brendon saw a small smear of blood. Spencer put it to his mouth and licked it off, grinning at the younger vampire.


“Spence, what happened to Brent last night? Where is he?” Brendon asked a few minutes later. Spencer looked to the ground and Brendon knew, he knew what Spencer and Jon must have done. “He was going to kill you, he would have killed me, it was the right thing to do.”

“But he was your friend. How can you be so ok with it?”

“Because even though he was my friend, he tried to kill me and you guys. You guys have meant so much to me over these past few months, and I don’t know what I would have done if he had actually killed you.” Brendon told him, a slight blush on his face. Spencer nodded, seemingly not noticing how red Brendon’s cheeks were getting. “At least now he can’t hurt anyone else.”

A few minutes later, a wolf’s howl echoed through the house. Spencer and Brendon didn’t even need to look at each other to know that it wasn’t Jon’s howl.

“Bren, if he’s a little wild tonight, let me or Jon deal with him. We’re both more experienced and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Spencer said and Brendon nodded, knowing that even though he was a vampire now, a full grown werewolf would hurt him.

10 fretful minutes later and Jon walked into the room. ‘There’s no need to worry guys.’ He said, sitting in front of them. ‘He’s alright.’

“Where is he?” Spencer asked, standing up. “Ry?” He called out.

A wolf, fur lighter than Jon’s but still near enough dark brown, walked in and sat next to Jon. ‘Hi.’ Ryan’s voice sounded shy in Spencer and Brendon’s minds.

Spencer ran forward at lightning speed, but Brendon could still see it all happen, and wrapped his arms around the wolf. Ryan licked his cheek and his tail began wagging. Brendon walked over and stroked down Ryan’s back. Ryan licked his hand and barked happily.


“Should we tell Tom and Shane?” Brendon asked a little later, hand stroking steadily down Jon’s back.

“Up to you, B.” Spencer replied. “Well, and Ryan as well.” He added, looking down at the lighter brown werewolf.

‘Tell them, I don’t mind. It’s all good.’ Ryan said from his place between Jon and Spencer. ‘Do you think they’d come over tonight?’

‘I bet they would.’ Jon said. ‘Give Shane a ring, see where they are.’

So Brendon did so. Shane told the vampire that he and Tom were at Shane’s apartment, relaxing. Brendon told them briefly what had happened and invited them round. Shane said that they would be round within half an hour.

And sure enough, they were. With his new senses, Brendon could sense them both. A human and a werewolf entering the house. Brendon wondered how Spencer had never figured out he was watching through the window the first night he met them.

When they walked through the door, Shane flung himself at Brendon, wrapping his arms tight around Brendon’s body. Tom moved into the room in his wolf form.

“You stupid, stupid, fucking idiot!” He said into Brendon’s neck. “Why would you go up against a fucking hunter when you clearly don’t have any moves?”

“At least I’m alive?” Brendon tried. Shane stepped back and hit Brendon on the chest before hugging him again.

“Don’t you dare ever do that to me again, Brendon Boyd Urie, or I swear to fucking God I will disown you.”

‘He was fretting about it all the way here.’ Tom told them, taking a place next to Jon. ‘Looking good, Ross.’

‘Bite me.’ Ryan’s voice was playful.

‘I’ll leave it to Spencer or Brendon I think.’ Tom’s voice was light, teasing.


Ryan seemed to be paying more attention to Shane than Jon, Tom or Spencer, Brendon noted. Then it dawned on him. The look in his eyes, it wasn’t a good sign. Brendon put a hand on Ryan’s back and leant down close.

“Don’t even think about it, Ross.” He murmured, just enough so Ryan would hear him. “Bite him, deal with all of us. Maul him, and not only will I kill you, but Tom would too.” Ryan looked up at him. “I’m serious. I’ll take him out of the room if I have to, but just don’t attack him.”

‘Jon, could we go into another room to talk for a bit? Tom too.’ Ryan said, standing up. Jon cocked his head, but got up, along with Tom. The three werewolves left the room and Brendon closed the door, telling them to bark when they wanted to be let back in.

“What the hell was that about?” Spencer asked.

