FIC: About A Girl (To Be Loved)

Jun 17, 2010 00:41

Title: About A Girl (To Be Loved)
Author: misfitish
Pairing: William/Mike, Gabe/Travis
Summary: Written for the anon_lovefest prompt of:  "Bill wishes that he was a girl so that Mike would fall in love with him.
His wish comes true and Girl!Bill becomes friends with Mike. And this means obv. that Boy!Bill has dissapeared.
Girl!Bill hits on Mike.
Mike confesses to Girl!Bill that he's actually gay. He tells Girl!Bill that he was in love with Boy!Bill.
Kind of a careful what you wish sort of moral.
What happens from then is up to the writer."
Wordcount: 4000 words
Rating: PG I guess. There's language, but not too much.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

As William watched Mike in the busy club, he couldn’t help but sigh, almost like a girl. The guitarist was talking to some of the guys from The Cab, laughing and drinking his beer slowly. And here William was, just watching him like a creeper, when he should be enjoying himself. But he couldn’t take his eyes from Mike.

Gabe and Travis came bounding over to him when they arrived, surrounding the younger boy into a hug. “Bilvy!” Gabe shouted in his ear.

“Ow, fuck off, Gabriel.” William pulled away from them both and glared at Gabe.

Gabe and Travis exchanged a look. “What crawled up your ass?” Travis asked as he sat down on the stall next to William, Gabe wrapping an arm around the dark skinned man.

“Nothing.” William grumbled as he looked back over towards where Mike was. Gabe followed his eye line and sighed, leaning forward to grab William’s hand.

“Tell him.” William snapped round to look at Gabe, shaking his head.

“N-no, I can’t d-do that.” William said, his stutter revealing itself. “I j-just c-can’t!”

“Billiam, you can.” Gabe took his hand. “You need to.”

But William shook his head. He made a quick excuse and left the club, even though Gabe and Travis were calling after him. He made his way back to the hotel and let himself into his single room (he’d managed to get it this time) and he stripped to his boxing, falling on the bed, breathing heavily after his run back.

What was Gabe thinking? How could he tell his straight best friend that he was more than a little in love with him? He just couldn’t! It would be different if William was a woman. He could go tell Mike then. He glanced out the window through the open curtains and saw a single star in the sky.

“I wish I was a woman, so I could finally have Mike, so he would love me.” He sighed, whispering his wish to the star.

Moments later, he had turned on his side and was sound asleep, hoping the morning would be better for him.

When he woke up, he felt strange. He shuffled a little, trying to get comfy, but his boobs were…

William’s eyes shot open. Boobs? He looked down at himself and squeaked as he saw a pair of breasts on his chest. He sat up quickly and he saw hair drape down in front of his eyes. He quickly got out of bed and ran to the mirror, covering his mouth to smother the scream as he looked at his reflection.

Staring back at himself with wide eyes was a young woman with longer than shoulder length wavy hair, not-too-big-not-too-small breasts, a curvy waist, a softer jaw line than William and the same hazel eyes that William had. He took a step towards the mirror and watched the girl step forward too. When he reached the mirror, he pressed his fingers to the glass, still not believing it.

“What the fuck…” He whispered, then squeaked again. His voice! Even in a whisper, it was higher than his normal voice. Oh he was so fucked, man. They were in the middle of a tour, and he’d turned into a fucking girl!

He scrambled back to the bed and grabbed his phone, pressing number 2 on his speed dial. If there was ever a time he needed Gabe’s help, it was now. He waited impatiently as the phone rang and when he picked up, he didn’t even give Gabe a chance to tell him to fuck off due to the early hour it was.

“Gabe, p-please, it’s B-Bill, can you c-come to the hotel n-now, I need y-you, please, I t-turned into a g-g-girl and I really need you and Tr-Travis to help me right now.” He rambled at a hundred miles an hour, his stutter coming out strong.

