I've been a bit under the weather lately, enough even to miss a night of drunken debauchery I had previously committed to. So after a miserable day at work yesterday, I decided to finally go to the doctor and see what was wrong with me. Couldn't be anything serious right? I've always had this killer immune system that lets me be sick for a day max before going back to normal. Until now. The doctor listened to my tortured lungs, and he said to me, "Have you ever had asthma?" "No!" "Well you have it now!" Grrrr. Turns out a pretty bad case of bronchitis has caused my breathing apparatus to malfunction. So now I'm home, (fortunately its the weekend for me), huddled miserably on the couch and waiting for this cocktail of medications I'm on to take effect. Ick.
However I ran into this on another blog and I just have to repost:
http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=1848#commentsJoss Whedon vs Warren Ellis! The Ultimate Flamewar of Ultimate Destiny!
Hooray for Geek Proms.