Sugar, You Look Good And I'm Pregnant PART 1

Jul 16, 2010 19:59


As his phone buzzed loudly around 10am, Gabe Saporta groaned and answered it unwillingly. He had been up until 4am with his lover of 7 months.
“Hello?” He answered grumpily.
“Heya Gabey!” Nate’s singsong voice filled his ear drums. “Did I wake you?”
“You think?” Gabe asked sarcastically. “What do you want Nate?”
“Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to meet for lunch with Ryland and Vick, but I guess you don’t want to.”
“Yeah, you got that right.”
“Spend all night fucking?”
“Do you really want to know the answer to that?” Gabe said, smirking.
“Not really. Please don’t tell me.”
“Well, first we did it on the couch, then on the kitchen table-”
“BYE GABE!” Nate screamed and hung up and Gabe chuckled to himself. The one sure fire way to get them off his back was to tell them about him and Pete having sex.
Yes, Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta were dating. After a drunken New Years Eve party at Pete‘s house, Gabe had admitted to the slightly older man that he was bisexual and liked him. In return, Pete had kissed him drunkenly, but passionately, on the lips. Then one thing led to another and they ended up in Pete’s bedroom… lacking clothes for most of it. Gabe, although very drunk, could remember what had happened as clear as day.

As Pete dragged Gabe into his room, he almost slammed the door shut and pushed him against it, attaching his lips to Gabe’s. They massaged their lips against one another’s before Gabe licked Pete’s bottom lip, silently asking for entry. Pete gave it to him immediately and their tongues explored around their mouths.
“You sure you want this.” Pete breathed as they parted slightly. Gabe looked down slightly at Pete with his dark brown eyes and nodded. Pete pulled the taller man over to the bed and they both fell on it, stumbling still from the amount of alcohol they had consumed that night. Pete started to remove his shirt. Gabe pulled Pete’s t-shirt off over his head and threw it on the floor. “You done this before?” Pete asked in a seductive whisper.
“Yeah.” Gabe whispered back. They both leaned into each other and kissed again, removing their jeans and boxers. Gabe pulled Pete on top of him and he ground their crotches together, making them both moan into each other’s mouths.
“Gabe, I want you in me.” Pete practically growled. He flipped him over so that Gabe was now straddling Pete.
“Lube?” He asked the man underneath him.
“Don’t use it. I prefer it without.” Gabe looked uncertain. Even though he was drunk and his mind was more clouded than it usually would be, he didn’t want to hurt Pete. Pete obviously saw this and pulled Gabe down. “Babe, don’t worry about lube. I don’t care how much it hurts, I like the pain.” Pete whispered into his ear. “And don’t bother stretching, I need you now.”
At this, Gabe positioned himself at Pete’s entrance. He started to slide in, making Pete gasp a little in pain. “I’m sorry.” Gabe said, still pushing himself in. He ran a hand down Pete’s face and Pete leaned into it. When Gabe was in all the way, Pete told him to start moving.
Gabe started very slow thrusts, waiting for Pete to tell him to go faster. After a few thrusts, Pete commanded him to go fast. Gabe followed his instructions and soon after, Pete gasped and moaned, his eyes widening as Gabe hit his spot.
“Do that again!” He moaned. Gabe proceeded to thrust in and out into the same spot. He grabbed hold of Pete’s cock and started to pump him as fast as his thrusts.
A thin layer of sweat appeared on the skin of both men. The heat in the room had risen double since they had come in.
“Gabe, I’m c…cl…” Pete said, not able to get a full sentence out, but Gabe knew exactly what he was trying to say.
“Saame” Gabe breathed into a moan. With two more thrusts, they came together, Gabe slowing down so it would last longer.
Finally, Gabe pulled out of Pete and lay beside him, kissing him. Soon after, they both fell asleep.
The next morning, Gabe woke up with a hangover and in an empty bed. He remembered what had happened the night before and wondered where Pete was.
“Morning.” Pete walked in through the door to the bathroom, glass of water and aspirin in his hand. “Thought you might need these.”
“Thank you.” Gabe took them gratefully and swallowed them, along with the whole glass of water. “So, do you remember any of last night?” Gabe asked uncertainly.
“What do you mean?” Pete asked. Gabe looked down. Obviously Pete didn’t remember. “Do you mean, something that went along the lines of this?” Pete leant down and caught Gabe off guard. He kissed him gently, but with love.
“You remember then?” Gabe grinned. Pete grinned back and nodded.
“How could I not remember it?” Pete sat next to Gabe. “There’s something I’d like to know though Gabe.”
“And that is…?”
“Will you be my boyfriend?” Gabe grinned and Pete could barely hear his reply of ‘yes’ before Gabe caught his lips in a passionate kiss.

Ever since that day, they had been dating. Gabe had moved in with him in Chicago after 3 months and they were most definitely in love.
“Pete, babe wake up.” Gabe turned around to wake his boyfriend but what he saw wasn’t Pete. Instead of short, black hair, he saw long black hair. He saw the mysterious person turn around and saw it was a woman, around his age. She opened her eyes and saw Gabe staring at her. Gabe noted that she was attractive, but she didn’t hold a candle to Pete.
“Who are you?” Gabe asked. “And where is Pete?” He asked. The woman gave him a strange look before replying.
“I am Pete.”


