FIC: The Zombie Apocalypse Is Nigh'

Jun 07, 2010 08:49

Title: The Zombie Apocalypse Is Nigh'
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Pete/Brendon, Pete/Gabe, William/Ashlee, Jon/Ryan/Spencer
Summary: Events that happen during the zombie apocalypse. Death!fic.
Wordcount: 2550 words
Rating: PG-13
Notes: This is basically an AU of an AU that I'm currently RPing with friends. I've made this so it can pretty much be read alone.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately. (Or fortunately for one person in this story).

It had been nearly 2 whole months since Brendon had found other survivors after being alone for 2 months. Gabe, the hardass who was reluctant to talk to any of them at first but he grew to find the softer side to him. William, who was a fucking brilliant shot when it came to headshots. He was only 2 years older than him, the closest to Brendon’s 17. William and Gabe had also grown to become like brothers who liked to fight a lot, with fists as well. Pete was brilliant, the only one who would play computer games with him, but he was absolutely shit at taking out more than one or two zombies at once.

Then there was Ashlee, the only girl in the group, and a badass with a gun. And who was quite heavily pregnant too. 7 months, or so she figured. The daddy was Pete, but they weren’t a couple. They had decided to ‘procreate’, Pete told Brendon. But this was a good thing, because William seemed to like Ashlee rather a lot, despite the whole pregnant thing.

And then Brendon had a few times slept with Pete. It wasn’t like they were a couple, he knew for a fact Pete and Gabe also fucked too, but it was more like friends with benefits. Despite this though, there were three people who could never replace that special place in his heart. The ones he had lost, the ones he loved.

He was determined to find them again, be reunited with them, but with each passing day, he kept seeming to give up more and more hope. He had confided in Pete one night, told him everything about them, how much they had all been in love. Pete had just comforted him, held him close.

But it was over a month after the small ‘family’ had come together when a tragedy happened. The boys were all out getting supplies, Pete having persuaded Ashlee to stay at home for most of the trips during her last two months, and when they arrived at the empty mall, they all split to get what they were assigned to get.

If only they hadn’t, it wouldn’t have happened.

Brendon was the one assigned to get Ashlee some new clothes and he was looking through the Maternity clothes, humming to himself, when he was shoved to the ground by a zombie who had pulled a sneak attack on him.

He tried fighting it off, trying to reach for his gun, shouting for the others. Then the zombie bit down into his shoulder, making him scream out in pain. Moments later, the dead weight of the zombie was pulled off and he heard one gun shot while Gabe sat next to him, his eyes wide with fear, raising Brendon’s head to lay in his lap.

“Bren, fuck, Jesus…” He whispered, trying to stop the bleeding with his hoody, one hand stroking his hair.

“Gabe…” Brendon croaked out. He was in so much pain right now.

William appeared his other side, gun still in hand. “Bdon, shit, we’ve gotta get this cleaned up, it’ll be ok.”

“I’m 17, not stupid Bill. I’m gonna die.” And as he said it, a tear rolled down his face.

Pete appeared now, eyes welling up. “Bren, no.” He choked up. “Don’t say that, please.”

“M’sorry Pete, we all know it’s true.” Brendon struggled to keep his eyes open. “Don’t lemme turn into one of them, please.” Brendon coughed up a small amount of blood, and William grabbed a hand tight. “One of you, make sure I don’t come back.”

“We won’t.” William whispered. They had all agreed, should the unthinkable happen and they die by a zombie’s hand (or mouth as it was usually), then they would shoot the afflicted when they dead in the forehead, so they wouldn’t return as a monster.

“Thank you Bilvy.” Brendon used his nickname for the other teenager. Then he looked at them all in turn. “Tell Ash… I still think Baby is a girl, and that I love her. I love you guys too. Please, just… remember me, okay?”

“Never gonna forget you Bren.” Gabe let a few tears roll down his face, William wiping the tears rolling down his cheeks. Because of Brendon, the two of them had been in a lot less fights than they would have. Brendon hated it when they fought, it went over the top on more than one occasion, and they had Brendon to thank for their semi-friendship.

“You’ll always be in our hearts, B.” Pete held onto one of his hands and kissed his knuckles softly. Brendon squeezed his hand, feeling the darkness coming.

