1 Year Later

Apr 28, 2004 17:32

One year ago tommorow someone i considered a little brother died. His name was Evan Sabourin, he was a month younger than me . we didn;t always get along but what brother and sister does. He died of a lifelong battle with cancer, he was a month away from being 16.
i wish alot of times thati had done more, that i had tried harder to be there when i knew he was sick , but it was so scary to go over there sometimes when it got bad that i just steared clear, and everyday i regret it . not a day goes by i donlt think about him. I live with the regret of not being as good a friend as i should have been, i wish i had had the courage. Tommorow i;m going to the cemetary w/ sami, i wanted to go with his real sister my other best friend but the thought of making her cry hurts me to much, so once again my weakness consumes me. i;m so scared and i donlt know why but now that i;m about to cry i;m gonna stop talking.
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