“I am Pete.” As soon as these words left the woman’s mouth, she brought her hands to her lips and gasped. She put one hand to her hair and her eyes widened.
“You’re not Pete. How did you get in, and why are you in my bed, and where the fuck is my boyfriend?” Gabe growled.
“But I… I am Pete though.” The woman protested. Her voice was higher than Pete‘s, higher than Pete would be able to impersonate. “Gabe, please believe me.”
“How do you know my name?” Gabe asked. Although it wasn’t until after he said this that he realised this woman had probably heard of him before.
“Because I’m Pete!”
“Last time I checked, Pete had a dick, not tit’s the size of Texas.” Gabe snarled. “Come on, out of my house before I call the cops.” He grabbed the arm of the woman and started to drag her out.
“Gabe, stop it! Please babe, stop it!” The woman whimpered. “Please, let me prove it’s me! Remember New Years, when we admitted how we felt about each other? Ryan and Spencer were making out and that‘s why you decided to tell me how you felt, you told me after that was why, not because of the alcohol. Please Gabey!” Gabe turned to look at the woman, who looked as if she was going to cry, and suddenly took in her appearance.
She had a t-shirt on, one Gabe recognised as one of Pete’s, a pair of boxers, exactly what Pete wore to bed last night, but he could see tattoos down her right arm, the same as Pete’s. He could also just make out a tattoo that matched Pete’s on her stomach through the thin material of the t-shirt. He stopped and suddenly, he started to think. Was this actually his boyfriend? He had to make sure.
There was one tattoo that Pete had and no one else knew about, not even anyone from their bands. He put his hand to the collar of the t-shirt and pulled it down, revealing another tattoo around the neck and a small one on the woman’s chest. A tattoo that was where the heart was, one that said in beautiful writing, the word Gabe.
Gabe let go of the collar and gasped, looking wide eyed. “Pete?!” He said, not believing it still, but the evidence was on the skin. Pete nodded. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you!” Gabe wrapped his arms around his boyfriend… his girlfriend… around Pete.
“About time.” Pete pouted. Gabe took Pete’s (now very feminine) hand and pulled him her back over to the bed, where they sat.
“What happened though?” Gabe asked.
“I don’t know. You saw me when I woke up, I was as shocked as you were. Why is this happening to me, Gabey?” Pete whimpered slightly and leant into Gabe’s chest and Gabe put his arms protectively around her.
“It’s alright babe.” Gabe said, running his fingers through Pete’s hair. Gabe kept looking down at Pete, taking in his new appearance. Now that he was looking at her properly, he could see the similarities between this Pete and the Pete that everyone else knew.
“Gabe. Can you do something?” Pete asked after a few minutes.
“Stop looking at me. Please? Just don‘t look at me.” Gabe frowned.
“Why shouldn’t I look at you?” He asked, confused.
“Because I’m disgusting like this!” Pete exclaimed. “How can you even look at me? I‘m not even me anymore!” Pete dropped her head but Gabe grabbed her chin and pulled it up so he was looking into Pete’s bright brown eyes, which were watering slightly.
“Yes you are. You’re still Pete, I’m looking past what you look like now, I can see you for who you are inside, you are still the same person Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, and don’t you forget that.” Gabe kissed Pete’s nose and held onto her tighter. Pete knew that Gabe never used her full name, hell, hardly anyone did, but she like it coming from Gabe’s mouth.
“But still…” Pete said.
“Pete, I love you, it’s not your body I love you for, although I do love that too, it’s your personality I love you for. You looking like this has changed nothing.”
“I love you too Gabe.” Pete hugged him back.
They stayed there for a few minutes before they heard the doorbell. Pete groaned. “Gabe, you go answer it. I can’t. Not like this.”
“Yeah, ok babe.” Gabe kissed Pete’s forehead, quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and walked downstairs, yawning. All of this had happened so early. He opened the front door and before he knew it, Patrick, Andy and Joe ran in, grinning.
“Pete!” Patrick shouted through the house. “Dude, come on! We gotta talk to you!”
“Guys, Pete’s not feeling so good today.” Gabe tried to explain.
“I bet he’s just faking it.” Joe grinned, falling back onto one of the couches. Andy did the same on the other one.
“Yeah, I’ll go get him down here! Patrick bolted up the stairs as Gabe realised what he had said.
“No, Patrick, no!” Gabe took off after him but just as he got to the top of the stairs, he heard Patrick and Pete both scream. Gabe walked over to his bedroom, where Pete had his whole body under the sheets and Patrick was white as a ghost.
“Why the fuck is some woman in your room? Where is Pete?” Patrick asked. “Are you cheating on him?”
Gabe froze, trying to think of an excuse. “Uh, Pete is-”
“Right here.” Pete told him. “I am Pete.” Patrick raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, and I’m my own grandma. Seriously Gabe, who is this?” Andy and Joe had arrived upstairs.
“They’re all here?” Pete screeched at Gabe.
“They barged past me.” Gabe explained.
“Whoa! Gabe, who’s the hottie and why is she in your bed?” Joe asked.
“Naked.” Patrick added.
“What?” Gabe looked over at Pete.
“I was changing and he burst in.” Pete explained in a small voice, turning red.
“Ok, guys, I’m being 100% truthful here. It really is Pete.” Pete’s 3 band mates look sceptical. “Honestly, ask him something only you’d know.”
“Ok.” Patrick said. “If you really are Pete, then what did I say when you told me that you were gay?”
“You asked me if I had the hots for Andy, I told you no, then you told me you thought he was hot.” Pete smirked as Patrick lost all the colour in his face and Andy went red.
“Holy shit!” Patrick exclaimed, his face suddenly going from white to red. “Uh, sorry about walking in dude.”
“You telling me this is Pete?” Joe asked. Patrick nodded.
“And you just called him a hottie.” Andy laughed. Joe looked embarrassed.
“Sorry about that dude.” Joe told him.
“As amusing as hiding under the covers and watching you all talk is, do you mind if I can get changed please?” Pete asked.
“Sure dude. We’ll be waiting downstairs.” Patrick, Joe and Andy walked downstairs, Patrick murmuring something about huge boobs to the other two. Gabe walked in and sat on the bed after closing the door.
“Gabe, I meant you too.” Pete said quietly.
“Gabe, just do it!” Pete snapped. Gabe looked hurt, but he left the room. After he closed the door, Pete sighed. She hadn’t meant to snap at Gabe, he was just confused and irritated about the whole thing. He dropped the covers and walked over to the wardrobe to find something to wear.


