FIC: Cobra Snuggles

Jun 11, 2010 21:20

Title: Cobra Snuggles
Author: misfitish  
Pairing: Nate/Alex
Summary: Gabe and his goddamn snuggles maybe were a good thing after all...
Wordcount: 1145 words
Rating: PG-13
Notes: I wrote this a few weeks ago in Spain but with personal matters happening, I'm only just posting it.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

Really, they had Gabe to thank for it, what happened.

The goddamn man and his snuggle obsession meant that whenever the band were together, either fully or partially, Gabe would demand group snuggles. But after a while, Nate would snuggle into Alex's side, even if it was just the two of them watching a movie or whatever.

Alex put it down to nothing until one night, the two of them were watching Love Actually together when he heard Nate mutter "What more should I do?" before he moved to kiss the bassist.

Alex flailed a little before pulling away. "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked, wide eyed.

"Look, I never thought of you in any way other than a friend a few months ago, but I've wanted to do that for a while. I like snuggling with you, you're comfy, but yeah, I just had to get that out of my system." Nate bit his lip, looking down at his hands.

"...But you just said 'What more should I do?' What did that mean?" Nate stayed silent. Alex tilted his head and said his name softly, placing a hand on Nate's leg. Nate couldn't contain the small whimper that escaped his lips. Then it hit Alex like a ton of bricks. "Oh."

"Fuck." Nate whispered and tried to move away but Alex kept him there.

"Nate, why didn'y you say something to me?"

"What would have happened though? Seriously. No one wants me, why would they?"

Alex's face softened and pulled the youngest cobra into a tight hug, like any of them would do when Nate started to self hate. It was a result of most of Nate's previous partners all being bastards and not caring about his feelings. "Who wouldn't want to be with you, baby cobra? There's so many amazing things about you that you can't see yourself. You're funny, smart, one of the best personalities I know and you aren't bad on the eyes either, why would anyone not want to date you?"

Nate looked at Alex with a genuine innocent looking face. "R-really? You really mean that?"

Alex nodded. "Of course I did. Why else would I say it?"

Nate shrugged. "To stop me being emo?"

"Nathan, you listen to me, ok? I would never tell you a lie like that. I'd never want to hurt you in any way. I wish I could keep you safe all the time, take all your bad memories and keep them myself if it meant you could be happy all the time instead of remembering the things that have happened..." Alex trailed off and blinked.

Where had that come from? It just came out of nowhere but he wasn't about to take it back. He meant every word of it, after all. The very thought of Nate in pain or sad made him want to kiss-


Alex looked at Nate, who was watching him curiously, and he realised yeah, he did want to kiss him. When he was happy, sad, quiet, loud, drunk, he just wanted to. As he saw Nate's eyes widen, he realised that he had said that out loud. So he did the first thing that he could think of. He tilted Nate's head up and kissed him softly.

Nate made a small whimpering sound in the back of his throat. He pulled away. "Are... are you sure you want to do this, Alex?"

"Definitely." The bassist replied before moving in to kiss the drummer again.

When the rest of the band found out what the two of them had become, there had been the obvious time filled with jokes from Gabe and Ryland, while Victoria just cooed at how adorable they were together. After a week though, they were all back to normal, except that Gabe would snuggle more with just Victoria and Ryland, since Alex was perfectly happy with his little personal snuggles from his boyfriend.

A month had passed since that night and the two of them were snuggled up on the couch in Alex's apartment, watching Love Actually again. Alex had an arm wrapped round Nate's shoulders and was rubbing his arm with feather light touches. Nate had just head resting of Alex's chest and an arm thrown over him.

For most of the movie, they stayed silent, but towards the end, Alex cleared his throat. "Nate, there's something I need to say."

Nate tensed up. "I... I'll go get my stuff and leave." He said quietly, his voice filled with sadness.

"Whoa, whoa, what?" Alex asked, holding Nate's wrist.

"Well you're gonna tell me that this was fun, but you're breaking up with me for someone better, right?" Nate tore his wrist away from Alex's hand to get his things together while the bassist just sat stunned.

"Nate, that wasn't what I was going to say!" He scrambled off the couch.

"Save it. I know the signs better than anyone when I'm about to be dumped." Nate ran out of the apartment before Alex could say anything else.

But Alex was fast. He ran out after him and managed to grab the lift Nate was in just before the door shut. "Leave me alone. You dumped me, it's fine, whatever, just leave me alone."

But Alex could see he was far from fine, that the younger boy couldn't take this, despite the words that had come out of his mouth.

Alex backed him up gently so his back was against the wall and stroked his cheek gently. "I wasn't about to dump you. Why would I do that to the man I'm fallen in love with?" Alex smiled as he watched the upset look leave Nate's face and total shock appear.

"No one has ever told me that." He said in quiet awe, his voice wavering. "Please don't be joking, I don't think I could take this again, especially from you."

Alex took Nate's hands and kissed them gently. "I, Alex Suarez, am in love with you, Nate Novarro. And I promise you won't ever get hurt again, not while I'm here."

Nate's eyes glistened and he leant over to kiss him. "I love you too." He mumbled against the elder's lips.
They kissed until a voice interrupted. "Let today be known as the day our baby cobra found his one true love." Alex and Nate jumped apart at the sound of Gabe's voice. He, Victoria and Ryland were standing outside the lift, on the ground floor, holding the door open. Alex hadn't realised that the lift got to the ground floor already.

The three of them bundled into the lift and they started moving back to Alex's floor. Alex and Nate just smiled at each other and kept their fingers intertwined. Even if their best friends interrupted a major moment, they couldn't wipe the grins from their faces.

They were in love after all.

fic, nate/alex, slash, cobra starship

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