Nov 15, 2009 02:35 at a time, as I find time.
-Closest red thing to you?: The "bloodstains" surrounding Freddie on the Nightmare on Elm Street shirt I'm sleeping in.
-Last thing that made me angry?: One of my managers. He pissed me the fuck off Friday night.
-Do you have a temper?: I have it mostly under control.
-Last warning you were given?: Ummmmm... IDK. "RUN WHILE YOU CAN"?
-Ever been in love?: Yeeeup.
-Are you a fan of romance?: I have a love/hate relationship with romance.
-Closest orange thing to you?: The lid on my Mountain dew bottle
-Do you like to burn things?: *grins widely* Fire pretty~
-Dress up for halloween?: YUPPERS.
-Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: I try to be.
-Do you have anything against ginger hair?: No.
-Are you usually full of energy?: Not anymore. I stay pretty durn tired.
-Closest yellow thing to you?: The warning label-thingies on my bottle of Allegra-D.
-The happiest time of your life?: Hurm... That's a good question. I'd have to think about that.
-memory over others? Ummm... wut?
-Favourite holiday?: LEONARD NIMOY DAY! (Which was yesterday. :D)
-Are you a coward?: Yup.
-Do you burn or tan?: Burn
-Closest green thing to you?: Mountain Dew bottle
-Do you care about the environment?: Yes
-Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Yup
-Are you a lucky person?: Sometimes
-Do you always want what you can't have: Again, sometimes
-Do you like being outdoors?: Depends.
-Closest blue thing to you?: The Stitch plushie I sleep with. :3 *snuggles Stitch*
-Are you good at calming people down?: Erm... Prolly not.
-Do you like the sea?: OH GOD YES
-Last thing that made you cry?: IDK, but it was probably over something stupid.
-Are you a logical thinker?: Try to be.
-Can you sleep easily?: Not really. I've gotten better, but some nights I just can't get to sleep until 3 or 4.
-Closest purple thing to you?: The Gir clock sitting on my night stand (that doesn't even have batteries in it. XD)
-Like being treated to expensive things?: Depends.
-Do you like mysterious things?: YUSH.
-Favourite type of chocolate?: Hershey Kisses
-Ever met anyone in royalty?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO. (Except maybe in my dreeeeeeams)
-Are you creative?: What do you think?
-Closest pink thing to you?: There's some pink on my copy of my Pokemon Platinum strategy guide?
-Are you gay/bisexual?: I rate around 2 on the Kinsey Scale.
-Do you like sweet foods?: Ocassionally.
-Like play-fighting?: Yup~
-Are you sensitive?: Haha, yes.
-Do you like punk music?: For the most part.
-Closest white thing to you?: A kleenex
-Would you say you're innocent?: PFFFFFFFT! XD
-Always try to keep the peace?: I guess.
-How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one: I imagine having a court-house wedding if I ever decide to settle down
-Do you like to play in the snow?: I'D LIKE IT BETTER IF I HAD SOMEONE TO PLAY IN IT WITH. ;A;
-Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: Kinda
-Closest black thing to you?: My shirt.
-Ever enjoy hurting people?: Every once in a while.
-Are you sophisticated or silly?: A little more silly than sophisticated
-Afraid of death?: Kinda
-Would you like to go to space: DAMN SKIPPY. BEAM ME THE FUCK UP, SCOTTY.
-Do you have a lot of secrets?: Kinda.
*As the day draws to a close...*
-What is your favorite color?: I'm partial to black. And, recently, yellow. COMMAND GOLD HAS MADE ME LOVE YELLOW.
-Does the color you wear affect your mood: Nah.
-What color are your bedroom walls?: White
-You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colors?: Depends
-Do you like to paint?: I don't paint.
-What color do you think best symbolizes your personality?: ...IDK.