10 minutes after Pete had demanded Gabe out of the room, she walked downstairs. She was wearing a pair of her normal jeans, well they were girl jeans anyway, and then a loose fitting t-shirt, except it was almost tight around her chest. She had her arms folded, trying to hide the mounds that had appeared on her chest over night.
Pete sat down, away from Gabe, not looking at anyone.
“Pete, how the hell did this happen?” Joe finally broke the silence.
She shrugged. “I just woke up like this. I don’t know how it happened, why it happened, all I know is I look disgusting.”
“According to Joe, you’re a hottie Pete.” Andy laughed. Pete and Joe both glared at him, with Joe flipping him off.
“Andy, try being a gay man in a woman’s body.” Pete told him.
Andy nodded. “I see your point now.”
Gabe got up to sit next to Pete, but when he sat down, Pete was shuffling uncomfortably, even more so when Gabe put an arm around her.
“Aw, you two make a really good couple.” Andy said.
“What, we didn’t before?” Gabe asked.
“No, I meant that even with Pete like that, you still make a good couple.”
“Don’t forget the boobs the size of Texas.” Patrick mumbled, but Pete heard him.
“What is it with describing them as being the size of Texas?” Pete asked.
“Dude, come on, they’re huge!” Joe said. “There’s no other way to describe them!”
“Piss off.” Pete grumbled, going into a bad mood. This was not how she wanted to spend the morning.
Why had she woken up like this?
Was she going to change back anytime soon?
And most importantly,
“What did you come round for, anyway?” Pete asked them.
“Well, we’re being interviewed by MTV tomorrow, and we came round to tell you about it, but I guess you won‘t want to be part of it.”
“Gold star for Patrick.” Pete said sarcastically.
“Dude, just because you’re a chick now, doesn’t mean you can be a total bitch.” Joe said.
“Newsflash, I was a bitch before as well.”
“Don’t we fucking know it.” Andy mumbled.
“Fine, we’ve told you about the interview, we’ll tell them you’re sick. We’ll see you later. Goodbye Pete, bye Gabe.” Patrick said, standing up. As Gabe walked them out, Patrick said softly to him, “Good luck with Pete, I think you’re going to need it.”
Gabe closed the door and walked back to the lounge and glared at Pete. Pete was looking away from him, but then looked up at Gabe after a few moments. “What?”
“Just because this has happened to you, doesn’t mean you can be like that.” Gabe said. “Jesus Pete, you know that you weren’t this bad when you were a guy, you never acted like that to Pat and the guys.”
“Well in case you didn’t notice, Gabriel, I’m not myself, am I?” Pete’s voice started quiet and gradually got louder.
“Of course I’ve noticed! But like Joe said, it gives you no right to be a bitch.”
“Excuse me, but I think I have every right to be a bitch. You can’t say shit about what is going on with me, you don’t even realise what I’m going through. You don’t even care!”
“How can you say I don’t care? Pete, I love you, and the sooner we find out what happened and you change back, the better.” Gabe told her.
“No, you don’t care about me, you just want me to change back so you can get laid. That’s all you give a fuck about!” Pete said as she started crying and ran upstairs. Gabe followed her but she then locked herself in the bathroom.
“Pete, open the door!” He shouted.
“NO!” Pete shouted back. She sounded like she was crying.
Gabe took a deep breath and calmed down. “Pete, please open the door.” Gabe said softer now.
“No Gabe, just leave me alone.” Pete said from inside.
Gabe sat down and leant on the wall opposite the bathroom. “I’m not leaving Pete, I’m going to wait out here until you come out of there.” Gabe told him. “You can’t stay in there forever Pete. We can talk now or talk later, but one way or the other, we are going to talk.”
Silence. Except for a few sobs, that’s all Gabe heard for the next few hours. True to his word, he hadn’t moved from where he was sitting. He had tried talking to Pete, but she wouldn’t reply to anything he said.
“Pete, babe, please talk to me now.” Gabe said, hoping that maybe Pete would talk after mulling over it for a few hours. “I don’t care anymore, I’m just going to talk, and I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it, because I know you can hear me. You seriously need to control your emotions Pete, because you can’t just be a total bitch now. I don’t care if you are a woman now, I still love you for your personality, and I don’t want you to change back so I can get laid, it’s because I can see how uncomfortable you are like this, I know it’s upsetting you, and I don’t like to see you like this. I just want you to be happy Pete, I love you.”
Gabe watched the door, hoping to see it open, but it didn’t. Gabe sighed and stood up. If Pete wasn’t coming out now, he probably wouldn’t for a while. He started to walk towards the stairs when he heard the bathroom door open. He turned to see Pete emerge, eyes red and puffy. They didn't say anything at first, just looked at each other.
“I'm sorry Gabe.” She finally said. “I just, this has confused the shit out of me, and I have no idea why I was like this.” Gabe walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.
“It’s alright babe.” He told her. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I know how sensitive women can be.”
“Hey!” Pete whacked his chest with the back of her hand. “Take it back.”
“No, because it’s true. And it was proved today.” Pete pouted but didn’t say anymore.
“Come on, I’m starving. I’ll make pancakes.” Gabe saw Pete’s eyes light up.
“Love you.” Pete said, kissing Gabe’s cheek.
While they were in the kitchen, Pete was sat more quiet than usual.
“Mhm?” Gabe looked over from the stove to Pete.
“Is Vicky busy today?”
“Not that I know of. Why?”
“Because I need her help.” Gabe waited to Pete to go on. “I need a… a bra.”


