I am having internet problems, so sorry for the brevity of this post. Hi! Have two more bands I think you might like:
Camera Can't Lie are an awesome little band from Minnesota, reasonably well-known in the Twin Cities area. They play pretty straightforward pop-rock and they are awesome. Also they are adorable.
Tally Hall are a dorky band from Michigan. They enjoy arcades and making web videos. They wear color-coded ties. Their music is a strange mix of almost everything... it's based in pop-rock, but like to fuse stuff together. They have a song about the Olsen twins. They have a bit of a cult following surrounding their video for "Banana Man." (Which I can't post, stupid internet. But look it up on youtube, it's easy to find.) They are awesome. TALLY HALL!
The links on the band names go to myspace. I will try to upload some music for you all later.
Tally Hall .zipCamera Can't Lie .zip ETA: Finally, I have uploaded some .zips for you.