Stiiiiiiiill procrastinating.

Oct 24, 2009 01:58

I stoleded this idea from theamazingfetus

1) The DPAK doesn’t have very many memories before age 10
2) No, she doesn’t know why.
3) But she does have a very horrible memory anyway.
4) Because she has a bad memory, DPAK is surprised at how well she does in school.
5) The DPAK has only had one ‘F’ on a progress report ever.
6) Her mom nearly killed her over it.
7) The DPAK has never had anything less than a ‘C’ as a final grade in her entire education.
8) As you may have realized, the DPAK likes referring to herself in third person.
9) The DPAK also likes making her own sound effects.
10) She thinks you should too.
11) The DPAK’s favorite movie of all-time is Balto.
12) The DPAK also loves Lilo and Stitch (movie, not the show) and doesn’t care what anyone else says.
13) She likes to watch it when she can’t get to sleep.
14) And the scene where Lilo says that it’s alright if Stitch wants to leave “because everyone leaves” makes her cry like a bitch every time.
15) The DPAK also has 6 Stitch plushies.
16) She sleeps with one of them every night.
17) She also just realized she has Captain Kirk’s wonderful mug in at least 7 different spots in her room.
18) And Spock has at least 5 spots.
19) Poor McCoy only has two.
20) The DPAK’s room is growing more and more nerdy by the day.
21) The DPAK developed a love for literature at a young age. She often made her siblings and parents read her at least 10 books a week until she learned how to read.
22) The DPAK ran out of room in her small bookcase, so she cleaned out one of her dresser drawers to store more books.
23) She still doesn’t have enough room for all her books.
24) The DPAK uses another one of her dresser drawers to store all of her cards from various TCGs.
25) The DPAK has an odd obsession with zombies.
26) The DPAK named her first dog after Michael Jordan.
27) The DPAK was pretty much raised with her male cousins until she got into middle school. This might explain why she acts so “boy-ish”.
28) In fact, the DPAK’s best friend back in the day always gave her the male role when they played make believe.
29) The DPAK was once the Justin Timberlake to her former BFF’s Britney Spears. She’s not joking.
30) The DPAK also used to have Pokemon naming competitions with her classmates. Most of the time, she won.
31) The DPAK played the trumpet during middle and most of high school.
32) She named her trumpet ‘Trumpy’ in a bout of creativity. Trumpy was also a vampire trumpet. Don’t ask.
33) While she would never join the military, the DPAK took, and enjoyed, JROTC in high school.
34) By the time she graduated, she was a member of the battalion staff and had acquired Cadet Major rank.
35) The DPAK thinks that Digimon is infinitely better than Pokemon (but she still loves her pokeymanz).
36) kirihana527 is the first friend the DPAK has referred to as her wifey.
37) The DPAK still wants her sammich, dammit.
38) Thanks to the wife-thing, the DPAK has trouble saying the word “seven” without giggling.
39) Same for “day”.
40) And “fish”. Especially “gay fish”.
41) Really, she and her friends have too many inside jokes.
42) The DPAK believes that ‘42’ is, indeed, the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
43) The DPAK’s favorite meal is meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
44) The DPAK squeals when it snows.
45) The DPAK has played a semi-vital role in two weddings. She was the flower girl at her sister’s wedding and the maid of honor at her high school BFF’s wedding.
46) The DPAK loves kitties.
47) She also loves dogs.
48) In fact, one of the DPAK’s dreams is to move to Alaska and raise a sled team.
49) The DPAK sucks at bowling. She can only play when the bumpers are up.
50) The DPAK once skipped a class in order to watch Wishbone. She didn’t regret it.
51) The DPAK is as weird/silly as you think she is. And then some.
52) The DPAK loves shopping in thrift/consignment stores.
53) The DPAK now has almost no room for new posters.
54) And she is starting to regret buying the super-awesome Avatar the Last Airbender poster she found at FYE. Every time she looks up, she’s staring at Aang in the Avatar State… and he’s giving her the death glare.
55) The DPAK lovingly named her laptop Vexen.