“Pete, Vicky‘s waiting.” Gabe walked into the bedroom to find Pete picking up a pair of sunglasses. They had invited Vicky round earlier and explained to her what had happened with Pete. She had Sam with her as well, so they had explained to both of them. Sam was Vicky’s girlfriend of 2 months and they were still in the cute stage. Sam had been the bass tech for the last tour and she and Vicky had hit it off from day 1.
“I’m ready.” Pete told him. She had put eyeliner on, she never forgot to put it on before and she wasn’t going to start now, and straightened her hair, something else she never left the house without doing. “Remember to pick Hemingway up from the vets as well.”
“I will Pete. Now go have fun.” Gabe grinned and pecked her lips, slapping her ass too.
“Maybe we’ll gossip about you.” Pete said. She was a lot happier than she was just a few hours ago. She was still grumbling about being a woman, but she wasn’t going to run off and cry about it. They walked downstairs and Sam was on Vicky’s lap, making out.
“Ahem.” Gabe coughed, startling the two women.
“Uh, hey guys.” Vicky said, slightly embarrassed.
“Having fun?” Gabe asked, smirking.
“You better believe it.” Sam grinned.
“Yeah, well no sexing Vicky up on our couch, Sam Way.” Pete told her. Sam pouted.
“But you love me.”
“Not as much as Vicky.” Pete snorted.
“Yeah, you got that right.” Vicky put her arms around Sam. “Shall we head off then?” Pete nodded. He said goodbye to Gabe, reminding him again to pick up Hemingway. Then they got in Sam’s car and drove to the local mall. Sam was around the same height as Pete with wavy, black hair and blue eyes. And almost everything she wore was yellow. It was her favourite colour. Even her car was yellow.
They pulled up in the parking lot and the three of them got out.
“Let us take you where you need to go, Pete.” Vicky said. “Don’t worry about anything.”
“Except paying.” Sam giggled.
The three women walked into Michele’s, a shop that specifically sold underwear.
“Oooh, Vicky, look!” Sam grabbed Pete and Vicky’s arms and pulled them over to where she saw a Batman bra. “Can I get this one?”
“No Sam, we’re here for Pete.” Vicky told her girlfriend. “And you already have 3 Batman bras at home.” Sam pouted. “Don’t pout Sammy.”
“You know you might wanna stop calling her Pete too, Vicks.”
“Mhm. You’re right. What would be a good name?” Vicky looked at Pete. “Petunia?” She asked innocently.
Pete looked like she was going to kill her. “FUCK YOU!”
Sam snorted. “Come on Vicky, have a little more class than that! That sounds like something I just threw up. How about Penny?” She looked at Pete, who was considering it.
Finally, she nodded. “Penny sounds good. Only in public though. When we’re all in, it’s back to Pete.”
“Alright, Penny it is.” Vicky linked arms with Pete and pulled the Batman bra out of Sam’s hands, walking towards another part which was for women with bigger breasts.
“How about that one? Lookie, it’s got Fall Out Boy all over it!” Sam said all excitedly. Pete groaned.
“Oh God NO!” She told them. If Pat or the others came round and saw that, she wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“Aww, Penny, its so cute though… come on, your getting it anyway.” Pete rolled her eyes. This was torture, how did women do this? “Sam, what size do you think she is?” They opened Pete’s jacket so they could get a look. “D?” Vicky thought out loud.
Sam looked thoughtful. “I’d say more like a double D.”
“That’s big.” Pete said, blushing.
“Mhm. And about a 32 as well, what do you say?” Vicky asked, Sam nodding.
Vicky moved over to another section and had to stop herself squealing… Ok, she couldn’t stop herself at all.
“Oh my God Sam! Look at this!” Vicky squealed as she pulled out a bra that said ‘I Heart Gabe Saporta’.
“Aww Penny! You just so have to have this one!” Sam pulled Pete over so she could see the bra. Pete blushed and was at a loss of words as Vicky put it in the basket.
“Vicky, why are you putting that one in there?”
“Because you’re getting them. They’re cute.”
“Ooh, look, this ones all lacy and pretty.” Sam said as she put let another bra in the basket.
“Lookie at this Sammy! This dog looks just like Hemingway!” Vicky said, giggling.
“She’s having that as well then.” Sam giggled as well as Vicky put it in the basket.
“How many are you actually buying?” Pete asked.
“I’m not sure, this should be enough though. Let’s go to the changing rooms, you need to check they fit you good.” Sam grabbed Pete’s hand and led her over to the cubicles. They put her in a cubicle, along with the basket, and closed the curtain.
After a few minutes, she popped her head out. “Done yet?” Sam asked.
“I need help… putting it on.” Pete asked, slightly embarrassed.
“Oh, I’ll help you hun.” Vicky said. She walked behind the curtain and showed Pete how to put it on. She noticed that Pete had chosen the I <3 Gabe Saporta bra to try. Once it was on, Vicky checked to see it was alright and that it was the right size, which it was.
“That fits really well Penny.” Vicky told her. “Now change again and we’ll pay for them. If one fits, the rest should be fine.”
10 minutes later, they were walking through the mall when they saw an ice cream parlour. “Can we get ice cream Vicky? Pwease?” Sam batted her eyelids.
“Yes.” Vicky laughed. “Come on Penny, we’ll all share a banana split.”
“Nah, that’ll just remind me of something I don’t have anymore.” Pete smirked.
“They just get in the way anyway, don’t worry about it for now. Just think of ice cream.” Sam didn’t have to try hard to convince Pete and 10 minutes later, they were all laughing in a booth.


