Title: Finding yourself by being someone else
alles_luege Pairing: Pete/Gerard/Brendon, Mikey/Patrick, Bob/Emilie Autumn, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, other minor pairings
Rating: R
Summary: So, it begins like this: Gerard is building a dimensional door in his basement, Pete somehow fucks it up and before Gerard can blink he is on an endless journey through different dimensions without knowing how to get back home with PETE of all people. He encounters zombies, serial killers, dying worlds, himself being famous, The Doctor and in the end he finds love.
Warning(s): angst, threesome, waycest, zombies, vampires, mentions of torture, also Gerard wears glasses
Author’s Notes: Sliders-Au written for
bandom_au , prompt 39. Lyrics taken from: Lifehouse, Empires, Papa Roach and Staind. Honestly I could have written easily ten more chapters, because it was fun and also because the possibilities are endless! If you don't know who Emilie Autumn is,
check her out! Posted in two parts for length.
Word Count: 15.669
tygermine (I only made the deadline because of her.)
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.
Finding yourself by being someone else