“Who the fuck is this?” Gabe’s voice was filled with sleep.

“It’s Bill, please, believe m-me on this, I t-turned into a g-girl overn-night!”

“Bill?” Gabe asked, groggy still.

William sighed. “I’m coming to your apartment n-now. I need you, Gabe.” And with that, he hung up.

Quickly, he made the decision to get his things and leave his hotel key card under one of the doors of the band. He left the hotel, bundled in a hoody, carrying his bag with him and hailed a cab. Gabe’s apartment wasn’t that far, but New York confused him, it was easier getting a cab.

When it pulled up outside the apartment building, William paid and made his way to Gabe’s apartment. He knocked on the door loudly, biting his lip.

When Gabe opened it, he took one look at William and tried to close the door again. “Not today-”

“Gabe, I need you.” He pushed his way into the apartment.

“Look, lady, I don’t know who you think you are, barging in here, but this is my apartment and you better get the fuck out.”

“Gabe, it’s m-me, it’s Bill.” William stressed. “P-please, you need to be-believe me.”

Gabe frowned. “Look, I know there’s a lot of stuff going round about Bill being a woman, but I know for a fact he-”

“Gabriel!” William snapped. “It’s me. Why else would I h-have all of this,” he motioned to his bag, “and be w-wearing these clothes if I wasn’t William? You know for a fact I s-stole this shirt from you a few years ago and I n-never gave it back.”

Gabe blinked a few times. “Yeah, ok, but you can’t be him. You’re a woman.” William eyes watered, realising that Gabe wasn’t going to believe him. He couldn’t do this without someone who knew, who could help him. “If you were him, you’d know that you’ve been crushing on Chizzy for a few years now.”

William pulled a face. “No, dude, I’ve n-never even made out with him. You know w-who I’m cr-crushing on, so don’t try to p-pull one over on me.”

“Who then? And I want to know when you told me about it too.”

William sighed heavily. “M-Mike. I am in l-l-love with Mike Carden.” William closed his eyes. “And I told you l-last Fall, and Travis too.”
Gabe’s face paled incredibly fast. “Bilvy?” He whispered. William nodded, biting his lip. “But… what the fuck?!” Gabe exclaimed, causing Travis to wander in from the bedroom.

William, after convincing Travis of who he was, told the two of them that he had made a wish and had woken up like this. William was curled up in the armchair, scared of what would happen now, with the band, all his friends and family. Gabe and Travis could see the worry, and they proceeded to pull William over to the couch with them, into a hug.

William closed his eyes, and he almost felt normal again. Except he could feel his boobs pressed against Travis’ chest.

“We’ll help you through this, Bilvy.” Gabe whispered.

“B-but what am I gonna d-do? I can’t be William B-Beckett if I have fucking boobs!” He exclaimed, voice muffled by Gabe’s shoulder.

Travis made soothing sounds, stroking William’s now longer again hair. “We’ll work this out, I promise Bilvy. We promise.”

William sniffed a few times, then eventually pulled away from the pair, giving the pair a small smile. “Thanks guys. I k-knew I could come to you.”

“Always, Billiam.” Gabe smiled widely. “So, I guess you haven’t told anyone else then?”

William shook his head. He’d been thinking about what needed to be done, so he explained his plan to his two friends. They agreed instantly to help him, Gabe going to collect his laptop. William had decided that he needed clothes, girl clothes, and although he already had a fair amount of shirts and girl skinny jeans, he didn’t have many with him. They were all back in Chicago.

And he needed a bra too.

He was fine with Travis helping measure him up (after Gabe had looked up how to measure for bra sizes) but he wouldn’t allow Gabe near his breasts. Yes, Gabe was gay and with Travis, but he still had an obsession with tits.

After finding out he was a 30B, William told them that he needed to go shopping. So the three of them decided to go shopping across the city, where they were certain they wouldn’t bump into anyone they knew.

