If They Only Knew...

Sep 09, 2010 03:58

Tonight in my training class, we did this kind of game where we answered three questions about ourselves, and put each answer on a separate post-it and put them on the wall. Then we each drew one off the wall and read it and everyone tried to guess who wrote it. It was the kind of party game that I think would be great while drinking (and I'm sure it's already out there, with thousands of interesting questions).  Anyway, while writing my answers, I almost felt the need to hold back a bit.  The questions were simple, but my answers were definitely just "on-the-surface" answers.  The question that made me think the most was, "What is your guilty pleasure?" We were told to keep it office-appropriate.

Reading that question, I could have filled fifty post-it notes. I even think I could have kept it fairly work appropriate, but it got me thinking, if only these people knew the real Ronnie.  If only they knew the kind of friends I keep (answer: awesome ones!).  When I casually mention my "dancer" friends, I wonder what images come to their sheltered minds? What about the first thing that pops into their head if I mentioned spending the night in the house of a pirate and a lesbian? If I even mentioned a tiny portion of the things that I've seen at Subversion or Conspiracy, would their jaws drop?

It's not like I'm leading a secret double life or anything, but I'm definitely concealing (though omission, not lies) what I do in my spare time.  It's absolutely nothing I'm ashamed of (so I guess the term "guilty pleasure" doesn't legitimately apply), but it's things that I know would scare some people off.  In all honesty, though, most of these things I see, these people I know, these events I go to, I'd love to share with the world.  Just a year and a half ago, they were a bit shocking to me, as well, but in time, I've grown to love this crazy world, and all the people in it.  Some of my best friends have come out of these dark, hidden corners of the city.

It really makes me think how lucky I am to have been dragged "against my will" (not really) to that first scary goth night. I felt so out of place, but at the same time, there was a sense of comfort. These were the outcasts that I would have befriended in high school. These were the people who aren't afraid to be who they are. These were the people don't hide in the shadows, but thrive in them.  I've never danced in public before that night, but my friend pulled me on the floor, made me start moving, and I haven't stopped since.

It's odd how nostalgic I can get from just a simple question, but that's just the kind of guy I am.  I've had a lot of great experiences in the past (and I try to repress most of the horrible ones), and on a daily basis, some random song will play, or some random person will say some random remark, and to most, it'd mean nothing, but it will remind me of something wonderful.  I think those are the moments that truly keep me going.  I may complain and be all emo sometimes, but looking at my friends, and thinking back over the past year and a half or so, I'm actually in a pretty good place.  So to everyone I've very indirectly mentioned in this post, I thank you for being a part of my life.
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