“I’ll… al-always be around.” He whispered, closing his eyes. “I’ll be w-watching you all… See you…” Brendon’s head fell to the side, his mouth laying open slightly.

Pete didn’t care if the others saw, he broke down into tears. Gabe and William followed suit, all of them not wanting to take in the fact that the hyper ball of energy was no longer in their lives.

“Guys,” William snivelled, wiping his eyes, “we have to do it. Before he turns.”

Pete shook his head, unable to do it. Gabe just stood back, pulling Pete away and letting the shorter man cry into his chest. “William, can… I feel horrible asking, but can you…” Gabe left it open, but William knew what he was saying.

William took a deep breath, pulling a gun out of his holster. Usually he would have a dead steady hand but as he aimed his gun at Brendon’s temple where his hair covered, his hand was shaking like crazy. He closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger, letting the shot sound out loud around them. All of them couldn’t stop the tears running down their faces as they knelt in front of him.

“Pete, grab hold of him. We’re taking him home for a proper burial.” Gabe said. “William and I need to cover us all.”

Pete nodded shakily and leant down to pick Brendon up, sobbing more. “L-lets just g-go.” William croaked.

As the three boys made their way home with the body of their friend, they encountered few zombies, but William and Gabe were taking out the zombies with a vengeance. Vengeance against them all for killing their friend.

When they arrived home, William decided to go ahead and tell Ashlee. He found her in the library and he explained as well as he could what had happened but that didn’t stop her screaming at him for it not to be true and throwing books at him before running to a bathroom to throw up.

When she emerged, she demanded to see him. William told her that his neck was in pretty bad shape, but she needed to say goodbye.
Gabe and Pete had cleaned him up and put him in a clean shirt and covered the bullet hole in his temple. Ashlee fell to her knees, sobbing her eyes out, grabbing his hand. Pete just sat next to her, putting an arm around her, crying with her.

William and Gabe went to dig a grave, leaving Pete and Ashlee to grieve by Brendon’s body. Over an hour later, and neither had said a word, and William came back in. “Guys, c’mon, before the zombies get catch of a fr-fresh b-body.” William stumbled over the last two words.
Pete still said nothing, but just picked Brendon up, following William and Ashlee out. He could hear the two of them mumbling to each other, but Pete was yet to mutter a single word since Brendon had died.

Gabe and William had got a system together so they could lower the body down and as they did it, none of them had dry faces. William said The Lord’s Prayer, as he was the only one who knew it fully, then they started to cover him up. They couldn’t do much more, they couldn’t risk the zombies catching the scent of the body.

Pete still hadn’t spoken, 2 hours after, he’d just sat in the armchair in the music room. The others were worried about him, they didn’t know why he was taking it harder than the others. Gabe was the first to come in and talk to him. He’d cried himself out, but Gabe saw the trails still on his cheeks.

“Hey, dude, we’re all worried about you.” He said softly, kneeling in front of the chair.

“S’the second time I’ve had to do that.” Pete muttered. Gabe frowned. “When this first started, a guy I was dating, Patrick, I loved him so much, but then one night he got attacked, round the corner from mine. I managed to take out the zombie who did it, but it was too late for him, like with Bren. He… He asked me to kill him, but I refused. I stayed by his side til he died, and then I had I didn’t have a gun, I had to cut his…” He choked up, more tears suddenly appearing. “Yeah, so not good with burying people I care about.”

“Fuck, Pete…” Gabe pulled him into a crushing hug. “I had no idea.” He mumbled into his shoulder.

“I… I don’t know what it was with Bren, but I think it could have been close to love.” Pete sobbed. “All the people I love, they always get taken away from me.”

Gabe just held onto Pete, picking him up to take him up to his room. He laid with him until he fell asleep and made sure he was asleep, before walking downstairs again to tell William and Ashlee that Pete was sleeping now but he found the two of them sleeping on the couch, in each others arms. Gabe just put the blanket on them and went back to sleep with Pete, knowing the boy wouldn’t want to wake alone.

The next seven days were horrible for them all. Pete had gone about creating a headstone for Brendon, even if it was just a wooden cross, but he’d managed to make a plaque and had carved the teen’s name into it.

