The Cab Primer

Feb 10, 2008 16:21

Originally posted in my journal.

I hadn't intended on posting this here because there's already a primer for The Cab in this community, but eleanor_lavish said it was okay this once, so. Onward we go!


TOP ROW, L-R: Alex Marshall, Alex Johnson
BOTTOM ROW, L-R: Ian Crawford, Alex DeLeon, Cash Colligan

(For you collectors, the full-size of that photo can be found here, along with some other promo pictures.)

First of all! Yes, this band does boast three boys named Alex, and they are all equally precious and lovely and wonderful, and I love them. EVEN WHEN THEY DON'T RESPOND TO ME ON AIM RIGHT ALEX MARSHALL. To avoid confusion, Marshall and Johnson are generally referred to as... uh, Marshall and Johnson, and Alex DeLeon is generally referred to as Singer. See? Simple!

CONDENSED BAND HISTORY: Cash and Singer make a band! People join! People leave! They record their EP, Glitz and Glamour! They give their EP to Spencer Smith of Panic! at the Disco at a show one night! Panic loves it and give it to Pete Wentz! Pete flies out to Vegas to listen to them! Pete also loves them and signs them to Decaydance! They all graduate high school and record their first studio album in Santa Monica! (TEENAGE BOYS STUFFED IN AN APARTMENT, GUYS. I CAN HAS FIC NAO?) Now they are touring, and their first album drops on April 29, 2008! Please buy it! \o/

And... that's that. (I solemnly swear to not use any more exclamation marks in this post. Except not.)

FBR page
thecabrock (official)
thecab_fbr (non-official, but occasionally stuff is posted here that isn't cross-posted to the other comm, so)


The Cab have been in an accident wherein their van didn't take too kindly to Wisconsin's icy roads and flipped. Read Singer's blog update about it here. (DUDE, MARSHALL, A TV IN THE FACE?) You can donate to The Cab Crash Fund here to help them recover lost items.



Born April 8, 1989. Singer -- as you may have guessed -- sings. Much like Patrick Stump, he had no idea he could sing until his bassist told him so. Also much like Patrick Stump, his voice makes me want to hold him close and never, ever let go. He is pretty much the most precious person in the world, but this does not come out well in pictures, so please watch/listen to some interviews and be amazed by his awesome.

Among other things, he loves pop/R&B music, sings Disney tunes on request (someone bring him the lyrics next time, please), and would enjoy a lap dance from Justin Timberlake. (As he said in the interview, he wouldn't enjoy it, but he would... enjoy it. Take that as you will.) He is an adorable drunk and apparently had some shenanigans with Lindsay Lohan (FAVOURITE VIDEO EVER, PLEASE WATCH IT). He has/had a girlfriend named Logan, and although I know nothing about her other than that she's short and Singer wrote a song for her, they recorded a rap song together that I listen to whenever I need a laugh. It is... kind of adorable.


Okay, Cash? is now officially in the Bad Tattoo Club with Brendon Urie. ilu, Cash. Never change.

Cash Colligan, aside from having an awesome name (it's real -- Singer has seen the birth certificate \o/), is kind of the Pete Wentz of the band in that he's most likely to be the one updating blogs and writing angry poetry. (Locked, I assume, because they're from his MySpace, which I... have no link for. My stalking skills fail. I NOW DO HAVE A LINK FOR, and for what it's worth, his birthday is on March 14.) He is apparently an "unofficial vegan," so keep that in mind when giving food to him! I have no amusing stories about him that he couldn't tell you better himself, so, uh. Watch the videos! Listen to the interviews! Cash is kind of my favourite, man, except for the part where they're all my favourites.

Also, he has epic love for this song. Just, you know, in case you were wondering.


ohay, I actually know this one's birthday. \o/ June 28, 1989. He's the baby of the group (AFAIK), but not by much, and would like all of you to know that he is finally growing facial hair. He is very proud of this fact. You're a man now, Marshall! (Also, incredibly pretty.) Um, he is highly lactose intolerant, and he's got a little sister named Kenzie, and that's about all I can tell you as far as factual information goes. (Although I can also tell you he has very sexy piano hands, and since he plays guitar, too, his fingers are bound to be callused. Callused, sexy, piano hands. I. Just. Ngh. *flail*)


(The last three pictures taken by fickleflower. They are gorgeous.)