Gabe said they should go into Victoria’s Secrets, but William punched him and told him he didn’t need sexy underwear, he just wanted a couple of bras that would help his chest from bouncing around when he walked.

Nearly 2 hours later, they were in the car, on their way back to the apartment, 3 shopping bags full of clothes, a few pairs of shoes and make up. Travis and Gabe had practically cornered William and told him to get some make up and William now had a small bag of different eyeshadows and blush and… oh, fuck knows. Travis was the one who had got most of it. William just went along with it to amuse them.

When they arrived back, there were a few frantic messages on the answering machine about if they knew where William was and to call any of the band if they found out.

William bit his lip. “I don’t wanna tell them, I wouldn't even know how to.”

It was a little while later that the three came to a decision. William would go back to Chicago, and he would hide out in his apartment until he turned back. Well, he’d be wishing every night to change, but maybe it would happen on it’s own. Gabe said that he was welcome to stay the night and go in the morning but William shook his head.

“The guys might come over, and I don’t want to be hiding.” He said.

So two hours later, William was saying goodbye to Gabe and Travis at the train station just before she boarded to head home. William had gotten out some money so he didn’t have to keep using his card, and as he got on the train, he was scared as to what was going to happen now.

After two changes and 6 hours later, William stepped off the train in Chicago and instantly went about getting a cab back to his apartment. He’d turned his phone off, to avoid getting calls and seeing worried texts, and he wasn’t planning on turning it back on until he had a dick again.

It was pitch black when the cab pulled up and William quickly made his way to his apartment, wanting to fall asleep in his own bed. He made sure to lock the door, then he just stripped down to his underwear, put on a large shirt (he was sure it was actually Travis’) and fell on the bed. He wished for 10 minutes to change back before he fell asleep.

When he woke in the morning, his first thought was about how sleepy on his tummy wasn’t really good now he had tits. His second thought was …fuck I still have tits.

He sighed, getting up and going for a shower because he hadn’t had one since before he changed yesterday morning, and he hated going so long without being clean.

When he got in the shower, he was a little reluctant to look at his body, he didn’t want to see a female body, he wanted his own body back. He missed his dick, dammit!

20 minutes later, he was changing into some of the clothes he’d bought yesterday and for the hell of it, he decided to try out the makeup.

Big mistake.

He was in the middle of cleaning up the mess on his face when he heard the phone ring and it go to answer phone, only to hear Mike’s voice. He froze.

“William? Bill, are you there? Look, we’re all fucking worried as shit, you took off yesterday without saying anything, no one’s seen you, I just wondered if you went home. I know we’ve only got a couple of weeks left touring, but hell, this is so unlike you!” Mike sighed. “Look, if you get this, then… just ring me back? Please? This isn’t funny.”

William leant on the counter, breathing heavily. Fuck this fucking wish, man! He was scaring his band mates, his friends for years, all because of a stupid fucking wish.

He went to grab the phone and dialled a well known number, curling up on the sofa, waiting for Gabe to answer.

When he picked up, he said a rushed “Not now, I’ll call you later,” before hanging up.

William looked at the phone before putting it down by his feet. He couldn’t text and ask what he meant, he didn’t want to turn his phone on. He knew that as soon as he did, he would be swamped with texts and calls would start coming through. And William couldn’t deal with that yet.

20 minutes later, his phone rang and he waited to see who was calling this time. When he heard Gabe’s voice asking him to pick up, he dove for the phone.

“Why did you hang up on me before?” William asked, pouting. God, he was pouting. He really was becoming a woman in everyway.

“Sorry bro, Mike and Siska were over, and I couldn’t talk while they were here.” Gabe apologised.

William took a deep breath. “How… how are th-they?”

“Not doing so good. Shit scared about where you’ve got to.”

William bit his lip. He hated this, he hated it so much. He wished that he’d never made this god forsaken wish and had just stayed pining for Mike from a distance. William decided he couldn’t do this anymore. While still on the phone to Gabe, he turned his cell on and waited while dozens of texts came through.