After they had finished their ice cream, Vicky sent Pete into the bathroom to put one of the bras on. Pete had told them that she was comfortable in boxers, but Vicky and Sam had told her that she was getting new underwear, although thankfully for Pete, he was only told to put the bra on. She remembered how Vicky had done it and it took her a few minutes but she did it.
“Come on, let’s get some essentials.” They walked into a beauty shop and while Sam and Vicky were getting things for Pete, she decided to get some new make-up. As she walked over to the make-up counter, she didn’t get any strange looks for looking intently at the various ranges.
When she had been a man, she used to get stares from all sorts of people, just for picking up some eyeliner or eyeshadow. Now, no one gave a toss. She picked up some eyeshadow too, since she was running very low on that.
“Penny, you need more than that.” Sam said, walking over.
“No she doesn’t, she looks good with less. Just get some mascara and a lip gloss, natural or something.”
“No, she needs foundation too, and blush and-”
“Can I actually get a say in this?” Pete interrupted. The two women looked at her. “All I want is eyeliner and eyeshadow. That’s it.”
“Come on, just get mascara and a lip gloss too, it can be clear, come on Penny? Please?” Vicky pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, but just that, I will not put any other products on my face.” Pete told them, flicking her fringe out of her eyes. They paid for the make-up and left, walking past a clothes shop.
“You need new clothes.” Vicky said.
“Not buts, except yours in that shop right now.” Sam told Pete.
Pete, surprisingly, did find a few t-shirts and other tops that she liked, but when Vicky brought something over, she point blank refused. “No Vick, just no.”
“But Penny.” She whined.
“No. I don’t wanna wear dresses.” Pete pouted.
Sam smirked. “Oh you will.”
“Come on.” Vicky waved it in her face. “Dresses turn Gabe on. He’s told me many times before.”
“Really?” Pete blushed.
Vicky looked at him, smiling. “You’re head over heels for him, aren’t you?”
“Vick, where you been?” Sam smirked again. “Of course she is, haven’t you seen her blush every time we’ve said his name today? And not just today either.”
“Guys! Lay off me, you’re starting to sound like my mom!” Pete blushed.
“Alright, agree to one dress and we’ll stop.” Sam said.
“Well, that one you’re holding is alright I guess.”
“Great! You just need another pair of shoes, those ones look way too big.”
“They are a little.” Pete admitted.
“Probably because your feet shrunk as well.”
“I just want a pair of converse, that’s all I’ll be happy with.” Vicky and Sam sighed.
“Ok, but only if you get another pair that we choose too.”
“Just no heels.” Pete sighed.
“These!” Sam said, grabbing a pair of flat red pumps. “And these would look amazing with that dress.”
“Ok, but that’s it.”
They paid for Pete’s new clothes and they set off back to Pete and Gabe’s. “Alright, when we get back, we need to do some grooming.”
“What are you talking about?” Pete looked scared.
Half an hour later, Gabe returned with Hemingway and called out to anyone.
“Bathroom Gabe!” Vicky shouted down. Gabe walked up to find Pete sitting on the edge of the bath, jeans on the side and just in a pair of her boxers, her legs over half hairless, and also glaring at Vicky and Sam.
“Gabe, baby, you’re going to have to find a new keytar player, because I am seriously going to kill Vicky.”
“Oh come on! We’re already on our second!” Gabe exclaimed.
“How about you get this done and then we’ll see if you have the same opinion after.” Pete growled at his boyfriend.
“Oh trust me, you get used to it Petey!” Sam said, very happy and smiley. “I mean yeah, it hurts the first few time, but after that, it’s fine.”
Pete glared at her before muttering “Lies.” under her breath.
“Now, Now Pete, if you’re going to say something, make sure everyone can hear you loud and clear.” Gabe laughed at his girlfriend. Pete just glared at him.
“Bite me Gabe.” He told him, to which Gabe made biting notions, which made the girls giggle. Then Hemingway ran in, making Pete smile. “Hemingway, come here boy!” Hemingway looked at him and growled. Pete looked hurt and confused. “What the fuck Hemmy? Why are you growling at me? You’ve never growled at me.” He went to stroke him but Hemingway growled and barked, which made Pete jump.
Sam and Vicky burst out laughing, and Gabe chuckled under his breath too. “Aww, poor little Petey. Your doggy doesn’t even like you.” Sam giggled.
“Shut up, this isn’t even funny.”
“No, but this definitely is.” Sam ripped a wax strip from Pete’s leg, making her scream out in pain. Gabe even winced.
“That looked like that really hurt.” He said.
“It fucking did.” Pete told him through gritted teeth.
“Anyway Gabe, you aren’t allowed to see Pete naked, so shoo.”
Pete looked confused. “I’m not naked though.” He said slowly.
Sam smirked. “You will be though.” She pushed Gabe out the door. “You, go downstairs, watch TV, call one of the guys, jerk off to Pete‘s new appearance, anything while we get Pete ready.”
“What else exactly are you going to do to me?” Pete asked in a small voice. He didn’t trust Vicky or Sam anymore.
“Well, we got the hair from your underarms and legs, now we need to do your bikini line.” Sam said. Pete lost all the colour in her face.
“NO! We are not going there!” Pete screeched. “I refuse right now to have that done.”
“You owe me $10 Sammy.” Vicky said happily. “Sam bet that you would let us do your bikini line, and I bet you wouldn’t.” She explained for Pete’s benefit.
“Samira Way, you are evil.” Pete mumbled.
“Come on Petey, never mind that now! We’re dressing you up and then Gabe is going to take you out to dinner.”
Pete opened her mouth to protest about being dressed but shut it again. “Just make sure I’m not in the dress.”
“Oh we weren’t planning on that yet.” Vicky told her. “But this does involve doing your make up for you. Don’t worry, we’re only doing your eyes and lips, nothing else.”
“Fine.” Pete grumbled, being dragged into the bedroom.