IAN. IANIANIAN. ♥ Born September 29, 1988 (I believe), in Seattle. Used to be part of Sex and Violins, but joined The Cab and relocated to Las Vegas. I heart this kid a lot. He is so earnest and just a genuine sweetheart, you guys, or at least he was when I met him -- which, okay, isn't a lot to go on, but still. He was darling, and has been darling in every video I've ever seen of him.


He will rock your fucking face off. He is seventeen in that video! Just. He. *splutters* (He is also wearing leather pants, which isn't as hot for me as it is for other people, but. Oh, Ian.) He is so precious. I want one.


I don't have enough pictures of Johnson at all, and especially not enough recent ones. This must be rectified. Sally forth with your cameras, people!

Johnson is kind of a ninja? He's pretty laid-back, so he comes off as quiet sometimes, but he is wonderful and dorky and darling, too. As far as factual information goes, I know he smokes (along with Cash), and he has/had a girlfriend named Mandi (I feel really weird keeping that picture, but it's fucking adorable). He makes hilarious facial expressions. He is fun to watch drumming. He has a hot speaking voice. He went off on a wonderful rant about people with no lives after someone asked on a radio interview how big Pete Wentz's dick was and if they (The Cab) swallowed. And -- my personal favourite -- according to Cash, he brought back a girl to their cabin who thought they were Panic! at the Disco (ahahaha A+).

ETA: His birthday is January 13, 1989, and he dropped out of high school. Thank you to vgsweetiheart for the information!


I've linked a few of these already, but for posterity's sake, they're here, too.

TRRRGLT Blog Part 1 - This is the video that made me fall in love with them, okay. If I weren't certain their van stinks as much as tour vans/buses usually do (and if they weren't sick with the plague), I'd love to hang out with them for a day. Or two. Or forever.

Interviewed by Shallon Lester at the Highline Ballroom - AKA drunk!Singer. This is the video that made me fall in love with Singer, really. His fucking face when Lindsay Lohan is mentioned. It makes me happy. Also, earnest!Ian.

The Cab Recording Trip - This is an early video, from when they still had Paul Garcia on as guitarist. Watch! Boys cuddling in hotel beds! Johnson being dorky! Cash reaching into his pants to adjust himself in public! (Please don't do that again. *amused, but scarred*) Singer singing "A Whole New World" and possibly reading the lyrics on the screen and STILL getting it wrong! Singer, Paul, and Johnson throwing cupcakes at Marshall while he's in the shower! Marshall threatening Singer for being on the phone all night long! JOHNSON BEING DORKY! LORD, EVERYTHING! OKAY I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID BEFORE; THIS IS MY FAVOURITE VIDEO.

The Cab (sort of) covering Panic's "I Write Sins" - Note that Singer is sick and still can't get through a whole song at this point, so he needs the crowd to do it for him. Also note that his voice is still gorgeous when he does manage to sing. Ugh, Alex DeLeon, how do you exist? ♥

The Cab (uh, also sort of) covering FOB's "Arms Race" - Watch Cash rip off Singer's belt and (off-screen) toss it into the crowd. \o/ Apparently, when he went near the barrier, he also managed to lose his pants. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find video evidence of this, so I'm just going with what they've said on radio interviews. (If you've got a video? A link would be hot.)

Tour Time 11-27-07 - Among other things: Cash/Ian/Marshall OT3 of sexy hands. They are dorks, and Marshall has a tendency to do funny voices whenever he's on camera. It is kind of adorable.

Johnson and Cash on xtreme radio - lololol watch Johnson be completely stoic throughout this entire thing. That shouldn't be endearing, but it kind of is? I don't know. He usually isn't so stoic, I swear!

ROCKiT Interview with Johnson, Ian, and Cash - Okay, honestly? I love this video because you can see Cash's NOSE RING, and Ian is adorable, and Johnson actually talks. Like, a lot. Johnson, I want to pet your hair.

The Cab: Holiday Greeting - I... don't even know. This was the first video I ever watched of them, and to be completely honest with you, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Not enough to put me off them forever, but. Well. I love it now that I know them, so idk! Just one of those things, I guess. They are adorable and I love Marshall's laugh.

"I'll Run" with special guest appearance by Brendon Urie - Second video I ever saw! Mostly, I was impressed with how good they were live. This is pre-Ian, I think, so Paul's on guitar.

The Cab's home video for "I'll Run," with introduction by Cobra Starship - COBRAS. Best ever, man. Johnson shows off his drum tattoo! They are all dorky and gorgeous! Just like, you know, the rest of the time.