And so, it was seven days after they were running low on supplies and had to go out again. Ashlee didn’t want them going, but they promised they would stay together and be as quick as they could.

As they made their way back from the food store, rucksacks full, they ran into a crowd of zombies. They were very outnumbered, but Gabe and William were good shots, and Pete was just shooting in general, so they went down fast. But they could hear shots from somewhere else too. When the zombies were all down, they saw a group of young men, teenagers probably, walking towards them.

“Wow, nice to see other people around that aren’t trying to eat us.” The shortest one said.

“Likewise.” Gabe said. “Now, not meaning to sound rude, but we should get out of the open.”

When they got back, they allowed the three new boys to come with them. Once they were safe behind the gates, they walked towards the house slowly.

“So, hey, shall we do introductions?” The skinny one of the trio asked.

William nodded. “I’m William Beckett, this is Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta.” He motioned to the others. “And what about yourselves?”

“I’m Ryan Ross, this is Spencer Smith and this is-”

“Jon Walker?” Pete said suddenly.

“How the fuck did you know that?” Spencer asked, frowning.

“You, you knew Brendon. Brendon Urie.” Pete said. “You were the friends he lost.”

“You know Brendon?!” Jon exclaimed. “Where is he?”

Pete stopped, making the others pause and look at him. “Where is Brendon?” Ryan asked.

Pete let out a shuddering breath. “I’ll s-show you.” Pete didn’t look at the others before he led Brendon’s lost friends round to the grave.

They paused in front of it, not sure what to make of it. He didn’t know if it was true. “It happened last week. He got attacked in the department store.” Gabe said quietly.

“No, no he can’t be…” Ryan fell to his knees.

“You should come inside, meet Ashlee too, and we can tell you everything.” Pete said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

While settled inside and introduced to Ashlee, they began to tell the three boys stories of the short time they had had with Brendon. Jon was sat between Spencer and Ryan, holding their hands, all three of them with tears in their eyes, but laughing at the stories about their Brendon.

In exchange for the new stories of Brendon, old stories of when he was a child were given. And by the end of the evening, they room was filled with hearty laughter, remembering the mutual friend they had both lost.

When Ashlee arranged a room for the three boys, she made sure it was the room with the biggest bed. They all knew the boys were in a relationship together, and Brendon before he had been separated had also been a part of that.

They all quickly got to know each other. They knew Ryan loved reading and so spent a lot of time with William and Ashlee in the library, Spencer enjoyed playing computer games with Pete and Gabe, and Jon would spend a lot of time in the music room. Ashlee would sometimes come in and ask him to play something for the baby. He reminded Ashlee most of Brendon, except Jon was more chilled out, but they basically had the same personality.

At around 9 months, Ashlee went into labour and with the help of everyone (and minimal drugs) Ashlee gave birth to a little baby girl after only 3 hours of labour.

She cried the first time she set eyes on her. “I guess Brendon was right.” She said, smiling as she held her baby. She kissed the child’s forehead.

“Brendon had a load of siblings, he had a knack for getting it right.” Ryan said, smiling. “Have you got a name yet?”

Ashlee looked at Pete and nodded. “I’ve know it for 2 months now. I’ve known ever since Brendon died. If it had been a boy, I would have named my baby after him, but for a girl, it was always going to be Brenda.”

Everyone in the room smiled and nodded. “Perfect.” Gabe choked out. Pete went to his side, wrapping himself round him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. The two had become more like a couple in only the past couple of weeks.

“She’ll be a little diva like him.” Jon grinned, wiping a tear away.

“And a tiny musical genius. He promised she would be, so she has to be now.” Ashlee said, kissing Brenda’s forehead again.

“We don’t wanna disappoint her Uncle Brendon.” Pete said. “He’s watching over us, after all.”

For the eight people in the room, life seemed to be getting better now. They had Brenda to think of, and they had to be parents and uncles to the child. And maybe William and Ashlee would get starting on a younger sibling for her.

Even through a zombie apocalypse, and the sadness of losing their friend, they had found each other, and they couldn’t have asked for a better family.


jon/ryan/spencer, death!fic, zombies, pete/brendon, cobra starship, fall out boy, pete/gabe, the academy is, slash, william/ashlee, panic at the disco

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