“Did you not see the look in Ryan’s eyes? When he looked at Shane?” Brendon said, looking at both of them. Shane’s eyes widened. “Yeah, he was gonna make you his snack. I told him if he hurts you, he would have to deal with all of us, me and Tom mainly.”

“Yeah, not interested in growing fur. Not for a few months at least.” Shane said, stretching his arms. “I was talking to Tom last night about him turning me.” He added at Spencer and Brendon’s confused looks.

“Really?” Brendon asked.

Shane nodded. “Yeah, I love him, B, I really, really love him. And I know that if I wanna be with him properly, then I’ll have to grow fangs or fur.”

“Or die and become a ghost.” Spencer interjected. Brendon turned his head to glare.

“Dying is no longer an option.” He said firmly. “For anyone who is currently in this house.”

“Yeah, I’d like to avoid that whole dying thing if I can help it.” Shane said. “I’d prefer to actually be able to hold and kiss my boyfriend more than one week a year.”

“Yeah. I mean, the whole disappearing and reappearing in different places sounds fun but if I could only play guitar once a year for a week, I’m happy I’m in the fangs category.” Brendon grinned.

Shane laughed, along with Spencer. Spencer seemed to trust Shane a lot for only meeting him a few days before, Brendon thought. It could be because Brendon had spoken about him so often, or that Jon trusted Tom with his life, Shane was the love of Tom’s life, and Spencer trusted anyone Jon (or Ryan) thought were worth it.

“So, do you think they’re ok out there?” Shane said, looking towards the closed door. “I mean, this is Ryan’s first ever time being a wolf, so he’s gonna be a bit wild I guess.”

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Spencer said. “I’ve never seem a newly bitten wolf, so I wouldn’t know. Jon doesn’t tell us much about what happened when he was first bitten, if I’m honest.” He paused. “I assume he’s going to be alright. If not, then we’ll have to keep him outside or you in one of the rooms.”

“If it comes to that, I’ll stay with you, Shane.” Brendon said immediately. “Tom will probably stay with Ryan, so I can keep you company.” Shane nodded at that, grinning that his friend was completely unchanged now that he was a vampire.


It turned out that Ryan was fine after a short run outside. He came back in and whenever he looked over at Shane, he felt completely normal, no sudden urge to maul him. Shane had said to Brendon and Spencer before that he felt weird being the only human in a house containing vampires and werewolves.

Brendon had snorted and told him that before he was turned, he was usually always in a house containing a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. And he had no best friend to defend him if any of them turned evil and wanted to eat him, or suck all his blood out.

“Dude, you’re a vampire. You could totally kill me if you wanted.”

Brendon’s eyes went wide and he put a hand to his chest. “Me, want to kill you, Shane Valdez? Don’t say that! I’d never want you to die, you’re not allowed to die.”


“No, you aren’t allowed to die!” Brendon exclaimed, his eyes going wide.

“Bren, I’m not dying, it’s ok.” Shane said, but Brendon shook his head, eyes still wide.

“Nonono, you can’t die! I need you Shane!”

“Bren, calm down.” Spencer said, but Brendon ran out of the room, and out of the house.

He ran down the street and kept running, stuck in his thoughts. Shane was still only human, he could die so much easier and quicker than he, Spencer, Ryan, Jon and Tom could. He was so vulnerable compared to the others.

But then again, they could all die. None of them were safe.

He stopped in the middle of nowhere and leant against a tree, sliding down. What if one of them died? He wouldn’t be able to deal with it if he lost Ryan or Jon or Spencer. Or even Tom, despite only knowing him properly for a few days. And if he lost Shane, he would probably just die altogether. He couldn’t deal with losing his friends, they were like his family.

“You’re family to us too, B.” Brendon jumped and looked up at the other vampire.

“You scared me.” Brendon said. He was surprised that Spencer knew what he was thinking, unless he was thinking out loud again. He seemed to do that a lot.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean too. Surprised you didn’t sense me coming up here.” He took a few steps forward.

“I’ve been a vamp less than a day. I’m pretty sure the only power I have right now is the power to be a shitty vamp.” Brendon had completely forgotten that he had been able to sense Tom and Shane when they came in earlier.