Gabe wondered what was taking them this long. He had been waiting for over half an hour and, other than Pete shouting about a minute after he left the bathroom, he hadn’t heard anything from them. He was currently watching TV with Hemingway curled up on his lap (the dog had taken a liking to Gabe straight away) just flicking through the channels.
“Gabey!” Vicky said behind him. “Turn that off and check out your hot girlfriend.” Gabe turned the TV and turned around, jaw dropping when he did.
Pete was in a pair of her faded black skinny jeans with a long sleeved red shirt that showed her cleavage. Gabe could also see the tattoo of his name as well. She was also wearing the red pumps and had her hair straightened even more than earlier, her fringe covering half her face.
Gabe was speechless, he could only stare at Pete, who was going red. “Gabe, are you actually going to say anything to Petey?” Sam asked.
“Wow.” He said. “You look… gorgeous.” Pete blushed.
“Thanks.” She murmured, not looking at him.
“Gabe, go get changed, we’re going out for a meal together, all of us.” Vicky told him. “It’s been too long since Sam and I have had a date, and you two could use one too.”
“Can’t I just go like this?” Gabe moaned.
Vicky and Sam sighed. “I guess.” Sam said.
“How come Gabe doesn’t have to be all dressed up?” Pete asked them.
“Because he’s the only anatomically correct male here, so hush it Petey.” Sam told her. “Let’s go. I’ll drive.”
They all got in the car, Vicky in the front with Sam, and Pete and Gabe cuddled together in the back.
“You really do look gorgeous Pete.” Gabe told her.
“Thank you. Did you know that Vicky and Sam are mentally insane?” Pete giggled.
“Hey, we are not!” Vicky turned around. “You’re just fashionably retarded.”
“I’ve been a female for less than a day, I think I’m allowed to be.” Pete retorted, sticking her tongue out at the keytar player.
“Babe, are you feeling better than you did this morning then?” Gabe asked Pete. She nodded.
“Yeah, I figured I can’t exactly change this myself, so I might as well accept it. I have no idea how long I’ll be like this, does it bother you?” Pete bit her lip.
“Not one bit.” Gabe told her. “You know that I’m bi, and you are one gorgeous creature, whether you have a cock or tits… Or both and you just aren’t telling me.”
Pete gasped at this and poked Gabe in the chest. “Like I could hide something like that, around you.” She leant over and kissed him. She leant back and suddenly remembered back when they first started dating, just moments after she had asked Gabe.

“Will you be my boyfriend?” Gabe grinned and Pete could barely hear his reply of ‘yes’ before Gabe caught his lips in a passionate kiss.
“How do you not have a boyfriend?” Gabe asked Pete when they stopped to breathe again.
“Because I wanted to save myself for you.” Pete told him. “So, I was just wondering, how would you like a replay of last night?” Gabe’s eyes started to sparkle. “But, I want to be in you this time.”
Gabe smirked. “You got it babe.” He pulled Pete onto top of his and they began to massage their lips against the others. The pulled their boxers off and Pete straddled Gabe. “You are one gorgeous creature, Pete Wentz.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself.” Pete smirked back. “You want lube?” Gabe shook his head.
“I want to feel you dry. Please babe.” Pete nodded and began to stretch his lover. As he placed the third finger in, stretching, Gabe bit his lip. Pete could see he was looking nervous.
“Gabe, are you ok?” Pete asked. Gabe looked at him and waited a few seconds before nodding. Pete could see Gabe was in pain. He curled his fingers around until Gabe gasped and let out a soft moan, thrusting his hips upwards. “Want that again?” Gabe nodded and Pete let his fingers trail around Gabe’s spot, making him roll his head back and moan.
“You ready now babe?” Pete smirked. He had made Gabe a lot less tense now, which was ease the pain as he wouldn’t be as tight. Pete slowly pushed himself into Gabe, keeping eye contact with the man the whole time.
Gabe was in pain, but he knew from what Pete had been doing moments ago that it was worth it. When he was in all the way, he waited a few moments while Gabe got used to him being inside. “Pete, cou… could you start moving slowly?” Pete obeyed his lover and immediately tried to find Gabe’s spot.
“Fuck!” Gabe gasped. “Do that again, please for the love of God!” Pete thrust in and out, slamming into his spot every time. “Faster, harder, please!” Pete was slamming fast into Gabe, his hand curled around Gabe’s cock and pumping him hard and fast.
“Gabe, you’re so fucking tight, you feel so fucking good.” Pete moaned. Gabe’s muscles around Pete suddenly shrunk, making him more tight and making Pete moan like a whore.
“Pete, harder, punish me.”
“For what though?”
“I don’t give a shit, just go fucking harder!” Gabe was meeting Pete’s thrusts half way, both of them moaning like they should be in a porn film.
If the humidity in the room was hot last night, it was boiling today. Both man were releasing their love for the other and when they came together again, they cried out the other’s name in a loud moan.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Gabe kissed Pete. “That was the first time I’ve taken.” Pete looked shocked.
“Why didn’t you say? We could have made it more special for you.”
“It was special enough.” Gabe kissed Pete on his now swollen lips.

“Pete? Babe, we’re at the restaurant.” Gabe said, waving a hand in front of his lover. Pete shook her head slightly and looked at him, slightly embarrassed. He got out of the car.
“Sorry Gabey, I was in a world of my own. I was thinking back to when we got together.” Gabe smirked.
“That was a good night, wasn’t it.” Gabe leant down and kissed Pete. It wasn’t different from kissing Pete when she had been male. There was just her boobs getting in the way, longer hair and no dick, that was it basically.
“Let’s go eat by the river.” Sam said excitedly. The restaurant they had come to was a riverside one. They got their table and started to decide what they wanted.
“So, do you prefer being like this? Or your old self?” Vicky asked as they were choosing.
“I miss my old body.” Pete told the three of them.
“Understandable.” Sam said.
“But, it is kind of fun being like this.” She admitted.
“Gabe, Vicky-T, gonna introduce us then?” Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith came bounding over, hand in hand. Jon and Brendon were walking over behind them.
‘Great, just what I need.’ Pete thought to herself. ‘These pervs.’


