Happy New Year! I hope the year brings everyone happiness, health and your heart's desires. ^__^
As a variation on the usual New Year resolution, here's a list of my writing resolutions for 2007.
Imminent goals:
Post chapter 27 of The Promise
Post chapter 4 of Burned
Begin to post the ongoing, interactive saga of 'The Book that Sucked Too Much' to my LJ
Add to/ comment on current topics in Soul's Radiance, the forum Siskin and I co-moderate on ff.net
Short term goals:
Start posting more ficcage snippets to Banditscribe, my mailing list. ^__^
Finish and post chapter 15 of Leather and Lace
Finish and post Tasuki x Miaka series of drabbles/short stories for Tasuki and Miaka lj comm and my ML
Finish and post Hiruma x Mamori one shot to this journal (and possibly ff.net)
Longer term goals:
Finish Part 2 of my Voltron trilogy fanfic 'Bonds of Love'
Finish manuscript for original romance novella and submit it for publishing approval.
Finish and post the last four chapters of Burned (for a total of eight in all) by July.
Post six more chapters of The Promise before the end of 2007.
Post six more chapters of Leather and Lace before the end of 2007.
An ambitious schedule, yes, but one I feel I can maintain as my family (read: Fire Kitten and The Bandit) have dubbed 2007 as 'The Year Mom/Lynne Will Finally Finish a Fanfic.' *grin*
Of course, it will also help that my newest muse (a demonic-looking, artillery loving, bad-boy- hiding-a-heart-of-gold quarterback) will be standing over me along with that *other* fire spewing Fang Boy, making sure I tend to business and get the job done.
Thank goodness for Mamori and Miaka, who can provide a calm and reasonable balance for all that firepower...
*KL gulps and sweatdrops*
I hope...
Glomps to mas_tfoot for allowing me to use her awesome (and hilarious!) POTC icon... :D and to Incandescence, who's responsible for lighting the HiruMamo muse... ^___^