“Bill? Bilvy, what are you doing? You know they’re gonna be ringing you now.” Gabe said, hearing the text tone of William’s blackberry over and over while the texts came through.

“They have to know I’m ok, even if it’s just via a text.” William replied, sending texts out to his band mates, friends and family who had all tried to get through to him, telling them he was fine, he just needed some space.

“Gabe, I have to do this. Or they’ll keep worrying.” William replied to more of Gabe’s franticness on the phone. He turned his phone to silent just seconds before he received a call from Mike. He watched it vibrate and light up, but left it on his lap.

“Bilvy…” Gabe’s voice was soft.

William shook his head, despite the fact that Gabe couldn’t see it. “No Gabe, let me do this my way. Please?”

After Gabe responded yes and they both hung up, William listened to the voicemail Mike had left. Almost as soon as Mike’s voice came through, William had to pull it away from his ear though.


William was shaking as he put the phone down, watching as more and more of his loved ones called to see how he was. But he needed a plan now. A plan to get Mike, and thus end all of this girl bullshit… hopefully.

5 days later, William knew that his band were back in Chicago, he heard them come round, knocking on the door and demanding he open the goddamn door, or so help us god…

William had triple locked the door so that if they tried to get in with a key, they wouldn’t be able to. But when it had been silent for a while, he got dressed, put on a tiny amount of make up, and left the house. He needed to get groceries, and hey, if he found Mike in the process, it was a win.

Luckily, he found Mike quite easily. Hanging around outside his apartment building. And he, looking down at his phone, didn’t see him until he literally walked straight into him.

“Oh, Jesus, I’m so sorry…” He apologised, then trailed off seeing exactly who it was.

Mike smiled. “Hey, no worries, it’s fine. Are you ok?” Mike asked him.

William swallowed the lump in his throat down. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I was looking at my phone.” He said.

Mike nodded. “It‘s fine, really.” Then he paused. “Do you live here by any chance?” William thought for a moment before nodding. “You haven’t seen a tall skinny guy over the last few days, have you? William, he’s in 103.”

William shook his head. “No, I haven’t, sorry.” He said, not lying at all because hey, he really hadn’t seen himself as a guy in a week.

Mike’s face fell. “Oh, I see. Thanks anyway.”

William chewed on his bottom lip for a minute. Now was his time to strike. “Look, uh, I was just wondering , would you like to get a coffee some time?” He asked, trying to look as feminine as possible. “Like, on a date or something?”

Mike looked at him, slightly awkward, and scratched the back of his head. “Oh, um, well, I’d like to, but I’m actually gay.”

William just stared at him. “You… really?”

Mike nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I already have my eye on someone, someone I kinda love. But if I wasn’t, you seem nice and all, but-”

“Since when have you been gay? And why did you never tell anyone?” William completely forgot he was supposed to be a nameless girl, he was back in William Beckett mindset.

Mike frowned. “I’m sorry, but what business is it of yours?”

“You never told your closest friends, they wouldn’t have judged you. Jesus, what the hell? Seriously? Who is it?”

“It’s the guy I’m looking for, if you must know. And seriously, where the fuck do you get off telling me I should have told my friends? How the hell did you know I hadn’t anyway? Have you been fucking stalking me?”

William just froze. Mike was gay. Mike was gay for him. Mike was gay for him and loved him. And William had wished himself to be a woman so he could stand a chance when now he didn’t have a chance in hell. Jesus, this was the worst thing in the world.

“Maybe if you’d have told me, I wouldn’t have had to do this, Michael.” William said, before storming back up to his apartment without saying another word to Mike.

As he waited in the lift, he rang Gabe. “Mike’s gay!” He said, a sob close to appearing.

“I know.” Gabe said calmly.

“WHAT!?” William screeched. “YOU KNEW?!”

