Turtles, Hatred, Happiness, and Depression. This Blog's Got It All!

Jun 25, 2010 01:08

I think the turtles were reading my blog. I swear, since the day after I mentioned seeing turtles every time I drive to work, I haven't seen a single turtle on the road. That's an observation, I guess. You know, really, all of my blogs are observational in some form, so constantly titling them as being “observations” is really no more descriptive than titling it “blog.”

I really have nothing of importance to say, which I guess is the reason I started writing. I felt the urge to type something, so here I am. Even though I have nothing to actually say, I don't have writers block, so I figure I'll take advantage of the creative juices flowing, even if they have no direction.

You know, there are some people I see around here that I just want to beat with a blunt object. I've mentioned some of them before, the guys with swastika tattoos are a shining example. I saw another guy the other day who had the words “WHITE POWER” on his legs. He was wearing a baseball cap with a totally flat brim (which just annoys me) and he had a goatee and shaved head (and you all know my views on goatee vs. beard).

Another real winner was this guy who came through my line, and he was with a girl who I'm guessing was his girlfriend, though I always like to think of girls who hang with douchebags as their sister who is nothing like them. Anyway, he was buying the movie “The Princess and The Frog,” and he immediately insisted that he was buying it for his girlfriend. I said that there's nothing wrong with Disney movies, and that I heard that was a good one, and he looked at me with disgust, it seemed, and said that he preferred more “hetero” movies. His girlfriend then bought a Disney Princess coloring book, so I looked at him, and very deadpan, said “You got her the movie, so she got you the coloring book?” She laughed, and he just kept his scowl. As they walked off, I said loudly, “Enjoy the movie, sir!”

So for the first time in awhile, I've got some happy news! Though I've lost a handful of friends recently, I have regained a few old ones, and they are better friends now than ever. I've done and said so many horrible things to them, but once they saw I was in trouble, they took me back without a second thought. Not only that, but they are throwing me a birthday party. This will be the first real birthday party I've had since I was a kid, and what makes me feel even better, is that it's the first birthday party I've ever had that's being thrown FOR me, not BY me (or my family, in the case of when I was a kid). When I turned 21, I kind of had one, but it was less party and more just my friends bringing me a cake and then hanging out (which was one of my best birthdays in retrospect).

This year for my birthday, we're having a hotel party during Natsucon. This is double plus good because being at the con, I'll already be in super happy mode, and a lot of friends I don't get to see very often will already be right there in the hotel. It's going to be amazingly epic and epically amazing, all at the same time! My friends are awesome for actually thinking of me for my birthday. When I was stuck at that church a few years back, they forgot my birthday 3 years in a row, so thinking about it, it shows who really cares about me.

I don't want to get into my church days, though. Those were my dark times, and I wanted to end on a happy note. I've been chatting throughout this whole blog, and really, I can't think of many happy things to end this on. I keep getting reminded of my undesirability. I joke about being awesome with the “ladies,” but I really am not... I even have a friend at work who asks me if I have any cute friends, but expresses no interest in me. That's the kind of stuff that makes me feel great inside. I have other female friends who constantly talk to me about their problems with guys, but all I can really think is “Why am I the one expected to solve guy problems without actually being the solution, myself?”

I just turned this all around, and for that, I think I'm going to end this, before things start going worse. Goodnight everybody (the few of you who actually will read this).
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