“It’ll come to you in time. You’ve got the speed down already. Do you know how far you actually ran?” Brendon shook his head. “We’re 40 miles out of town. You’re a fast shit already, but I could smell your scent. I found you pretty easy.” Spencer sat down next to Brendon, bumping his knee against the younger vampire. “Talk to me, B. Tell me everything that’s going through your mind right now.”

And so Brendon opened up to him, told him all of his newly awakened fears. Spencer listened intently, not interrupting once, and nodding in the right places.

“Brendon, I wanna let you in on a small secret. One that I haven’t even told Ryan or Jon.” Spencer said after Brendon had finished, and there had been a small silence. “I have those fears everyday.” Brendon snapped his head to look at the older vampire. “And they’re especially bad since we met you. I would always be thinking that you could die so easily, like you are with Shane now. But I learnt to deal with the fact that you were with us then, and that we would protect you from anything.”

“Like hunters trying to kill you guys?” Brendon asked with a small smile. Spencer returned it, only a little wider.

“Exactly. And you heard what Shane said earlier. My bet is that within a year he’s gonna be getting furry every month. He and Tom look like the type who could be together forever.”

“They love each other a lot.” Brendon commented. “But it give it less than that. My bet is 4 months tops.”

“Deal. We’ll decide on a prize later. But first, lets get back. They’ll start worrying soon.” Spencer stood up and helped Brendon up.


“Spin?” Brendon asked while the two of them were running back. “The first night we met, why did you help me? After I tripped in the woods?” He’d never asked the question before, but it always went through his head.

Spencer’s pace didn’t slow, but he did glance at Brendon. “Truthfully? At first it was because Jon didn’t want to leave you in the woods with a wound like that.” Brendon could hear the remorse in his voice. “And if I’m still honest, I did find you quite annoying. But when we got you to the house, there was something about you, something that I liked about you.”

“That’s good.” Brendon grinned over at him. “There was something about you I liked too.” Spencer looked over, curious. “Your pretty eyes, your smile, your hips-”

“Don’t even say that they’re womanly hips, Urie, or I’ll set the wolves on you.” He grinned as Brendon laughed loudly.

They ran together in silence for the rest of the way and as soon as they walked back in, Shane walked up to Brendon like he was going to punch him. “You’re a fucking moron, Urie. You don’t just run out of here, not when I can’t exactly follow at your pace.”

“He was pretty frantic.” Tom said. Now human again, Brendon noted. He knew that Ryan had to be a wolf that night, but Jon and Tom had changed to keep Ryan calm. Although it wasn’t really needed, since he was alright now, Jon had obviously decided to stick in that form for the night.

“You’re damn right I was frantic. You would be too if your best friend just ran out like that.” Shane snapped at Tom.

“Hey! Don’t snap at him.” Brendon said, frowning. “If you wanna snap at someone, snap at me. Tom’s done fuck all wrong.”

“You’re a fucking douche, Brendon. You can’t just run away like that.” Shane’s voice was softer. “Not from me. Fuck, you’re like my brother, dude, it scared the shit out of me, I didn’t know where you were.”

Brendon bit his lip and moved forward to hug his friend. “You’re like my brother too.” He whispered in his ear. “I’m sorry for running out on you like that.”

“I’m sorry for being all douchey when you got back.”

“I’m sorry for being douchey all the time.”

“I’m sorry for-”

“As touching as this is, I think we all need to chill out for a while.” Spencer said, a small smirk on his face and playfulness in his voice.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” Brendon said.


The next morning, Brendon woke early to the sound of screams. His eyes opened immediately and he saw Ryan half way through his transformation back to human. He made his way over there, where Jon already was, and held him close when he was fully human again.

“It’s alright, Ry.” Brendon whispered into his ear.

“That,” Ryan started. “fucking hurt.”

Jon scoffed. “Did you think it wouldn’t? It’s gets better as time goes on. Especially if you change when it’s not a full moon either. Your body will get used to it, I promise.”

“I fucking hope so.” Ryan said, laying down again. “Where’s Spence?” And that was when Brendon noticed the vampire wasn’t in the room with them.