56) And her MP3 player is named Demyx.
57) If the DPAK ever has a son, she wants to name him 'Ian Braig'. She just loves that name.
58) The DPAK has a lapful of purring kitty right now.
59) The DPAK’s mind is not merely in the gutter, nor does it just live in the gutter. The DPAK is the gutter.
60) If the DPAK has ever met you in real life and has found you attractive in any aspect, she has most likely had some sort of fantasy about you.
61) Mushu is currently giving the DPAK’s hand a tongue bath. :3
62) The DPAK has spent waaaaay too much money on her Star Trek merchandise. Yet she regrets nothing.
63) The DPAK has never played Kingdom Hearts II.
64) She has also never made it past the first boss in the first Kingdom Hearts.
65) She has, however, beaten Chain of Memories.
66) This has not stopped her from successfully writing about/making lulzy AMVs for/rp’ing characters from the series.
67) The DPAK is afraid of needles.
68) This stems from the DPAK’s larger fear of anything that can go under her skin.
69) The DPAK is giggling more than she should at the number ‘69’.
70) The DPAK has many different e-mail addresses, but only checks three of them regularly.
71) The DPAK collects “strange” stuffed animals. She recently bought a plush pterodactyl to reside in her car with Simba and a polar bear.
72) The strangest plush she has, though, is a cheeseburger. You can be jealous.
73) The DPAK’s first “celeb” crush was on Kyle Petty. Shut up.
74) It is now that the DPAK realizes she is running out of stuff for this list.
75) The DPAK used to be really religious.
76) It took from going from a Southern Baptist church to a Church of God to several other churches and realizing just how bigoted the attendees tended to be to turn her off frm organized religion.
77) She still believes in God. Sometimes.
78) The DPAK used to wear a small amount of jewelry. Then she broke up with her (now ex-)fiancé. Now she doesn’t wear any jewelry.
79) The DPAK is glad she broke up with aforementioned ex. Hindsight has revealed he was a complete jackass with anger issues.
80) The DPAK is a horrible procrastinator. But hey, she gets her shit done so it’s all good.
81) The DPAK may be nice on the outside, but she has a reeeeeeally ugly, hateful voice on the inside. Fortunately, it’s under control.
82) It makes the DPAK’s day when she gets comments on the stuff she makes/writes/creates/whatevs.
83) The DPAK’s mom wants her to get a business degree and apply for a management position. The DPAK isn’t so sure that she would want that. At all.
84) The DPAK really misses being with her friends in Tennessee.
85) The DPAK could stand to lose a couple pounds. She doesn’t like the little bit of a belly she’s getting.
86) However, she is too lazy/busy (lol contradiction much?) to clean off the treadmill to start exercising.
87) The DPAK wants to find a nice girl to date. But she’s afraid to due to intense homophobia in the area in which she lives. :\
88) The DPAK has major self-esteem issues IRL.
89) Online, however, she sometimes feels confident and sexy.
90) The DPAK has been contemplating on selling her old Pokemon stuff. But she doesn’t want to part with it as it is a big part of her childhood.
91) When she was two, the DPAK apparently fell into the toilet because her dad left the toilet seat up. She doesn’t remember this, but her mom won’t ever let her live it down.
92) The DPAK broke her left wrist when she was in the first grade. She had a hot pink cast. She still has the cast halves.
93) The DPAK cannot bring herself to like Wolverine after his portrayal in the X-Men movies.
94) The DPAK realizes that Sephiroth is far from a perfect villain, but she still loves him to death.
95) She also has developed a new liking for Kefka, even if he does remind her of the illegitimate lovechild of Myotismon and Piedmon. And just so you can’t unsee it:


96) The DPAK will never stop being amused by Venommyotismon’s talking crotch. NYEH.
97) The DPAK has a huge crush on Leonard Nimoy. Also, water is wet.
98) The DPAK can only enjoy football when she watches it with her slash goggles on.
99) The DPAK is excited to be almost finished with this list.
100) The DPAK loves you.

procrastination, about me, ze dpak is awesome

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