The Bridge by foxinmyhands

Jan 01, 2009 15:24

Title: The Bridge
Author: foxinmyhands
Band(s): The Used
Pairing(s): Dan/Jepha, Bert/Quinn
Prompt assigned: Naughty New Years (Kinks: outdoor sex, knifeplay, D/s, begging)
Word count: 13,006
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Vegan Coffee Shop of Kink AU. No, really.
Author's Note: Giant thanks go out to groaty for being the reason this exists. A lot of what's awesome in here was suggested by her, so... you know, blame her, not me. For everything. Similarly huge thanks to 26days for being a shining beacon of beta-ing.

Maybe it's a documentary: horny coffee shop owners and the shit they'll believe in the name of getting laid.

.foxinmyhands, - naughty new years kink, -- the used, --- dan whitesides/jepha howard

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