“He went to get some blood.” Jon said. “And Shane and Tom are upstairs in one of the bedrooms.”

“Yeah, they both totally got some last night, you just know it.” Brendon muttered, but with their wolf hearing, Ryan and Jon both heard it and snickered.

Spencer returned 20 minutes later, announcing to Brendon that he now had enough blood stored in the fridge to get them through 2 weeks.

“Guys, I’m gonna have to head back to my apartment though.” He told them. “I can’t just up and leave it, I have rent to pay, and all my stuff is there.”

The other vampire and two werewolves looked at each other. “But… you’re one of us now, you can’t leave us.” Spencer said.

“No, I can’t just leave my old life. Fuck guys, I can’t just forget about it. I have work to think about too.”

“You’re a vampire now, B. You don’t need to worry about work.”

“Maybe I want to. Maybe I want to keep something normal in my life for a while.” Brendon stood up. “You can’t get me to change my whole life that quickly, Spencer, I won’t do it.”

He ran out of the house and through the streets before he reached his apartment. He let himself in and locked it behind him.

Fuck them. If they wanted him to change his whole life, they should have told him before. Granted, there wasn’t a lot of time, if any, but it never came up before, they never said.

He decided to head to bed. Hey, he was a vampire now, he could sleep through the day if he wanted.


The next week was bad for Brendon. Shane and Tom came round to see him and tried to tell him that he should go back to the house, but Brendon just ignored them. They left him a little while later, telling him that he needed to see them again, if only to learn how to hunt.

Brendon hadn’t had a single drop of blood since he left the house, and it was like an everlasting thirst. He didn’t go out, for fear of attacking the first person he saw, so he stayed inside, curled up on his bed, trying to block the thirst from his mind.

Then one afternoon, he could sense something approaching his apartment. He sniffed the air and he realised it was a vampire. And only one vampire knew where Brendon lived.

“Bren? Brendon, I know you’re in there, please open up!” He could hear Spencer hollering. “Please, I’m sorry for what we said.”

“Go away!” Brendon tried to shout, but it came out hoarse where he hadn’t been using his voice for the past few days.

“Brendon, please, I need to know that you’re ok.” Spencer’s voice was lower now, and it was then that Brendon realised that Spencer wasn’t actually shouting at all, it was just his newly enhanced hearing.

“Go away.” Brendon moaned softly, knowing that Spencer would hear it anyway.

“Damn you Bren. If Ry was still a ghost, this would be so much easier, he could just go in and see if you were ok.” Spencer said. “Please, I need to know that you’re fine. Just open the door, let me see that you look ok, and I’ll leave.”

“I can’t.” Brendon closed his eyes. “I can’t get up.” He admitted.

10 seconds later, he heard the door open with a bang, then be closed again. He could hear Spencer make his way to the bedroom and Brendon turned on his side. He didn’t want to see Spencer, not after what he had said, what he had told Brendon to do.

“Oh, Brendon.” Spencer said softly, barely a whisper, but Brendon still heard it. Brendon closed his eyes tight and sensed Spencer coming closer to him. When he felt a hand on his forehead, he tried to shy away from it.

“G’away.” Brendon mumbled.

“Bren, you need blood. How could let yourself go so long as a newly turned without any?” Spencer asked. “I thought even you would know that you needed to drink.”

“I know that, thank you very much.” Brendon said, his eyes snapping open. He saw Spencer’s face instantly, the regret and upset in his face.
Spencer pulled a bottle of blood out of the bag in his hand and held it out to Brendon. “Take it, please. You’re going to die, B, and I know as well as you do that you don’t want that.”

Brendon looked up at Spencer again before taking the bottle. He drank quickly, not spilling a single drop. Even after just one bottle, he felt a million bucks better than he did a few minutes ago. “Thanks.” He muttered, sitting up. “You can go now.”

“No, I came here for a reason.” Spencer said, sitting down at the end of the bed. “I’m sorry for what I said. You’re the first person I’ve turned ever, and I didn’t have much to go on other than my own experience. I was run out of my town because I kept living my life and I was found out. I just don’t want you to be found out either.”