“Aren’t you meant to be in Vegas?” Gabe asked.
“We came down to see you guys, we were going to surprise you. We got in town tonight but we thought we’d come out for dinner and we see you here.” Ryan told them.
“So who are these babes?” Brendon waggled his eyebrows at Sam and Pete.
“This is Sam, my girlfriend.” Vicky told him. “Sorry Bren.”
“And who’s this? Cheating on Petey boy are we, Gabe?” Brendon asked.
“Why would you think I would cheat on Pete?” Gabe asked, raising his voice slightly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. So, who is this?”
“This is Penny… Way! Penny Way, my cousin.” Sam came in with.
“Penny, wanna come talk with me over there for a while?” Brendon tried to say seductively, but Pete just had to hold back rolling her eyes.
“Sure, why not?” Pete grinned. She winked at Gabe and whispered in his ear to tell Ryan, Spencer and Jon. She got up from the table and followed Brendon to one half way across the grass.
“So who is she really? Because I’ve seen that tattoo round her neck on someone else, but I don’t think I can believe it.” Ryan said. He always was the more observant one of the band. “Please tell me it isn’t Pete?”
“Sorry dude. It’s Pete. I have no idea how it happened, but when Pete woke up this morning, she was like that.” Spencer, Jon and Ryan all looked shocked, Ryan less so than Spencer and Jon, but he didn’t think that Gabe would confirm it. “But call her Penny in public.”
“Do Pat and the guys know?” Spencer asked.
“Yeah, they came round this morning and they found out. Then we told Vicky and Sam, and we were going to get round to telling you guys when we saw you.”
“Jesus, her boobs are like the size of Texas.” Jon mumbled.
“God, Jon, don’t let her catch you saying that. I said just that when I still didn’t know it was her and then Patrick also said something about them being the size of Texas and she went all bitchy and wouldn’t come out of the bathroom for nearly 3 hours.”
Pete walked back over, shaking her hips, a smirk on her face. “Horny fucker.” She said to Gabe, kissing his cheek. Jon was staring at Pete’s boobs, eyes slightly glazed. “Jon, snap out of it now man!” Pete clapped her hand in his face and he jumped, blushing that he had been staring. “Honestly, you guys should change your name from Panic At The Disco to Perverts At The Disco.”
“Hey, we weren’t perving.” Spencer frowned, indicating to him and Ryan.
“You were perving over Ryan.”
Spencer nodded. “Fair enough.”
Brendon walked back over, white as a sheet, except for a red handprint that was started to appear on his cheek.
“Pete, I’m sorry, seriously.” Brendon apologised.
“You know what you need to do Brend? Keep it in your fucking trousers.” Pete told him. “Now, do you guys want to join us? We haven’t ordered yet.”
“Sure, why not.” Ryan said, taking a seat between Pete and Spencer. Jon sat next to Spencer and Brendon next to him and Vicky.
“So, how goes you and Spencer then?” Pete asked. Since New Years, Spencer and Ryan had also been a couple. It turns out they had lusted for each other since they were around 14/15 but it just took one drunk night to reveal how they truly felt.
“Things are amazing.” Ryan grinned, taking hold of Spencer’s hand. “But what about you two?” He asked Pete and Gabe.
“Before today, amazing. Since this happened,” Pete motioned to her body. “Things are… annoying.”
“Well I assumed that already.” Ryan rolled his eyes.
“Why ask then?” Pete asked.
“Bitchy.” Brendon commented. “We gonna see a cat fight?” Pete turned to glare at him.
“I’m still your boss Brendon, which means I can terminate your contract at any point.” She growled.
Jon slapped him round the back of the head. “Jesus! Dude, what was that for?” Brendon complained.
“Don’t piss her off.” Jon said. “I’d like a career for a while yet.”
“You wouldn’t really throw us off the label, would you Pete?” Brendon asked.
“No, of course not.” Brendon sighed with relief. “Just you.”
“What!?” He asked. “Tell me you’re joking, please tell me you’re just joking?”
“Keep irritating me and you’ll find out.” Pete told him. Brendon suddenly became silent.
Gabe rubbed his hand over Pete’s, calming her almost instantly.
After they had all eaten, they decided to stay for another hour or so, for a couple of drinks. Pete’s cell phone started ringing and she went to pick it up, but Gabe stopped her. “Babe, you’re a woman now. You can’t answer that.”
“You do it for me then.” She shoved it in Gabe’s hands. He answered it, seeing it was Mike Carden. He tried explaining that Pete couldn’t get to the phone, but Mike interrupted him. Then Gabe’s face went white.
“Pete, I think you should talk to him.” Pete was about to protest, until Gabe shoved the phone to his face. “Seriously, you need to talk to him. Will’s there with him.”
“Will? Mike?” Pete asked, wondering if Mike had but William on.
“Who’s this?” a female voice asked, it sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
“You should know, it’s my cell you called. Who are you?”
“Pete? That you?” the woman asked. “It’s Mike.” Pete’s jaw dropped.
“Yeah. Pete, I need help, I’m a woman Pete, a fucking woman! I don’t know how it happened, but I want to change back.” Mike tried saying, but it came out a jumbled mess.
“Mike, slow down dude. Put Bill on for me.” Pete could hear William’s voice in the background, then very clearly, he said “Pete? Are you a chick?”
“Yeah, but I need to know what happened with Mike.”
“He told me he slept in until like 4 this afternoon, the fucker went to a new club and it didn’t close until 5am. When he woke up, he was a woman. He only rang me half an hour ago, Pete, what happened with you?”
“I woke up this morning like it. Are you at Mike’s house then?” Pete asked.
“Stay there, we’ll be round.” Pete hung up. Everyone was looking at her expectantly. “What happened to me, happened to Mike too.”
“Shit, I would have guess Bill would be the one to change.” Spencer laughed.
“Sam, would you mind driving Gabe and I down to Mike’s place?” Pete asked.
“No problem.” Sam picked up her bag.
“Sorry to leave you guys like this.” Pete apologised to the others.
“It’s fine dude… wait, can we still call you dude?” Brendon asked.
“Yes. We’ll check up with you guys later.” They said their goodbyes to the Panic guys and left. 20 minutes later, they pulled up outside Mike’s house, William’s car on the driveway.
“Say hi to Bilvy for me.” Vicky asked as Gabe and Pete got out the car. Vicky and Sam were going to leave Gabe and Pete there and they would either stay at Mike’s or get a lift from William.
“We will. See you guys later.“ Sam sped off as they went to the front door and rung the doorbell. “It’s Gabe and Pete, guys!” Gabe shouted through the letterbox.
The door swung open and a woman, who they could only assume was Mike, stood there. “Make the boobs go away right now!” She shouted at the two of them.


