"No Subject"

Aug 14, 2005 16:22

Well, I'm incredibly bored...

1. What is your name: Tony (TJ)
2. Spell your name backwards: Ynot (JT)
3. Date of Birth: 3/7/1990
4. Sex: Male
5. Astrological Sign: Pisces
6. Most Common Nickname: TJ
7. Occupation: Student, but I would like to work at one of the hospitals as a registrar or transport.
8. Height: 5' 9"
9. Weight: 170?
10. Hair color: Blonde
11. Eye color: Blue
12. Where were you born: Methodist Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois
13. Where do you reside now: Metamora
14. Age: 15
15. Number Of Candles You Blew Out On Your Last Birthday Cake: 15, retard.
16. Piercings: None.
17. Tattoo's: None.
18. Shoe Size: 12-13
19. Righty Or Lefty: Left handed
20. Have you ever been in love: No, not really.
21. How many people have you been in love with: 0
22. How many people have you kissed: 1
23. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: No.
24. How many people have you dated: Seriously? Two.
25. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Hair.
26. What type of girl do you usually go for: I don't.
27. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
28. If so where did you meet them: Not applicable.
29. What do you like most about your boyfriend/girlfriend: Not applicable.
30. Do you have a crush right now: No.
31. If so who is it: Not applicable.
32. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes, I've witnessed it (not personally).
33. Do you remember your first love: Yes.
34. Who is the first person you kissed: Confidential.
35. Do you believe in fate: To an extent.
36. How many siblings do you have: One.
37. What are your parents names: Tony, Michelle.
38. What are your siblings names: Jaclyn (AKA: Sibling)
39. How many siblings does your mother have: Four, Roseann, Cecil, Chris, Debbie.
40. How many siblings does your father have: One, Vicki.
41. Do you have a drunk uncle: Uh...I don't really think so...

42. Mooned anyone: No.
43. Been on a diet: A see food one..I see it, I eat it.
44. Been to a foreign country: Yes, Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein.
45. Broken a bone: Yes, right wrist.
46. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: Yes, filling.
47. Swear at a teacher: No...witnessed it though.
48. Dated a teacher: *blinks* No. *raises one eyebrow*
49. Thought about killing your enemy: No.
50. Gone skinny dipping: No.
51. Told a little white lie: More than that, too.
52. Been in a mosh pit: No, but I think it'd be interesting though.
53. Been to a concert: Yeah, only a few though.
54. Dated one of your best friends: Yes.
55. Loved someone so much it makes you cry: No.
56. Came close to dying: At birth. I almost killed my mommy too. O:-)
57. Gave someone a piggy back ride: Yep.
58. Been so drunk you don't remember your name: No.
59. Smoked: No.
60. Done drugs: No.
61. Been arrested: No.
62. Had your tonsils removed: Yes, when I was two.
63. Written a love poem: No. I hate writing poetry.
64. Kissed in the rain: No.
65. Slow danced with someone you love: Kinda, not really.
66. Asked a friend for relationship advice? Yes.
67. Had a friend steal your bf/gf: No.
68. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: No.
69. Done jail time: Haha, no.
70. Won a trophy: Yes.
71. Thrown up in public: At school, in fourth grade..on a girl's leg. I had a head splitting headache, and she was helping me to the teacher, and I puked on her leg. It was yellow. Wow, that was hilarious now that I look back on it.
72. Failed/got held back: Yes. Techincally no. My civics teacher lost a weeks worth of my homework, so he gave me an 'F' slip, but he miraculously found my papers after I screamed (literally) at him, and it was back to a B+.
73. Roasted pumpkin seeds: Yep.
74. Taken ballet lessons: No.
75. Do you wish MTV would play music videos: I remember when they used to..it was when we first got cable...
76. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: Uh, comedy?
77. What would your movie star name be: TJ?
78. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: 'March of the Penguins'
79. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: 'The Pacifier'
80. Do you drive?: No, but drivers Ed. begins the first day of school.
81. What is your dream car: Don't really have one. That Mercedes four door coupe is nice (can't think of the name at the moment). Or a Honda Element.
82. How many rooms do you have in your house: Fifteen.
83. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: Do I count?
84. Do you like chocolate: Of course.
85. Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: Homes built by Frank Lloyd Wright.
86. How many U.S. states have you been to: Fourteen, I think?
87. Best Halloween costume you ever wore: Either a pimp or a woman.
88. What is your weakness: Saying 'no' to people.
89. How many kids do you want to have? Five. Crazy I know, but meh. Screw you.
90. Future daughters names: Priscilla Roseann, Grace Annete, Shawna Jo
91. Future sons names: Zeb Allen, Gabriel Lawrence
92. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: Every time.
93. Are you a deep sleeper: Sometimes.
94. Your most overused phrase: _____ is gay.
95. Your thoughts first waking up: I don't think when I get up..it's routine.
96.Your best physical feature: I have no idea.
97. Want to get married: Yes.
98. Age you hope to be married: Doesn't matter.
99. What Turns You On: Nothing.
100. Best first kiss location: Does it matter?
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