May 05, 2006 00:06
So, now I'm home. Sitting at the house computer b/c my laptop is fucked up. My last nite, Sara, Diana, Adrienne, Daniel and I went out to eat. This was followed by finding scary roads to drive down and then going to a porn store called Nancy's Nook and buying some items. LOL. I can't believe my first year of college ended all yesterday. It was kinda sad helping Daniel pack and move out....and then packing my own stuff and moving out. To think, I'll be the last person to ever live in Douglas 602 (since the Towers are getting torn down), EVER. Blah, I can't believe that the year flew by like that. It seemed like yesterday I was moving in. It's funny how college starts with a signature and ends with one too.
Now, it's time for me to start my job (hopefully soon). I got my grades back except for the one in Music Theory, so far they look like this: Dance Appreciation A, Band A, Anthropology B, Sight-Singing/Aural Skills B+, French C, US History C+, and whatever my Theory grade is. So, looks like I'll be taking bullshit classes at Trident so that I can boost my GPA up where it needs to be to get that 3.0 for the year. I wish I had actually put more effort into studying. Oh well.
My Favorite Moments During Freshman Year:
- Carolina Football Games (especially half-time and dancing in the stands)
- Band Trip to Tennesse
- Walking with Sara to IHOP late at nite
- Late nite trips to Wal-Mart
- Discovering Grilled Teryaki
- The time Reid, Sara, and I bought a pie and ate it in my room
- The visits from Darrion
- Going to Saluda with Diana
- Getting my first speeding ticket
- Pledging/Crossing over for Tau Beta Sigma
- PEN15 Party!!!
- Jungles!!
- Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma Southeast District Convention
- Pulling an All-Niter with Andre
- Danielisms
- Going to Nancy's Nook at 1 AM with Sara, Diana, Daniel, and Adrienne
...and so many more...
I miss Columbia. A lot!