Brendon’s hard expression softened. He hadn’t stuck around the other day for Spencer to explain himself. “Spence, times have changed a lot since you were turned. And I think I know how to be extra sneaky. I can get away with it, for a while at least. It’s not like I can live the rest of my life pretending, I know I’m gonna have to give it all up eventually. But for now, I wanted to make the most of it.”

“I’m sorry for what I said.” Spencer said, biting his lip. “I just… it’s difficult for me. Jon and Ryan, they were easy, Ryan’s already been dead for a long time, but you’re still living, or you were, but you get what I mean.”

“Yeah I do.” Brendon said with a smile. “I’m sorry Spence.”

“No, I’m sorry Bren.” The older vampire smiled at the younger one, who returned it just as wide.


“So, Ryan isn’t a ghost again then?” Brendon asked a while later. Spencer was still at his apartment, but they had moved into the lounge to talk. Brendon, who had had another bottle of blood, had showered quickly before continuing his talk with Spencer.

Spencer shook his head, smiling. “No, just a wolf. We’re guessing that it was the werewolf genes that took over. He was practically human again for that week, so it was just like a werewolf biting a normal person.”

“That’s awesome. I saw how much happier he was corporeal rather than a ghost.” Brendon said. “So, uh, Spence, could we go see them? I kinda miss them.”

“And you didn’t miss me?” Spencer pouted slightly, making Brendon grin.

“You’re already here, douche.”

Brendon and Spencer left a little while later and soon arrived at the house. Spencer opened the door and looked back at Brendon, who was lagging behind a little. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure they wanna see me?”

Spencer just pulled him inside. Brendon could sense three werewolves and a human in the house. Brendon relaxed slightly. If Shane was there, it would make him feel better.

When they walked into the music room, all conversation and music stopped. They all stared at him. Brendon just shuffled a little. “Hey.” He mumbled.

Then he felt arms around him and he knew it was Shane. Not only by the scent, but the fact there was a camera squashed between them. “Finally. I wondered when you were going to get your head out of your ass.”

“Nice to have you back, Bren.” Jon said, getting out from behind the drum kit to hug him. Ryan took his guitar from around him and wrapped his arms around Brendon too.

“Thanks guys.” Brendon said.

“So, we could use someone to sing some stuff for us, B. You up for it?” Jon said. He picked up the bass and Spencer took his place at the drum kit. Ryan joined Tom again by the guitar amps.


Over the next month was pretty normal for the group. Tom and Shane would spend a lot more time with the other two werewolves and two vampires. Jon seemed happy that Tom was there, and Brendon was happy that Shane knew everything about his other friends, and that he didn’t have to hide anymore.

Brendon was still in his apartment, and working at a local music store. Spencer, Ryan and Jon would regularly come in and talk to him for long periods, which his boss didn’t mind as long as he got his work done. Gabe was awesome like that.

One day, a few weeks after a full moon, Brendon was making his way to the house. He’d just finished his early shift at the store and was going to enjoy an evening of music and drinking. He frowned and slowed ever so slightly when he sensed a vampire, Spencer, leaving in the opposite direction. He kept running towards the house, wanting to ask Jon and Ryan where he was heading.

When he got in, he found it really quiet. He could sense Jon and Ryan there, but they were being far too quiet. He walked to the room where he sensed they both were and opened the door.

“Whoa!” Brendon said, stepping back.

Ryan and Jon parted, both blushing. “Bren! We didn’t hear you, when did you get here?” Ryan said.

“I’m guessing you didn’t hear me.” Brendon smirked. “So, is this new then?” Ryan and Jon just stayed silent. “Come on, since when have you two been together?”

“Since last full moon.” Jon told the vampire. “It’s kinda been like this for a while, but obviously, we couldn’t do much about it before.”

“Obviously.” Brendon repeated.

“When I was a ghost, we would be waiting all year for my week.” Ryan continued explaining. “But now, we can actually be together. It took a few months for us to get around to talking about it, because I was dealing with being a werewolf and everything, and we-”

“Ry, you don’t need to say anything else.” Brendon stopped him. “You don’t need to explain anything to me. I was just curious how long, you know?”

