A Fan's Glimpse into the Ronnie

Oct 19, 2009 15:10

Not a great turnout, but at least a few people responded, so I'll take it.  My original plan was to update yesterday, but I slept later than expected, then I was just flat out lazy until I left for the radio show (I'm on every Sunday from 6-9. The Itch on 89.1 FM The Wood).  Afterward, I just got distracted surfing the net (as I usually do).  Anyway, I got two good responses... and then Scotti...  I guess that'll do for part one of... hmm... I need to think of some awesome name for answering questions...  Maybe some of you can help for next time.  Anyway, here we go:

If you had unlimited resources to start a new collection or flesh out an existing one, what would you invest in and why?
- Tassy

That's actually a pretty good question.  One part of me knows my addiction with buying movies, and that part says I'd want to buy as many movies as possible, and a giant room filled with shelves to put them all in.  Of course, I always feel like crap because I see my stacks of unwatched movies, so if I walked into that room, it'd be pretty overwhelming, knowing that 90% of the movies in the room were still unopened and unwatched.

I think a better answer for me would be something like costumes or masks or crazy stuff to wear on occasions that demand it.  Especially for conventions or theme nights at clubs (and even more especially for Halloween [more especially?]), it'd be nice to have a large selection of something awesome and unique to choose from.  I'm thinking like, a closet that would put Lady Gaga to shame (oh my god, what am I saying?).

Semi-related to that, I sometimes get kind of obsessed with looking at suits of armor, and different wartime apparel from the past.  I'd be the type who would totally throw on a suit of armor and go out into public, if the occasion fit.  I've spent hours looking up suits of armor online, and separate pieces of armor, thinking "if only I had the money, I'd have a room full of this stuff."  An offshoot of that, of course, is that I'd like a nice sword collection to match the armor.  Of course, taking live swords into public is not exactly... um... smiled upon, to say the least, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't have them.

I could probably think of a handful of other collections I'd like to have (I get online sometimes and stumble across awesomeness all the time, and end up spending hours investigating), but for now, I'll just leave it at that.  Now, onto question two:

1. What's your life goal (i.e. job, and hobbies you want to continue with)
2. Vamps or wizards (Twilight v Harry Potter)
3. What's the latest book you've read? Did you like it?
- Carolina

My life goal, I'd say, is to find a way to have fun, and to support myself in doing so.  That's a very vague goal, but I say, if you're not having a good time in life, what's the point in it all?  I mean, it'd be nice having an awesome job where all I do is have fun, but more than that, I just want a job that allows me the time (and spares me the energy) to go out and have a good time when I'm not on the clock.  I'd take a boring office job that pays well if it meant I could go out on the weekends with my friends.  I know I'm an adult now, two years out of college, but I missed out on the party scene when I was in my prime, so it'd be nice to be able to balance in a social life.  I just finally stumbled into it the past couple years, and I'm not ready to let it go, yet.

As for the second question, I think I prefer real vampires (i.e. not Twilight), but wizards are awesome because I'm a big fan of magic (another collection I'd like to assemble).  I think it'd be hard to decide between the two, because it really depends on the situations.  There are a lot of good vampire movies out there, so they seem to be a lot more entertaining.  I think it's because the stories behind the origins and such can be so interesting.  Wizards are good as characters, but there really is no great origin of wizardry, no interesting lore that people build books and movies around.  In that, I say that despite Twilight, I'd choose vampires for entertainment, but I'd rather BE a wizard.

The last book I read... was a long time ago...  I've kind of been slacking on reading as of late.  I have a stack of books I need to read, but always seem to distracted to do so.  The last book I specifically remember reading was World War Z, all the way last summer.  For some reason, I'm thinking I read something else since then, but I can't think of what it could be (not including books like my Bathroom Readers, where they are just a series of articles or the Bro Code, which is essentially just a list).  Anyway, World War Z was pretty good.  It's a series of interviews documenting the great zombie war.  It's great, because it used a lot of realism, describing exactly how the zombie uprising started, how the humans coped with it, how they fought back, and how they ultimately won the war.  It was almost like a history book of the war with the zombies. I felt like I was reading what actually happened.  I'd recommend it to any zombie enthusiast. I'd recommend reading the Zombie Survival Guide first, though, because World War Z does make a few references to the guide itself (and is written by the same guy).

Next up on my book-reading agenda, sitting on my desk right now are the first three books in the Wicked series (Wicked, Son of a Witch, and A Lion Among Men).  I plan on reading them eventually.  I know once I pick them up, they'll fly right by.  I'm a moderately fast reader, so I could probably hammer out an entire book in less than a week if I just put aside a bit of time every night, or maybe read during my lunches at work.

And now for the final question:

Why am I so awesome?
- Scotti

Well Scotti, there are many things that make me awesome.  I mean, I have a rockin' beard. I listen to awesome music. I have great taste in movies.  I've been told I'm like, the hottest guy alive.  You know, the usual stuff that makes someone awesome.  I've got it all.  I'm the ultimate package of awesome, right here.  I mean, can you really explain what makes a man, such as myself, so awesome?  I think, while your question is a valid concern, nobody can truly answer it sufficiently.  Science has not come up with a formula, yet, to describe how and why I am this way.

So thanks for all of the questions, everyone (all three of you).  Submit more and I'll be sure to answer again.  I think a weekly article would work, if I get a couple of questions a week.  This went much longer than I was expecting, but that's what my fans want, so I didn't cut it down.  I need plenty of material to keep you all satisfied until I return.  For now, though, I'm going to put my socks in the dryer and watch Jeopardy while eating ramen.  Fun times!

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