“Make the boobs go away right now!” Mike shouted at the two of them, shocking them. Her hair was longer, it was past her shoulders and it still went over one eye. She was wearing a tight t-shirt which showed off her shapely hips. Her boobs were a little smaller than Pete’s. Her hands, although smaller, were still a guitarist’s hands.
“Mike, calm down.” Pete said.
“No, I will not calm down! I want my dick back!” She screeched. William appeared and picked Mike up over his shoulder, making her screech even more. “Put me the fuck down Will!” William motioned for them to come in while he walked into the lounge.
“I think we might have to try that Pete.” Gabe grinned at her as they walked in and closed the door. “Although I could always beat you before this as well.”
“Try it, and I’ll see that you lose your dick too.” Pete smirked.
“Oh really.” Gabe swiftly picked Pete up and put her over his shoulder.
“Put me down Gabe, or I swear, you are sleeping in Hemingway’s bed for the rest of your fucking life!” Gabe did put her down, but only because they were in the lounge. William had put Mike down on the armchair and she was pouting. A lot.
“Mike, will you cheer the fuck up? My God.” William said, exasperated.
“Bill, don’t talk to her like that. Seriously.” Pete told him. She walked over to Mike while William and Gabe talked about what had happened. “Mike?” She said, hoping to see her friend look at her.
“Why the fuck did this happen Pete? How the fuck did it happen?” Tears sprung out of Mike’s eyes. “Why us?”
“I don’t know Mikey.” Pete said, brushing Mike’s hair out of her eyes. “How about tomorrow, you call up Vicky-T and she’ll take you out and she’ll make sure you get everything you need. Just make sure she doesn’t get any wax.” Mike’s eyes widened. “Believe me, it hurts like a bitch.”
“You actually got waxed? Where?”
“Legs. Sam is evil, she is pure evil.” Pete paused. “And she’s waaay too obsessed with Batman.” Mike giggled. “I’m serious. I mean, come on! She wanted to get a Batman bra!”
“That’s just over the top.”
The next 15 minutes, they gossiped, Pete mainly because she knew that it felt good to gossip, as she had been doing with Vicky and Sam all day.
On the other side of the living room, Gabe was just finishing explaining what happened with Pete to William.
“That just sucks man.” William commented. “Pete is really hot though.” He murmured, checking out her ass.
Gabe glared at William. “Dude, that’s my girlfriend you’re perving over.”
“Girlfriend?” William raised an eyebrow. “You adjusted quickly.”
“Yeah, I had to really. After she freaked out this morning, I had a few hours to think about it.”
“Jesus, her boobs are the size of Texas.” Gabe laughed. “What? They are.”
“It’s not that, I know they’re big, but everyone has described them as being as big as Texas today. I really wouldn’t say it in front of her though.” William nodded.
“Well Mike looks hotter to be honest.”
“Bilvy, you know you love me.” Pete walked over, fluttering her eyelashes. Gabe felt a pang of jealousy. “Would you give us a ride home?”
“I guess so.” William said grinning, showing them that he didn’t mind. “Mike, you ok dude?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” Mike told her friend.
“Want me to stay over?” William asked. Mike thought about it, then nodded. “Alright, I’ll drop Gabe and Pete back home, then I’ll be back.”
“Thanks Will.” Mike threw her arms around him. William blushed.
“Come on guys.” Pete said. “I don’t want Hemmy to be on his own much longer.”
“Even after he growled and barked at you this afternoon?” Gabe asked.
“He’s still my Hemmy.” Pete pouted. “Now come on!”
“She hasn’t changed that much really, has she?” William murmured to Gabe, who chuckled.
When they got home, Hemingway barked at Pete again, but didn’t bother her after that.
“Gabe, I’m going up to bed now.” Pete said a little while after they got in.
“I’ll come up with you.” Gabe said, taking Pete’s hand, but Pete pulled her hand away. Gabe frowned. “What’s wrong Pete?”
“I’m staying in one of the spare rooms tonight.” Pete told him.
“Why?” Pete ignored Gabe, she just started walking upstairs. “Pete, don’t ignore me, tell me what is wrong? You were fine earlier, what happened?”
“You really want to know what wrong with me? I don’t want you to see me like this!”
“What do you mean, see you like this? I’m looking at you right now.”
“No, I meant you seeing me naked.” Pete turned in the hallway, tears in her eyes.
“But, Pete, it doesn’t matter what you look like to me-”
“Maybe this isn’t about you, Gabe! Maybe this is actually about me!” Pete shouted in his face before running into one of the spare bedrooms.
Gabe was stunned by Pete’s outburst. He thought that Pete had been alright with all of this, but it seemed she was just a better actress than Gabe gave her credit for. He walked over to the door that Pete had disappeared behind and twisted the handle but found it was locked.
“Pete, baby, can you let me in please?” Gabe asked him.
“No! Just leave me alone Gabe!” Pete shouted. “I want to sleep!”
“Pete, please talk to me about this.”
“I don’t want you seeing me like this, please just give me that Gabe.” Pete’s voice was softer now. “Please Gabe, I’ll talk to you in the morning.”
“Alright.” Gabe said. “Do you want anything to sleep in?”
“Just grab one of my t-shirts and pants.” Pete told him.
Gabe grabbed a pair of Pete’s plaid pyjama bottoms and one of his own t-shirts and went back over to the bedroom. He knocked on the door and Pete unlocked and opened it. She poked her head round and Gabe saw that her eyeliner had started to run. Pete went to take the clothes from Gabe but he pulled her into a kiss.
“I love you Gabe. I’ll see you in the morning.” Pete pushed him out gently and closed the door again. Gabe sighed.
“I love you too Pete.” He said, putting his hand against the door.
Then he walked back into his room and fell onto the bed, not bothering to change. He fell asleep slowly into a restless sleep.


girl!pete, sex!swap, kid!fic, cobra starship, fall out boy, mcr, brendon/nate, pete/gabe, the academy is, vicky-t/oc, gym class heroes, panic at the disco

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