“We should have told you.” Jon said. But Brendon shook his head, telling them not to worry about it. Then he grinned at them both when Jon shuffled a little closer to Ryan, making the younger werewolf smile.

“Aww, you guys are adorable together! I can’t believe I never saw it before.” Brendon moved more into the room. He wrapped his arms around them both. “You make a cute couple.”

“I’ll bite you if you don’t get off me, B.” Ryan growled playfully.

“Yeah? Bring it on, Ross. Just don’t make your boyfriend jealous.” Then he giggled when Ryan blushed again.


“So, does Spencer know as well? And do you know where he went to? I sensed him leaving as I got closer to here.” Brendon asked. He was sitting on the end of the bed, opposite Ryan and Jon.

Ryan and Jon looked at each other. “Brendon, there’s something that you need to know about Spencer.” Jon said. “He could sense you coming, so that’s why he left.”

Brendon was taken back. “What?  Have I done something wrong or something?”

“No, you’ve done nothing.” Ryan told him. “It’s just… Spencer’s always had a crush on you, and ever since you became a vampire, he told me that he wants to ask you out, like go on a proper date, but he’s not been able to get the courage.”

“He’s got a crush? On me?” Brendon was surprised. Sure, he had always thought that Spencer was hot, like since the day he’d first met them, but he never would have thought that Spencer would fancy him.

“Yeah.” Jon said. “Wait, are you seriously saying that you’ve never noticed it?” Brendon shook his head. “Why do you think he was so desperate to save your life after Brent stabbed you? Sure, he would have still been worried if he didn’t want to fuck you, but he wouldn’t have reacted that quickly, or he would have asked me to turn you after I’d turned Ry.”

Brendon put his face in his hands. “You guys, please say that you’re shitting me. Please.”

Ryan and Jon looked at him. “We’re not joking B, it’s all true.” Ryan said. “But… I’ve not even sensed him close yet. He should be back by now.” Ryan looked up at the clock on the wall. “He’s always back before dark.”

“Try his cell.” Brendon said. Jon got his own out and pressed speed dial 2. He waited for Spencer to pick up, but then he hung up, face grim.

“He’s not answering.” He told Ryan and Brendon. Then he quickly rung Tom to see if he or Shane had heard from him, but they hadn’t.

“I’m gonna go out and look for him.” Brendon decided. “I don’t care if you come or not, but I have to find him. I need to talk to him.”

“Like hell we’re not coming with you.” Ryan said, standing up immediately. “Come on.”

“We should wait until it gets a little darker. Two wolves around will look really strange in daylight.” Jon said. Ryan’s jaw tightened but he nodded. Brendon knew he must want to go and find Ryan. Fuck, they’d been friends through everything, since they were both human. Brendon looked out of the window and estimated there was only half an hour maybe left before they could go out and find Spencer. And Brendon had a lot to say to the vampire when he found him.


“Ok, do you have any idea where he might be?” Brendon asked as he left the house with the two werewolves in their wolf form.

‘No. I guess he might have just gone for a run, but he could always have just gone somewhere else.’ Jon said, keeping a steady pace. He and Ryan were both running either side of Brendon.

‘He might have gone to the graveyard.’ Ryan said, his voice small and quiet. Brendon knew that 2 years after Spencer had been turned, and Ryan had died, he had faked his death and been buried in the same graveyard as Ryan had been buried. His gravestone, according to Ryan and Spencer, was right near the Ross crypt. ‘I know he does go there sometimes to think.’ Brendon nodded, but then he thought of something else.

“Guys, I’m gonna look around, why don’t you go look in the graveyard, and if you find him, give me a call, yeah?”

‘With what?’ Ryan asked. ‘We don’t have our cell phones.’

“Uhh…” Brendon hadn’t thought of that.

‘We’ll track you.’ Jon told him. ‘Good luck.’

“You too.”

Brendon ran to the east, while Ryan and Jon went north. He had a small inkling as to where Spencer was, but he wouldn’t know until he got a little closer.



tom/shane, brendon/spencer, death!fic, fic, werewolves, patd, ghosts, vampires, empires, jon/ryan

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