“Why do you think I told you to tell him? He told me a while ago.”

William pulled the phone away to stare at it for a moment before putting it back to his ear. “You knew and you didn’t tell me? Thanks a fucking lot, Gabriel.” William snapped, hanging up.

He got out of the lift and walked towards his door, unlocking it and walking in. But as he went to close it, he was stopped by a strong pair of hands. He was shoved back slightly and Mike opened the door, staring at him.

“What the fuck, get out.” William snapped.

Mike said nothing. He just walked in and closed the door, despite William’s protests and he walked up to him. “What. The. Fuck.” He said, staring at his face.

“Get out. Please.” William pleaded. Mike must know by now. They were standing in William’s apartment, and after what William had said, he must had figured it out.

“William.” Mike said firmly and it only took hearing his name for William to crumble slightly. He felt Mike’s hand come up to rest against his cheek and the guitarist repeated his name, this time softer.

“Mike, please, just go away.” William ran off to his bathroom, the only room that had a lock. He sat against the wall, staring at the door as if Mike was going to barge in.

Mike banged on the door, demanding that William open it, but William remained silent. Finally, he heard Mike slide down the door and sigh heavily.

“Look, William, Bill, please, just talk to me. I seriously don’t know why you’re dressed as a woman, but-”

“Because I am a woman right now, Mike!” William snapped, then sighed. He told Mike the whole story of what had happened, without once going near the door. He even told Mike how he truly felt about his friend since, well, that was a pretty important factor in the story.

Mike, on his part, stayed silent while William explained. It was only when William finished that Mike spoke.

“Will you open the door now?”

William hid his face, arms wrapped around his knees. “Mike, go away, please. It’s obvious you don’t want me as this, and fuck knows when I’m turning back, if I ever do, so please, just leave me alone.”

“No.” William jumped, looking up to see Mike sitting in front of him, having just picked the lock quickly. “I don’t want to leave, so deal with it.”

“But you said outside. You’re gay, and I’m a woman now. This won‘t work.” William said miserably.

“Bilvy,” Mike took his hands. “I’m not gay because I like every guy I see. I’m gay because I love you.” He said softly, brushing William’s hair away from his face. “If you stay like this now, then I’ll be straight. But it’s nothing to do with other people. The only reason I have any label, is because of you.”

William looked into his eyes and saw they were full of truth. “…Really?” William asked in a small voice. He really wanted to believe what Mike was saying, but he had to make totally certain that he was telling the truth.

“Yes, really.” Mike said, nodding. “I really love you.” As he leant in closer, William’s heart started racing at a million miles an hour. Then as Mike pressed his lips gently but firmly against his, he felt like his heart had stopped. He responded slowly, but then let Mike take more control as the kiss got harder.

Mike ran his fingers through William’s hair before resting it on the back of his neck. William gripped Mike’s bicep tight, as if to make sure he wouldn’t run away from him. He gave a soft happy sigh, worry disappearing from him as he was kissing the man he’d wanted for so long.

As the two of them felt a breeze around them, they pulled away and William opened his eyes to look instantly into Mike’s, who was looking at him in shock.

“What?” William asked, then gasped. His voice, it was deeper again. He looked down and saw that he was no longer in the outfit he had been in just minutes ago, but a completely different one that he used to wear before he changed. And another thing he noticed… no tits!

“Guess this means I’m back to gay.” Mike grinned. William just grinned with him and pulled him into another kiss, hungry and deep.

When William told Gabe and Travis later what had happened, they had both laughed that it had taken a wish on a star to turn William into a girl for them both admit how they felt about each other. William had just hung up and snuggled more into Mike’s side. They had to work out what they were going to tell everyone, but that could wait until tomorrow. At that moment, they just wanted each other.

sex!swap, anon_lovefest fic, fic, cobra starship, william/mike, the academy is, girl!william, slash, gym class heroes, gabe/travis

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