It's Not A Side Effect Of The Triple Axel (I'm Thinking It Must Be Love)
Band(s): My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy (slight Panic at the Disco/The Young Veins)
Pairing(s): Mikey Way/Pete Wentz (very background Brian Schechter/Gerard Way/Frank Iero, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie)
Word Count: 10,356
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, overt fluffiness, bonus!Johnny Weir
Summary: If not for Alicia, Mikey never would have stepped on to the ice, let alone become a figure skater. Now, over 15 years later, Vancouver is Mikey's last chance for Olympic Gold. If he doesn't get distracted by snowboarder Pete Wentz, that is.
Master Post @ my journal The whole fic in one post! Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content
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