The Cab covering "I'll Be" - Singer! His pretty voice. ♥

The Cab performing "Disease" - This song didn't make the album, but they like performing it anyway. I kind of just want a recorded version so I can figure out the lyrics. Also, Johnson is hot and has crazy hair and is wearing an argyle sweater. (My bias is showing, isn't it?)

Some of the new songs that they've been performing on RRRGLT. They'll be on Whisper War, which I think you should pre-order right now. :D ($12. FREE SHIPPING, GUYS. SO GOING TO BE WORTH IT.)

That 70s Song
Singing Myself to Sleep
Hide the Key (renamed to "Risky Business")

And, uh, basically everything on their Buzznet.


They have said very adamantly that they've outgrown their earlier sound, which is kind of why I wanted to wait until Whisper War is released before uploading music, but Maddy asked, and so I shall provide!

Glitz and Glamour EP
01. Glitz and Glamour
02. You've Got The Nerve
03. Whisper Something Fragile
04. Track Four
05. Getting Old
06. Drunk Love
07. Innocent and Sweet

I like each track in its own way, but my favourite is definitely "Getting Old," just because it's so pretty. I find it kind of hilarious that a bunch of eighteen-/nineteen-year-old guys are singing about being "aged and alone," though. *laughs* Still, I like it a lot.

Lies, Lust, and Lingerie
You Can't Be Arrested for Being High on Heels

Two of their earlier demos. Not... particularly fond of them? I keep them anyway, though, because I'm a completionist.

I'll Run - Easily their most well-known song. It took a while to grow on me, but I'm quite fond of it.
Take My Hand - My favourite song. I've got it set as my ring tone. \o/

I'll Be (cover)
Hide the Key (Renamed to "Risky Business")
That 70s Song

All just rips of above performances.

Acoustic Session - Cash, Ian, and Singer did a little acoustic set for a radio station awhile back. Singer is late! Cash doesn't know English! Ian... barely speaks! Um. This is one of those things that just cheers me up when I'm feeling down. Singer is so snarky, it's wonderful.
Singing Myself to Sleep (Acoustic) - A rip from the above acoustic session.
Cab Karaoke - Okay, I am beginning to love radio interviews, just because The Cab are always amusing on them. But basically Singer just takes a bunch of IM requests for songs and sings snippets of them. He sings Aladdin and Lion King! And forgets the lyrics! N*SYNC! Midtown! Fall Out Boy! Panic! Alicia Keys! Stevie Wonder! I could keep going.

And, one more time, Whisper War drops on April 29th, so if you like what you've heard/seen, please pre-order it or pick it up when it's released in stores. \o/ *PIMP PIMP PIMP*


[Some of these are breakk_down's links because my connection is being a douche. I'll get my own up when it starts going faster than 10kbs.]

January 26, 2007 - Cashdolla interview with Singer.
May 10, 2007 - DJ Rossstar with Cash and Singer on the phone. (Pre-signing to Decaydance.)
September 2, 2007 - 107.5 xtreme radio with Cash (this is the one with the acoustic session).
October 11, 2007 - DJ Rossstar with Cash and Singer live in the studio. FAVOURITE EVER. Seriously, man, they are pretty much shoving Cash/Singer in our faces. I can't even. Just. *hands*
November 12, 2007 - 107.5 xtreme radio with Cash and Johnson.
January 29, 2008 [RIGHT-CLICK SAVE] - Fearless Radio interview with The Cab. AHAHAHA I'M IN THIS. /o\ This is the official podcast version from the site, and you can skip the first ten minutes of it since it's just music. The actual interview starts at around 10:18-20. Singer is totally sick and he sounds it, sadly. *sends well-wishes* And also, right near the end of the interview (~52:27), this happens:

RADIO HOST: Okay, well, here's the thing -- I got a question. I have to ask this because, it's, uh. RoyalTanenbaum [or w/e]. They wanna know... how big Pete Wentz's pee-pee is... and if they swallowed?
GUYS: ......... what.
JOHNSON: I don't know. He should ask his mother.

ilu, Cash JOHNSON LOL WHOOPS (thank you to tourgidebarbie for the correction). Please keep being snarky and wonderful. ♥


... is currently kind of sparse. Um. Check out cabfic, and lordessrenegade has written a few "five things" prompts for the Cab, among other bands. All linked here, and all amazing. :D
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